_University_ Ingham: anti-Semitism starts early Local woman takes on cause By Peter Cogswell Emerald Contributor Isabel Ingham offered a ('.en tile perspective on anti-semi tism Wednesday as part of "A Multi- Cultural Gathering ol Women." sponsored by the ASl’O Women's Center in the HMU Forum Room Ingham, a native of Fugene, said she beta me interested in anti-Semitism when two Jewish friends informed her of the anti-semitist views they fell while living in New York. "Before then, it never o< curred to me that Jev\s were treated hadlv." Ingham said "Mv family has had a long his lory of standing up for Jew s Ingham said that being a non-Jew herself, she did not initially realize that non-Jews could lie hurt bv anti-Semitism It was while attending work shops that shi' realized that events such as the Holocaust did affect non-|ewish people as much as those who are Jew ish. "A lady who I knew wa not jcvvish stood and spoke on the Holocaust and what it meant to her as .1 person." Ingham said It was when she started to erv that 1 first realized that antisemitism affects everyone's lives, not just the lives of peo ple who are lewish." Ingham now ledums and gives workshops on the subjet I Ingham said the biggest prob lem is many people are reared with what she called filters that affect how they feel towards other people. People <.moot control what filters they are brought up with. "It is as if doctors dip babies into vats when they art! born and this dictates the feelings these babies will have towards other peoplt! when they are old er." Ingham said. These filters are what Ingham said are the leading cause of anti-Semitism in the world. Another cause of anti-semi tism according to Ingham is that many people have stereo types about Jews that are not true. Ingham used the stereo type that all Jews are rich as an example. "Most people feel that all Jewish people are rich," Ing ham said. "This just is not Isabel Ingham speaks about anti-Semitism Irom a non-lewish perspei:tive dun in; a Wednesday forum. Ingham's remarks were part of a nttek-long gathering sponsored h\ the t.SI d Women's Center. true The overwhelming major ity of Jewish poop I e am work ing i lass employees." Ingham said Jewish people isolate themselves from soi ietv because they tend not to trust non-Jew ish people "I have never met a Jew who has said they believe that other people would stand up tor them in a time of crisis." lug ham said "\tv best Jewish friends still don't trust me. even though they know how I feel about anti-Semitism " Ai i ording to Ingham the two keys to changing how peo ple feel towards lews in at tempting to bring an end to anti-Semitism are awareness and education on the part ot non-Jews. “We have to i hange our brains to cure anti-Semitism." Ingham said On the part ot Jews, Ingham said that they have to do away with the skepticism they have toward others Ingham also said that to cure anti-Semitism it is important that Jews do not pit themselves against other oppressed groups, such as hlai ks and hispanit s "It is important that people don't argue who is more op pressed, the Jews or the blacks." Ingham said. "Op pression should not divide." 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