CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. mHtlE WANTED CHtLDCARErHOU5EKEEPER 13 and ft .ears oNJ. my east Spnngf>©td hr» |Om# days and we#k«md* Permanent bast® Send letter qualifications references *rnj pav Resident POBoi 1061 Springfield Oft 974 70 DANCERS WANTED ? • Jiggles Tavern Oregon % n«C*»! brit class Club Migfi earnings potent?*! Full Of part fim* 10 years plus Call j>m or left for person *i interview 2H6 w nth J44-3S97 HELP WANTED Sales/delivery parson fo» bakery good® N^otis to be available Mon Fr» 6am l2noon hourly wages piuft commission after framing period Pleas# call for mtervlswft 11 am 3 30pm Mon Fn a»fc for Dotty 4ft4 <662 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY HOUSING UNIVERSITY OP OREGON RESIDENT ASSISTANT SUMMER SESSION 89 i These positions begin Friday June 16 1989 and and either Saturday : Aug 12 or Saturday Sept 2 1909 SALARY Full room and board ir> a single room in University residence \ hall plus *20 per month HOURS Duty hours are appro* 3 j | times per week on call hours d»«ly j DUTIES Fulfillment of all items in I Resident Assistant job description j during the summer session period j QUALIFICATIONS Registered U of O student not on academic probation Preference will be given j to qualified students who are j enrolled for summer session APPLICATIONS Available at University Housing Office. Walton j Cample* Completed application* j are to be turned in no later than i Tuesday May 23 1989 at l he University Housing Office FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 686 4277 Affirmative Action / Equal i Opportunity Employer ____I Support staff needed for small res> dentiai training homes for adolescents and adults with severe developmental disabilities Part time full time and live-in position available Apply at 46 W Broadway. Suite 201. M F, 9-S Teach us how to use IBM Compatible Tandy 1000 We are lost* $7 00 per hour our home 342-2651. __ The ESCAPE Field Studies Program . now accepting applications for 1989-1990 staff positions A minimum of 20-25 hours a week is required The positions offer a monthly stipend plus upper division credits ESCAPE is a studentrun organization that offers practicum upper-division credits tor doing services in non-profit organiza lions and public schools The follow mg positions are available Director. Assistant Director. Registration and Campus Awareness Coordinator. Of lice Manager. Public School Division Heads, Public Schools GTFs ESCAPE is an Affirmative Aclton/Equa! Qppor tunity Employer__ Part time work available* • - " bly/shippmg/clencal For jewelry man ufacturer Send brief resume to JC jobs. P O Bo* 2021 Eugene, OR 97402 .... TRACK TOWN PIZZA Immediate opening for delivery driv ers and in house pt«a makers flam ble pari time or full time shifts Must be able to work late nights Apply at T T P . 1809 Franklin Blvd NO CALLS! Why settle for less than the best!?! 21S HELP WANTED PART TIME CUSTODIAN NEEDED ••>< fflpflirw downtown E ugene ©Thee budding Hours a** 3pm to 9i>m Mon Ffi PAY '* ViOO/ht G’*at Student |Ob $#nth a b56® >42 ’06.33M5 GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCLIFF 0*1#r#» app*ianc#1l C#rp#T ntc# Ifwnl Mull % for d#fa«i« Only $335 LARGE CLEAN OUlET . • 1 tw U of 0 furm»r*#d dishwasher d»Sp lots Of .pATting »gild4Cfc laundry 663 89 il) LARGE, CLEAN. QUIET 1 bedroom on# block U 0* O H'g *atk »n close! separate vanity and Oath. kitchen * center island tuHy fyrn«*h# covered Reserving Summer and Fait Cal' 4M 4103 * »7pm large Clean 1 bedfix'm units P • >" laundry, parting 3 bfocfcs east of cam pu* 1300 Mimm# rates coming Cali Hillside Apt 465 2771 Unfurnished on# bedroom clean quit* laundry A parting $309 Summa ratas coming Call Map«# Arm* .