Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Hoy Lum T CA
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Research coalition to meet tonight
Coalition for Animal* and
Animal Kcsi'in.h has a gener
<il meeting tonight at 5 in the
EMI i Walnut Room. Anyone
interested in educating (he
public about the nature of ani
_El als_
trial rescan h. supporting re
sponsible and human use of
animals in biomedical re
st-art h Ihe promoting the de
velopment and use of afterna
tive to animals in research an?
encouraged to attend.
The Navigators, an inter
denominational Christian or
ganization. meets tonight at
8 to in EMI f >dar Room E
Cirtle K International
meets touiglil at t» 30 in
Straub Room 155 to celebrate
its seventh birthday
Stuilent Senate meets to
night at it in the EMU Forum
Sor ict\ of Professional
liumialists has its last regular
meeting toda> at a ill p.tn. in
Allen Room 331 Business in
i hides planning a final fund
raise) and organizing next
iear’s chapter
Mortar Hoard meets tonight
at it in EMU Century Room E
to discuss the initiation cere
mony. All current members
are encouraged to attend.
University Democrats
meets today at 3:30 p.m. in
EMU Century Room A. Busi
ness includes elections for
nest year, purchasing and
Democratic Party event* i-ane
County Democratic Chairman
Siam Adams will be attending
Dr. C». Harper. D.D.S.. will
discuss implantation and oth
er surgical procedures in oral
surgery tonight at 7 in EMU
Century Room A Sponsored
by the Pre-Dental Club
"Walter Beniamin: No
Man** Land" is the title of a
lecture by University profes
sor Irving Wohifarth of the
comparative literature depart
ment today at 4 p.m. in the
EMI! Eorum Room
Political Science facul
ly/studcnt picnic at Universi
ty park is today. Eor more in
formation. call 080-4804,
Storytelling workshop by
Barbara Snow. Eugene Public
library children’* librarian, is
tonight at 7 at the Child Care
and Development Center.
1533 Moss St She will give
suggestions on choosing
books for children in addition
to story-telling aids.
Applying to law school is
liu- subject of a workshop to
day at 3:30 p.m. in Oregon
Mall Room 104. Students will
learn how to prepare for the
Student* for the Oregon
Marijuana Initiative is having
a "Legalize It” rally today at
4 p.m. in front of fkrndon
Multi-Cultural Women's
(lathering schedule of today's
• 11 am. — International
Women's panel moderated by
l)r. Hevathi Balaknshnan. Or
egon* State University direc
tor of Women in Internate He
velopmenl. Th« brown lias
panel will be held in the EMU
Gumwood Room
• Noon - One Kim; Day vid
eo to be shown at the EMU
• 12:3(1 pm Willamette
Aids Council presents "Wom
en & Aids" in the EMU Cedar
Rooms A and B
• 2 pro Barb Kvan, Wom
en Center’s director, will
speak on the "Myths and
tracts almut Eesbians" in the
EMU Eir Room
• 4 p‘m Elaiive Kim. UC
Berkeley assistant dean to
Asian-American studies, will
speak on "Asian American
Women as Subjects Objects in
the Popular Media" in the
EMU Fit Room
• B p.m — Coffee hour fea
turing women in the commu
nity in the EMU Eir Room
Deadline lor submitting El
als to I hi• Emerald front desk.
EMU Suite .WO. is noon the
day before publication. Et als
are run the day of the event
unless the event occurs before
noon. Events with a donation
or admission charge will not
be considered. Campus events
and those schedulml nearest
the publication date will be
given priority. The Emerald
reserves the right to edit no
tices for grammar and style.
Continued from Pane 5
ti\ vnlunli’itrs lu Intlp birds anil
Many of llii’ nimats arc tin
i ami'll sn thr |iiili|n tan lalk In
tilt* handlers and got "oyoliall
In emliall' with I Ilf animals,
Holsstir said
The \en /no will foal tire
|»nn\ ndrs a petting /.on fit*
11 ho111 rules nn I iki and a lull'
|)Ot)l SO people I .111 toll! II soil
Reisser said the New Zoo
rvnil usuiillv attracts younger
i hildren and their parents lint
lie would like to see more high
si liool and college students
come "Wildlife conservation
is an ongoing prrx ess. not just
a two da\ event." he said.
Beisser said ho would like to
sec everyone get involved in
wildlife conservation because
little by little humans are de
stroying the wildlife. "It's my
attempt to wake people up.”
Beisser said.
The New Zoo runs from 11
a m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday. Admission is $3.
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Join us at thu Oregon Kl«*t trit
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