Men's golf team makes regionals The Oregon men's golf team has been selected to compete in the NCAA West ern Regional. Max 25-27 in El Paso, Texas The Ducks were one of lt> teams selected to compete in the West Regional, one of three regional playoffs being held The top nine teams in the West Regional will advance to the NCAA Tournament, to !«• held June 7-Id in Kd momi. Okla Coach Scott krieger will take Chris llob.gang. Bob Rannow Tom Smith. Frov Tamiya and om* other player to the West Regional Oregon finished tied for fourth in the Pacifit 10 Con ference championships with USC The last time the llucks advanced to post sea son play was in 1‘1H7. when they finished 30th at the \i A As Cavanaugh Commut'd from Page 8 umpires how I set up and which shoulder to lie behind." Cavanaugh said "t'sually after three innings the umpires have figured out that I'm left hand ed I'm sure since we're going to Massachusetts that I'll have to talk to the umpires and let them know ' She has some disadvan tages," Wilson said It's pret t\ tough for her to pi< k oil a runner at third base with a rigid handed batter at the plate I think her skill level more than makes up for it She learns real ly ipiickly While Cavanaugh was a "lit le (llsap|>ointee a little more intense Ims ause we re go mg mm so mem mg new "I think we got .1 good draw," she added. referring to 17th*seeded (ainnei tii ut and 1 ‘ith seeded Mass.n husetts "Wo |ust nnml tu stay consis tent and iwocute UV have so many options and are talented all tin- wav through Win or losu. Wilson likes what the future holds for her southpaw i ati her "She's never had to work hard hei ause things cattle nat urally to her." Wilson said "She's improved .1 lot this sea son but it’s si ary to think how good she 1 ouId he Need A Poster Made! t ill I ctu-r !’«•!let t i i! aphit ■. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 105 PERSONALS AT11 i EN Thanhs for a graat game* day* _Low, AZ ATTENTION ALL TCF Reservation tor Fan 89 classes Tues M,»y 23 9 12 Grads A Senior 12 3 Juniors Wed May 24 9 3 Soph A Fresh Majors only Bring proof of pre requisites_ BORED?? Check out the movies in section 2*0. m 105 PI EUGENE PREGNANCY HOTLINE in vides tree confidential testing tup port and information Call 34^0400 __ • Ml I PREGNANCY COUNSELING MOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN S SERVICES CALL SANDY U7 2202 (COLLECT) CAREER COUNSELING INTERNSHIP j Seniorsigraduate students with I | counseling of related i oursework ; i are encouraged to apply for the Career Counseling Internship at j Career Planning and Placemen! for j | academic year 1989 1990 Duties *>H 1 include dropm counseling j individual appointments workshops j and career inventory testing i i Training period in Fall If interested please contact Gina j Huston for more details at 686 3236 \ j Deadline for receipt ot resume and j | rover letter is Friday May ?6 105 PERSONALS - XA Proudly Announc** ill t<»* Spring Pl#dg# Clm Dun* 8*«gta T tn* Dillon Sftandai Qauttitftf ftofcyn Hulrhim C j»m* jKObl t a# Anna Slvauvar Mary Wane# GAMMA PHI BETA AIR BAND STRIKES AGAIN!! SpoctAl IhsiniiS to Mary Ann Dawn Tammy Holly Carol Kyfi Carol ft and might hava forgot WE RE SO PROUD!! Lova. your S»n«ar» ibVPERSONALS ConQiAtuUUon* LISA BART Cong* *luit To attend the INTER VIE WING WORKSHOP men! at <3 Room 12 H' GREEK SOFTBALL TOURNEY TODAY!! 3:30 at IM Fields IIIW* CONGRATULATIONS ON PLACING IN AIR BAND1 Muhtlle Pi*Ion Jocelyn Hale In Fleetwood Kit* ten Pete** L4u»j P«wry like Sound* Qtelchen Slaik l aura Oe L ton* PLANNED PARE NIMOOO t»«*ed counseling > -MM’' DRINK INC AM) DRIVINC CAN KILL L 4k 1 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRADE PERSPECTIVES-89 • Premier Profession*! Seminars in international Trade 9 C>ce*n Transport • Superior Training tinea 1982 • Taught by »ead>ng professionals • Continuing (.duration including Clf craditt • Co'ieg# credit at to available • 9ag*n* June t« 1989 • Sponsors Pod of Saatt'a Washington Council on lnl*mei«ona< Trad* Seattle Chamber of Commerce for further details contact Dr John 8 Ftimer Port of Seattle P 0 Bo* 1209 Seattle WA 98111 728 3310 Eugene’s Westside neighborhood cafe, featur ing home baked breads and desserts; Mex ican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price. Weekend Dinner Special —• Fri., Sat., & Sun. Tempeh Stroganoff, Braised Carrots, & Green Salad.$4.25 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m daily Breakfast til 2 p m .'Vrfl't 4 Jp The Man In a Case by f*uhf ur* JVrwur* vwh.Iv by l*» ‘.'ban fr t «n>on I hr ii j tt*in of improvement »vn i worth the Jjmjne o»uwJ by the it»*rupl»on May 19th & 20th- 5pm POCKET THEATRE (VilUrd I fell) 11 Jicnation l 'ir»1 by prnr»v%im '*< ftr»»d».iw4v l*ubbvhm|;( o Get That Touch Of Summer r Highlights Frosts and Weaves $28 and up 345-3491 WOLFF TANNING 15 SESSIONS *30 25 SESSIONS *45 o rf/ta/uer^ NAiK»riAiL5*TAririiriQ 99W. 10th, 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown 1 SHAMPOO, HAIRCUT J & l STYLE | WOMEM MEM $15 $12' 345-3491 1