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TV » STEREO WORKSHOP 1621 i 10lh .144 1212 King m.'o * hoadt>0*HJ end padded fails $175 OBO 27 10-tpwO Schwinn Vastly make otUf M3 1503 Seagoing kayak 17 It ftbergian-^ 2 nai the tv butll in cockpit pump skirl paddle 1000 Men * wet su>i guener inch Hd»y«y 1v Fj SI 10 Ml $75 603 2650 THE PERFECT GRADUATION GIFT* Revolutionary new 35mm camera lakes 3 0 pictures' 466 160b mBUt OR TRADf will pay $t each or $5 tor 4 rainy tickets Cell Michelle 34S 3440 MEN WANT rjo thing \ CASH paid for i unwanted clothing No appointment t SECONO THOUGHTS 11W nth MHMJ1 ill •LUIiMfSH'I'Wii Can you buy Jeeps Cars 4*4 * Seized •n drug »a>ds to# under StOCOO7 Call toi facte today *02 S3? 3401 £«t S79 i960 Yamaha Oi moped ftloa/Whita GOOD CONDITION! Great tor §ummar $700 obo call tammy at 344 1404 GOVFRNMINT $11710 . 1100 Ford* Merced#*. 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OBO B.H 142 5740 80 CHEV Citation 2 d» Atrip Vf 72000 miles Runs Qtoat MUST SELL $t?85 345 5637 80 TOYOTA Tercel Good condition very rehab*# good service record new bies 342 2318 after 6pm 83 Honda Passport ixilm e«ced com! 2000 rod** 1500 Susan 746 7007 85 ELITE 50 Delu. i until boo Call Shawn 342 ’>#93 86 Honda 50 Rich .144 9927 evenings 86 RX7 * miles rorol tond 110800 68? 2259 '87 750 Ninja Showroom condition Ealras 683 4011 .50 BICYCLES - for sala 0*eroon«ck APEX rntn hike 20 1/2 frame deor* equipped *« ceueni cond 683 6596 FUN 88 MNTN BIKE WITH UNION GENERATOR HE AD-T All.UGMT MT 2EFAI FENDERS MACK ULOCk AND BELL 'ONLY 1225 OBO 345 960# MEN CRUISER Blue while *.»u $46 343 2950 TREK louring sport bike alloy component* email cond 1275 OBO Jot 344 4803 2 10 speeds Good condition. be*t otter 747 5871 liancN 12 speed 11 Rich 344 9877 evening* .55 COMPUTERS-tLtCTRONICS Digital Rainbow 100 with printer and hard disk SW includes MS DOS word perfect and Lotus ItOOO or Wo Rick 3420224 _ FOR SALE Sharp t’A lOOO portable Olectrootc typewriter with memory eiectnc or batteries $1?0 Call 344 8300 evenings Of mQ,nmg*_ HP41CV w/XFXN mod help bks stand 1 more Pe*d over $300 $250 obo W F 9 5 342 1640 or after 8pm 485 3119 iimnnoi: JL Likl now Hohn«i ChrwnoWCl ?Wc (•tail tuy Mktng ISO 937 2M7 Roland 0 VO Synth ? *»» 12S patch** padat cord* $1400 93V 2346 ._z NEW FASHION ETHNIC and •*%a‘r da »*gnar Ck»fh»ng n*#rf dattgna* clot ha* LiiOmOA MJ 2J2t NEED CASH? (FAST) Men & Women CASH pa»d lo* your unwanted clothing No appointment naadad SECOND THOUGHTS T7 W 1 llh •SS4S01 We Pay More Gentlemen's Encore Pay TOP doltai lor Man • and Woman * clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 TRY THE BEST 175 I GREAT USED BOOKS' 4060*. oil lift! price* Unique gilt* Beginning Book* 124 7 Villard <** .rot* Franktm Bi'rd Irom U ol Ol 34V 0920 no OlitDOOB BtMUTiOii Rock Climbers now Metotrus Hong Board 170 00 M3 1420 itsTMKL - STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST OEAL *% our best business We can hendle ALL travel needs* PAY TOP $$* CASH' for Domed Boarding Compensation BUMPS vouch#** i oupon* FWt fXlENT FLYER AWARDS ancl more* 683 8186 l A WEEKEND Round tup Met01 I Eugene Burbank Burbank Eugene j Leave 6f1 aRernoon Return 64 adarnoon 1200 Call U2490? 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Slop by 333 0»#gon m#»i Of i** 0*!»c# of A0» moro tb*n IMG from for no mor« »hj»n 1229 Of from ib» f.«*1 CoAAl for rvo mor» lh*o 1160 AlRMlTCHm *% r#por1#rk mommg it\ow\ fot (J#lA»»a CAM 212 964 2000 or *rit« AIRMITCH. 