Sports Ducks ready to challenge UCLA for Pac-10 crown this weekend By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter For the first time since ltfHti. someone other than UCLA could walk away with the men's Pacific-10 Conference track crown when the meet concludes Sunday at Stanford Stadium. Oregon, which was the last team other than the Bruins to win the conference title, will give UCLA n strong test in Sat urday's and Sunday’s meet Any chance of a Duck title would probably disappear if Oregon should stumble in any one event, however. "UCLA will probably be the favorite," said Duck head coach Hill Dellinger. "If we don't fall flat on our face, there's no reason why we can't win. We can’t afford to have one guy stub his toe if we want to win the meet." Oil in Berry will lead Ore gon's effort at the conference ti tle. Herrv is the defending champ in the long jump and the two-time defending champ in the triple jump. He owns the best mark in both events this season and, along with team mate Spencer Williams, should bring the Ducks plenty of points. With Mike Marsh and Steve Lewis, a 400-meter gold medal ist in the 10H8 Olympics, the Bruins should dominate the sprints. UCl-A will also be very tough in the shot put and dis cus. with three throwers among the top six. Oregon's Jose deSouza is the defending conference champ in the shot put. but has a best of only 58-8v* this year, the fifth best conference throw. If deSouza could repeat his per formance in the shot and come away with big points in the dis cus, the Ducks could be on their way to the title. The Ducks should also come away with big points in the jav elin. hammer and distance races. Art Skipper and jack Byrne hold the second and third spots in the Pac-10 in the javelin, and hammer throwers Eric Finch and Scott McGee will battle it Open 24 Hours kinko's copies Great people 860 E 1Jtn 504 7894 * WUNDCRUWD * Cut AT FOB PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5^uincn ALL GAMES WORK £VIUtU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION M 40 STM STRUT PUILIC MARKET -jrw ^ EU6IRI • IIS-I4M ^ THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it1 SunShomer on campus miuMMf «>*•* H »<*>o » oul with Washington State's strong contingent Freshman Alan Foster quali fied for the NCAA meet last week in the 1.500 meters Fos ter and teammates Colin Dalton and Frit. Peterson are all con tenders in the metric mile Loads of points will also come from Danny la»pez in the stee plechase and Peter Fonseca and Brad Hudson in tin1 5.OIK) and 10.000 On the women's side, it should again be the Bruins, the two-time Pac-10 champs Ore Hon head roach Tom Heinonrn feels the Ducks sire solid enough to repeat their second plat e performance of a year ago "UCLA could lie ho too points better than everyone else if they choose to," Heinonen said "It should Im* interesting lietvveen us, USC and Arizona for second. I think we can nick el and-dime USC for points (for second) " Defending NCAA c hamp |ill Turn to Track, Page 12 ---- Club cyclists expect to do well nationally The Oregon club cycling team leaves today for Colora do Springs. Colo., to partici pate in the Collegiate Na tionals this Saturday and Sunday. Hrad Gephard, Steve Mar cy. Dave Campbell. Michael Keep and Peter Corrigan will represent the men’s team on _Club Sport the trip, while Karen Claeys. Katie Marcy and Cameron Mlanchard will represent the women's team. "We should be right there in the thick of things." Campbell said. "I expect us to finish in the top three teams." The men’s squad will compete in a 25-team field, with five members on each learn. The individuals' cate gory will feature a 50-man field. Men's competition will in clude a 05-mile mad race, which takes place Saturday at 9:00 a.m.: a 12-mile learn trial on Sunday at 8:30 a.m.; and a 40-mile criterion! on Sunday at 3 p.m. The Ducks have been mak ing a lot of noise lately, such as when Gophard won I he larva Lands 7.1'inih- road race in Bend on April to and took second in the (lateway to the Wilderness criterion! in Grants Pass on 13-14 Campbell took top honors in the Tree Top race, held May 7 in Yakima, Wash, "We have a really good team." Campbell said "Definitely the best we've fielded in a long time List year we sort of finished in the middle of things, but this year we have all catego ry-two riders, and we expect to do very well at Nation als." The women's competi tion. which fields three members on each team, will feature a 45-mile road race to hr* run on Saturday at the Air Force Academy circuit in Colorado Springs and a 12-mile team trial and a 25 mile criterium on Sunday. Cluevs leads the way for the Ducks. The club sports cycling team is sponsored by Nike and by Collin's Cycle Shop. •COUPON 500 OFF ANY SUB SANDWICH Not valid with other discounts or coupons (expires 6/2/89) 1225 ALDER * 345-2434 COUPONi BOYCOTT PAUL S BICYCLE SHOP? IrAin.-s HitrYciJc mkh* 1—r~" i—i— Several Big Timber Compamias recently called for a boycott of businesses which have supported the Oregon Natural Resources Council. Paul's Bicycle Shop is proud to have supported the ONRC. Paul's Bicycle Shop supports the ONRC 1001 in their struggle to protect Oregonians from timber company greed. We also stand behind our forest workers whose long term interests are being sacrificed by the short term greed of the timber companies. Despite record levels of cuts our workers are being laid off while timber companies export our logs and our jobs to Japan. During the month of May. PAUL'S BICYCLE SHOP WILL DONATE lOt OP THE VALUE OP YOUR PURCHASES TO THE ONRC UPON YOUR REQUEST. 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