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For Rani 145 Cars/Cycies/Scooters 150 B'CyUas 155Com putart/Eiactronica 160 Sound Sysiams 165 Instruments 170-Resale Clothing 175 Boohs 185-Ski Equipment 190 Outdoor Racraation 195 Travel 200 Ridas A Ridars 205 Weak end Getaways 2lDOpportumti«8 215 Help Wanted 22D Work Study Positions 225-Apfs /Duplexes 230 Quads 23S Houses 240 Rooms 245 Real Estate 25DMoving Salas 255 Dorm Contract ""WHiiey w*nt*<5 »SCmw c*• 275 £*♦«!» 280 Arif A fnt#rt<»inm*n| 246 Food 4 Oin* 290 Maalth 4 Fi»n*»» 296 4 Body Wcw% 300Coon*#hnfl 306 S*'v*c*t ^BORED?? Check out the movie* In Mellon 260 KIM Tj AGROSOUL SATURDAY 11 PM U.O. I0 REQUIRED NO COVER AT ■iT.1 H«ppv 190» B*cfct WacEi m«m»v op« It » a full *nooo you'll fihd iov« soon* tow Er*d A Gtoiga DID YOU KNOW? { Ev#n though you df* •nroflml spong le«rt. you n*»d to hi* An INTENT TO REGISTER CARO ' you <*> planning ! to dttond Ihn SUMMER SESSION • I Tht*r«* i» 91*M lim* to (JO II 40 »lop by J33 O<»goo Hall ot th* Othca of *wm.. : •wtfy t m IOO tha Hash can i« 4i «ay* ova* Howtng Why don l me Qet a (HOO** 0«a7 _____ SkippT_ JkZ «ouM3 i*K# to congraiutata tft I at) Hu ah CouftMHO't SlMty iHti Sally Paaeocfc Dabby Hi»l ______ EUGENI PREGNANCY MO TUNE i ' *•r» CaM MS 0400 1.16 C Hlb fugana MICE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOIT INTERNATtONAl CHILDREN S SERVICES CALL SANOY M7 2202 COLLECT) GAMMA PHI BETA KERI JOHNSON Hippy 20lb Birthday’* loaa ya Tammy HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALCOM X YOUR MEMORY LIVES ON IN SOME OF US' TIM & SCOTT MO & IVAN rnmmi — Ch4 Airbond Congratulation* on Winning 2nd ptoco" Wo 0(0 *o proud of you* Toni Sitloit PI ANNt O PARENTMOOO tor Pop infection choc* birth control A coonooling Ooyr» \ eveni^ga 144 941 l PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER St SStON» Don’t forgot to fife you» INTfNT TO REGISTER CARO Stop by Oregon Midi cm tho Offico of AdmitfMOnt PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Froo Prognoncy Tooting BIRTHRIGHT to! MSI PROBLEMS? Tefephooe hotting for U of 0 student* 5pm to Bom every night oml oil day wgofcendn Sine tty confidential CRISIS CENTER 6M44M RUSH COUNSELOR APPLICATIONS DUE FRI19TH 5:00 IFC OFFICE L'*K WE RE PSYCHED FOR CANOE FETE! M HI SOMlWHrRl IN I Ml WORLD . *>th t red toon*I «* ?1 today Nappy 0 D«v *itudpupiwt Stgned M*dimi X los Ptwsomis - ATTENTION ALL TCF H»w*vilion tor Fall (Wt'laiiei Tuea May 23 9 Gi>ly of Oregon Student t Health cooler 686 4441 Lem County Health div»»io« 66? 40U ANONYMOUS TESTlNQ White Hod C*»n>v 342 625* j AIDS INFO Shanft 342 V.V68 SUMMER HOUSING $100 a month 851 E.15th Call 485 1631 Lots of Summer Activities The Oregon Crew Team* are tough fun dedu atari and fail 111 been a hiKk of a year gang III milt you Good HONEY VARIETY SHOW TONITE 7:00 HULT CENTER $3.50 EVERYONE WELCOME! CANOE FETE TOMORROW H*«# Canoe* at Ouch Pond by 2 00 lor fudging no LOSf & FOUND - LOST .rival! j<.iy Mien .found 14th \ A'.,|f>. A t> pm Mon May toil on Campui Sterling stiver cha.n k br* .'let inscription Beatfoe Rljg-a. Sentimental value It found please return to Romance Languages TIME FOR A RESUME. We know its a busy time for you l ink'to celebrate turn to min i Hut it s als<»time to look to tin Intuit kinkos i .in lK*lp \t hi prepare ft »r uHir future We have a wide range nt special! \ papers ami matt lung envelopes to give your resunk' ilk |vrofessKmal lm»k it deserves ( i Mm by ami see us today 11k re s no time like ilk present kMco'S’ Great copies Great people. Bring in ad and receive: s2.00 OFF A Resume offer expires June 15, 1989 Open 24 Hours 860 E. 13th 344-7894 Up to 60 University of Oregon students may already have the AIDS virus. Thousands more are putting themselves at risk by ignoring the truth: AIDS is something that affects us all. Practice safe sex, and take the chance out of ADS. For more information, call the Health Education line at 686-4456. Sponsored by the Student Health Center. ADS. TAKE IT PERSONALLY!