7901 BROADWAY SUITE 100A NY NY 1002S IT’S READY THE SUMMER TIME SCHE0ULE OF CLASSES So p*Cfc on# up lodAy* Slop by 333 Oregon MaIi o* lh«s * Off»c# JAZZLINE AUDITIONS Ill* MAY 20 AT 9:00 AM 353 GERLINGER ANNEX SHOW YOUR PHOTOS! EMU APERTURE ART GALLERY CALL FOR ENTRIES Open to Uudanu slat! and alumni Deadline: May 18 C)*t>p off 2 mat lad pnoloa to iPe 6 MU An Canary Pel ween 1 00pm and 00pm More information? Call Will Wh.i# at 6B6 4000 0tivcUj MroacC y.v ON UO PROGRAMS (of one Of more querfert Earn UO C'edd Use your financial aid For more information contact Office of international Services 330 Oregon Man «J20G 215 HELP WANTET CMIIOCARE/MOUSCKEEPER 13 and 8 ,n4»s old my east Spungfield home Overnight 3 4 days per week some days And weekends Permanent basis Send letter qualification* references and pay Resident P O Boa 1081 Spnngtietd OR 97478 215 DANCE OREGON* of If* Associated Student* Of the Un«v*r»ity Of Oregon wishes to employ * Student Admmi* tr«t.v«? Director tor the at adem.t year *960 90 Jot» descriptions are ava>«abfe «n GRX 161 and in Suite 4 EMU The closing date tOf application* it May 22 1969 Interview* w«»l beam May 25 1989 for information cab 686 3386 CK 686 4149 Minorities and alter abled in dividual* are encouraged lo apply HEIR WANTEO Sales/deMeery person fo» bakery poods Needs lo be available Moftfn 6*m I2n«x>n hourly wage* plus commission alter naming period Please call for interviews 1'«« 3 30pm Mon Fn ask for Qofty 4ft4 166? MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN now accepting application* tor Sum m#r or Fan term mart Must have mi r.focomputef savvy and good com mu mcatron skills Apply room 250 Computing Center NANNY POSITIONS Board navel & other benefits The Nanny Connection 344 4t56 _____ NANNY POSITIONS Board travel & other benefits The Nanny Connection 344 4156 _ STUOENTEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY HOUSING UNIVERSITY OF OREGON RESIDENT ASSISTANT SUMMER SESSION 89 These positions begin Friday June 16 i960 and end either Saturday Aug t2 or Saturday Sept 2 t989 SALARY Full room and board in a smgte room in University residence h«u plus 120 pei month HOURS Duty hour?, are appro* 3 times per week on call hours daily DUTIES Fulfillment of all itams m Resident Assistant job description during the Summer session period QUALIFICATIONS Registered U of O student not on academic probation Preference will b* given lo qualified students who are enrolled for summer session APPLICATIONS Available at Ijmvervty Housing Office. Walton Compte* Completed applications are to be turned in no later than Tuesday May 23 1989 at me University Housing Office TOR TURTHER INFORMATION CALt 686 4277 | Affirmative Action i Equal Opportunity Employer 1... . , . The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for 1989 1990 staff positions A minimum of 20 25 hours a week •* requited The positions offer a monthly stipend plus upper division credits ESCAPE is a student run organisation that offers practicum upper division credits for doing services in non profit organza tions and public schools The follow mg positions are available Director. Assistant Director. Registration and Campus Awareness Coordinator. Of tic# Manager Public School Division Head*. Public Schools QTF*. ESCAPE is an Affirmative Act»on/£quai Oppor tunity Employer __ TRACK TOWN PIZZA immediate opening tew delivery dnv era end fn house pi i/a makers flem t>ie pan time or full time shifts Musi txf able to work late mghls. Apply at TTP 1809 Franklin BUd NO CALLS! Why settle for lass than the bast!?! mMMMZI— Teech u* how lo um IBM Compatible Tandy 1000 W« Ml loot? 17 00 per hour our homo 342 JIS1 Day and Lesbian Alliance two summer directors and two 