► CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 21S HELP WANTED TRACK TOWN PIZZA Immtdialf opening for delivery driv «rs and in houM piz/a makers Men j b»e part time of full hma shifts Must j be able to work late nights Apply at j T T P 1800 Franklin Btvd NO CALLS! Why settle for lass than tna hast!?! I 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS SUMMER JOB W * Study only Gam practical skills m video production Must have Menhir* hours basic knowledge of video equipment helpful Can Mt< ha«*< 345 1 H6 i. aw School Video Coordinator SUMMER TERM WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED IN INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Please contact Moreen at X3206 Work Study certified psoihons .»vau able immediately and for summer 89 as Weight Room Supervisor $4 00 $5 00'hr Apply at RIM 10.) Gerimger or call X4113 WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDE0 summer term $5 00/hr General office work Possible position for :ommg school yea' Contact Cana or Debbie Dean s Office College of Arts & Sciences Room 114 Friendly Hall 688 3902 WORK STUDY POSITION skills helpful $r> 25/hr Dept of Spe**; h contact Edie »4t72 WORK STUDY NEEDED SUMMER TERM Office assistant $5 00 $6 00 possible position for coming school year Dean s Office o< Architecture & Allied Arts 109 Lawrence 686 3631 225 APTS.DUPLEXES LAKECREST 1390 Mill SI Very large 1 bdrm unit w.'new car pet, vinyl and drapes Excel! south ern exposure in prune campus loca tion A must see' $355 Jennings &C° M3-2271 Accepting Applications for Summer & Fall Low Summer Rates furnished 1 & 2 bedrooms, large, clean A 1 block from campus Student Manor Apts 1442 E 18th Mgr -19 344 4760 _ ALDERWOOD 1860 Alder St. Very nice large 1.2 & 3 bedroom units 1 blocks from U of O Available furnished or unfurnished on site laundry covered off street parking $240 $630 Deluxe 2 bedroom w S33S ARGE CLEAN QUIET ; he >ifc U Of O turmthad d»t usp iota of p#Y*(.no »OC»«K>« LARGE, CLEAN. QUIET i Iwdfoom one tMock U of O Big bain Kitchen * enter island fully Reserving Summer and Eali Call 484 4103 1 30 7pm Large clean 1 h.npi •*■ .jrnii Pool Pur. $300 summer rates coming Call Hillside Apt 4S5-7J7* Unfurnished one bedroom » ji.ne ; om.ng Call Maple Arms 345 I33fl LARGE 2 BORM ‘ ,i„. * a;.* »,>« LOW SUMMER RATES Black&tone Manor & University Manor SOUlh ' (• ’ -J I*. * •; rentals On itudios. 1 bdrrns A 2 Odrm* Larg»? quiet A clean 687 0684 MILL RACE APT 1805 Garden Avo N<-** .u’t* Iw-■ tKJfm fiats A town louses 2 blocks to U of O »n e*cetlen| oration Newer appliance and carpet Turn blinds, on Site laundry off street marking fbehmd Track town Pi//a) Call 142 7009 for detads and ask about summer reservations ONE 8DRM APT -ampus on 14th St air cond n?0'mth 4R5 787B CALL FOR SUMMER RATES 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED $235 1 BEDROOM FURNISHEO STUOIO $235 BOTH ARE SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE NOW* Call 343 4109 Renting for summer one two bdrm ipts and a house near music building Call after 3 00 Ridge* ■ d *pjs 688 ^769 ----1 SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES Call our office for current informa tion on available apartments duple* es and houses No Pets' 315 W 10th 686 1130 THE HILYARD Lovely one bedroom apt furnished or unfurnished Laundry parking Summer $280 Fan $300 NO PETS Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOC 686 1130 iUBLET FOR SUMMER 2 t- i r urnished apt w on site laundry >11 street parking A pool 2 blks from :ampus 486 1929 l Bedroom r..« .ib:-' - '*»'*• •••".» arge apt all utilities paid set unty Holding $360 $376 Eugene Manor 1040 1060 Ferry 484 7441 1220 Summer $295 Fall • m urmshed one bdrm 1 2 blot k w^-.i of ampus 735 E 17m 343 2114 $50 REWARD CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 f 17ttl NiC# eontampofary quad* units m watt fc*f>t compMm 3 Mock* from U of Q On sit# laundry nfflt OM par* ng Only 1505' Call 40M319 A»k about 5umm#r reservation* SUMMER 'Suiu T V*Q i*t month «>th Pmiii' Bath C*#an #rt view on 3 acre* *n W Eugene June 15 Sept t 1600 ♦ f|#p 34 t Ml? BROOMS j I »## futn.sNwl room (Pf.valn #n j I chiidcaf# and tight house keep mg j 1 starting rmd July through June 1990 j ! Witting |o work afOUfHt classes j ! Weekends and most Fndsayt oH | ! W in 10 mmules <>* UO (bike) on bus { lm« Lmda 464 0/05 Nice room* few rent - y ■ ft »uinm«i A possibly coming fail for mors mfo Call Chad Phillip* 4H*> 4695 Room for the Summer 2 M«>-. * s »• >m ampos 115mo c ail 683 1143 *■ ROOMMATES WANTED “ Fot Summer ig t>1*m wpnvate bath ♦ nlj;,rm or Marty 144 3/94 luaury apt sauna table co» ered parking Cat ok maid sve avail S200/mo Bruce 342 2M0 or 345 9265 ROOMMATE WANTED f . ■ i , . •iirmKer $180 a month plus ulrirtHK Close to campus For summer only Rooms tor rent House* 4 fi . • * if am pus June ifj Sept 15 Can Bob Grtelson 342 2282 SHARE EXPENSES 2 bflmvl bath M.I1, - >«.iy 2 blocks $190 e . VERY CLEAN A COMFORTABLE APT 10th A Patterson available now $212 4H4 6069 ?65 CHILD CARE ENERGETIC SUMMER NANNY tor two gifts f and 10 Need own transpor ration Call 345 8007 after 6 ?75EVENTS CISCAP PRESENTS ALEXANDER COCKBURN Nationally syndicated THURS., MAY 18 7:30PM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1166 OAK ST. $3 6 SUGGESTED OONATION info 485-1755 Doubles Volleyball Tournament - r May . ‘ ii« -lay Sponsored by Dub V(>l ley ball Team tail 484 2234 or 34 3 3009 HHDlE Vi " LEGALIZE IT! POT SMOMPS UNITE RALLY FRI. MAY 19 4:00 FRONT OF CONOON HALL ASOMI PRODUCTION MUlTIOlUUAAl WOMENS GATHERING TRuT (RflH Wom*« » Pa«#4 0» Ratal** SalaAm*** modrtiot Gumwood Room f MU Hoo* Qm f trt* 0*> »«**© EMU loMt i pw R**b R*a* Myfft« and Fact* About i*%tn*r>i ftt Hoom (MU * pm ffcan# Am An** Am*<»* Woman I* Tha Popular Mad<* F*r Room EMU •pm Woman « Cotta* Hoot* f 11 Room I MU •pm Coocart Chtnyt C*m#*w A Ju&i VogaHaog Da*»» McCaR* T«fc*Uf4 M tabroom A Si tnt*»pr*t*d CODINGS AW(30iH6S See section 275 14*t*n Amaru van Support LATERNURA DEL PUEBLO NEW SELECTIONS DRAMATIC READINGS LATIN AMERICAN POETRY IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH THURS. MAY 18 7:30 FREE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT LOUNGE, EMU 2»0 ARTS & ENTERTAIwWtlTf~ MUSIC TONIGHT WITH THE STRANGERS 25< Gourmet Hot Dogs % I«r«th pud towage I9TM A AGATE ?io ARTS A iNTtBMNMENT EMU Cultural Forum's 19th Annual Wiilamatta Vallay FOLK FEST ‘89 Fri May 19 Sun May 21 9 hr* ot muttc aach day FaatufMM) Foxfire 0B0 Addy James Cotton and many ioc*l regK>«*i par 1 of mar* Alto rood booth*. wo»fc«hop% mini ttaea and much mw« Fr#a admit non Ra*n t»« ihrno f MU Ca»l lawn Vvtl Mf» W ‘ l 1*4 M Mtxt*m 120 I GANDHI Th* Mu,,i 7PM THURS. MAY 18 177 LAWRENCE FREE OltCOUNT 1HOW* Mo t\ Tu W>>MlV MQhly ft JO • 64 „„ PELLE fo*i>o* him THE CONQUEROR ty / oo » » A1DAN OUINN ia CRUSOE Chw« TMf NAVKiATOH HJQM HO#*t S Tpnniyiiinmg WW* b*n*t on th* t*q t*r***n W» 4/ [ UN A l SHOWJONfOHI 11 40 [ Working GirlRJ ^^nWA^WO*^C*4VENTURE [limn UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents CABARET May 12 14, 18 20, 25 27 Robinson Theatre 8:00 pm TICKETS 686 4191 frcminnrcimn: women.' Resource and Keif int#m/ a til/nm*k*r \Nhrt« with h#r film Agy htw dwy »li«i to i« imO cycu» of s« twawnm to IWjriOi* UtKH %h* ihtQuiSO ttUttSOW* »lo th# i*4l h<* ThtM7i.ii Ilf# of Cell4 ,*Wy lh# two Jo i film pm 4fft4'S(ft tOf AQ in of th# movt# Aunt B# S##ing n of Agatha * anti |QA loi ##Ch olh«r f mat intimacy con <1*4*04 on# that #n tm*nt ti#tMtf«4 about ntuAfify to* wi>fft«n a* «t tnmvies on lh# na nmttn *n cont#mt>G*»*y «Ff mi5>'Ofi I ookitiq (or .1 tirllw blk**? 9:00 MONDAYS AT _s& JIJIIBIIILIEIE ■~V LINGERIE DANCE CONTEST $200 IN CASH AWARDS! * I ntr«nt« %ign up prior lo •»•«! ’ Jodg«» »alacl*d liom audianca ' Walking d*«t*nca lo U of O at Franklin Bind A Fib Si 345 E. 7th * 484 7181 MM providing a compel* snsf ot t«nr«c*» lo lh0 8itlt%h car o»n»i SF9 Garltaid Slraal I ugana Oragon 91402 (S03| 484 7043 LIFE INTERNATlONAUNORIM AMER ICAN -luth-'i p#« t*t longing* jru1 furniture *»oricJi*i422 F01F aboul siudnni rale* MOVING’ vg haul »hon h,i„' SlQh.>u» ♦ miln.iga pleat* can Will 687 930/ HOPPERS Thursday j CHRIS 1 COLTRANE | fir BLUES BLASTERS *" LIVE *** | Friday REGGAE ALLSTARS $2.OO cover j 19th (t Agate 46^ 3470 good on Thursdays 342-4972 342-4972 l 19th & Agate BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrke Breathed Pa? - / unary ^ mr ' J f ( H/ThtH ) ( rmrs a I pok pen*xw* ■y~\ i MYl*.