>45 1336 LARGE 2 BORM summer and if *i»h for 6990 D4N« $apf FOP SUMMER ONI V 4 tx»m 2 pik* ''wn campus carport *ta*h i At 3410490 to X* SUMMER SUBLET I bd»»n ? t>* houM * »«m* on 3 aera* »« W Ewg*n« Jun* IS Sapt t JftOO * dap 343 .Mi; 3 bad 2 bath oft eamput qutat »V rant to grad or faculty Sunw» Of yaar 4$*>?40* 240 ROOMS" j Era# fttmtsMd room (privata #n | "anca» and m*atn tn at . bang* to* | j . h«t***» on bvi“. S lift# Linda 484 0TO5 N*C# room* tOf rant ‘ » » Alton * ' summon A possibly coming FaH Fot more info Cali Oau PbtMfp* 48*. 4»9S» NOW" RrAt people fOf « »ootnt tn 4 p*f»on house 3 bloc Aft from cam pan Academic and musically oriented AchJ * ashed cNh>i* *i; morp absolutism for gal .! $160 and $140 UfJ Mityard. coma by !*ik «tfh Rob or laav* a mole MOV* tf> ASAP Room for lb* Summit 2 OKhm *«no' campus $1?Vmo Ail 883 33 4 3 maam 3 COUCHES »1V 121 $40 N » Kitchen tapfa and chaos $40 of her fttuff Cali 683 2S46 taare message /so nuuitiww i tfaw i tu For Somiwt ig txfrm •% j.rival# bat'1 and dm * Great ty v»e* WOO ♦ rt utilities John CM Marty M4 l,,4.W Luaury t |«cu: k . <■ cam put June 15 Sept 15 Cam Bob Grtetton 342 2282 SHARE EXPENSES 2 bdrrn t bath • 344 568/ VERY CLEAN A COMFORTABLE APT t9th A Pelter^on available now $212 484 6069 ?«"bHitbc4Rt - ENERGETIC SUMMER NANNY two girt* 7 and tQ Need own transpor tenon Cell 345 BQO/ after 6 270 1 mm GENERAL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT CFAAR ua ■ • mt s a •%> re/ t hi *. *j {imUM HAl S'UCtM’ jMrtW a»-virwT>te vecu* j CFAAR invites ell members end in { terested persons to Attend this gen erei mformetion end get aquemted J ! meeting CFAAR S Objectives ere j t To educeie the public. about the j true nature of emmti research and ! animal researchers 2 To support the responsible md humane use of animals in btomed •cal research J To promote the development ! and use of alternatives to animals in j research v m tvtwTs EVEREST: The Last Unclimbed Ridge Wadnatilay May 17 at 30pm in th# Outdoor Program room in lb# F MU L FREE _J Recycle this i ft ‘ paper. ~~aa Doubt** Volta ybaif Tournament May ?0 all day Sponsor**! by GUd> VoJ leybaH Team can 4 EMU NOOrt 0m fme Oay mdeo EMU Terrace Unlearning Anti Semilitm by »*6#i intern Forum Room i MU 7 pm Brende Wong Ao*> Japanese. O.nese Ghost Stones Wesley Canter 13 students IS non students Children under 12 FREE ASl interpreted TIMBERLINE 1990 General Intereel Meeting Wednesday May 17 S OOpm EMU Cedar Room Welcome Grads A Undergrade l atm American Support Committee PieMflls LATERNURA DEL PUEBLO NEW SELECTIONS DRAMATIC READINGS ol LATIN AMERICAN POETRY IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH THURS. MAY 18 7:30 FREE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT LOUNGE, EMU 210 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-2458 PtCOUKT IMQWt Su- Md *■> UWtfNV) ^ rg-nr MKM WfttNfft uir PELLE THE CONQUEROR. i Tif. v u^ytrininj CRUSOE TMf HAVKIATh<«m HQ«»tS w f fND* TtMMWfiDMr H^nay 11 40 ] l Working GirM lair N*flhi adm Fr Sa |3 Su!h*,*M) EMU Cultural Forum's 19»h Annual WHlAmaMA Vallay FOLK FEST ‘89 Fri May 19 Sun May 21 V hr* of music aach day Faaturing Foxfire 0B0 Addy James Cotton and many focaUragional parformart Alsu Food booth* worliihopi min* 41and much more Fraa admit tion Rain or thina F Mil Eatt Lawn Beer Gardens with Steven K. Smith and Friends The Folk Festival Beer Garden1 provided t D required MUSIC TONIGHT WITH EAGLE PARK SLIM 19TM 4 AGATE UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents CABARET May 12-14, 18 20, 25-27 Robinson Theatre 8:00 pm TICKETS 686 4191 305 SERVICES JIM S ELECTRONICS STEREO VCR 4 TV REPAIR 1457 W 6th 34 3 76A3 Open Saturday LIFE INTERNATIONAL/NORTH AMER ICAN Student personal be longings and furniture worldwide and across the country Call 1|800t4?? 7017 as* about student rates HOPPERS formerly Cilant Grinder Wednesday RIVERSIDE DRIVE $2.00 Cover xmzxrczizrnxzx HAPPY HOUR J 7 to 9 ! Medium I toppiny Pizza for $4.50 Rent one Movie Get ONE FREE (except top 20) exp. 5/17/89 ! 19th & Agate 485 3470 Call 485 3470 19lh&Agale BLOOM COUNTY by Berkc Breathed / 1M/K6CP \ l W*. A l cwk cerzcron / ^