1969 90 director* We encourage lesbian* 9*V men womon people of color differently abted and non trad*hcmai students to apply GALA is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Application* m Rm 3t9 EMU Qoadtme May 24___ The ESCAPE Field Studies Pro-am ha* openings tor Pubic School® and Human Service Division Heads »0» tha year ot 1969 90 These two positions t* quire interpersonal communication group process self motivation and tha ability to motivate others Respor sibmties include training and supervi non ot 6 t0 coordinators placing 100 200 University volunteers »ach term probiam solving documentation of division busmass curriculum davai opment and participation is several committee* This is a unique opportu nity to gam skulls tn policy making public relations and group facilitation Commitment is a mm of 25 hrs per week Compensation credit and sti pends available Application deadline •s May 26 For more information call 686 4351 Applications available m ES CAPE otfice Mm EMU Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer DANCERS WANTED lor Jiggles Tavern Oregon s nicest first class club High earnings potential Full or pad time 10 years plus Call Jim or les for personal interview 2165 W Mth ,1444>897 _ SUPPORT STAFF NEE0E0 for small residential training homes lor adoies cents and adults with severe develop mental disabilities Part time, full-time and live m position available Apply at 45 W Broadway Suite 201. M F. {35 »0W0ftKStUDr POSITIONS" SUMMER JOB Work Study certified only Gam practical skills in video production Must have flexible hours, basic knowledge of video equipment helpful Call Michael 345 1336 Law School Video Coordinator_ SUMMER TERM WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEOED IN INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Please contact Noreen at X3206 Work Study ■ able immediately and for summer 89 as Weight Room Supervisor $4 00 16 OCVhr Apply at RIM 103 Gerlmger orca«J_X4tn _ WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED f t summer term $6 00/hr General office work Possible position for coming school year Contact Carla or Debbie Uaans Office College of Arts A Sciences Room 114 Friendly Hall, 686 3902_ WORK STUDY POSITION computer skills helpful $5 ?S/hr Dept of Speech contact Edie >4172 WORK STUDY NEEDED SUMMER TERM Office assistant $6 00 $6 00 possible position for coming school year Dean s Office of Architecture & Allied AMs 109 Lawrence 686 3631 LAKECREST 1390 Mill St Very large 1 txJrm unit w/new car j pet vinyl and drapes E*cell south ern exposure in prime campus loca non A must see1 S355 GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. Very nice t & 2 bdrm units in well kept complex Just south of U of O Appliance, on site laundry off street parking S336 $425 Jennings &C° MS-2271 GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCLIFF Recently remodeled 2 bedroom lown house *n very convenient location newer appliances carpet nice lawns Must see to appreciate Call 461 2116 for details Only $336_ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU bap break, mr president P^NET PASSED. BUT I’VE QOT CALLS IN TO THE STUPtO HEADS OR AU THE OTHER MAJORS AHPA LOT OR THESE. 6UYS OWE ME' \ These things takb time, OkAy' SO PONT GET POLONI OKAY' RONNIE' HEY, KJP, MHO LOVES YA T l/JIU- YOU TELL ME THAT. BABE • U/HO LOVES YOU2 WHAT* UH. NO, SIR. MR SPiELBERG I'M NOT RETURNING IW MARJN6 A CAUFROM | PASSAT LAST YEAR if Last day of class J What a relief /sense % Something good \ Homemade * Wholesome J BUTCHER | BLOCK DELI FREE DELIVERY J 484-9867 j Franklin A E. 13th j