CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. WiWUCV " CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOC OFFICES. 300 EMU 00 BOOKSTOAE STAMP COUNTEA EMU MAIN DESK PAYMENT All adt mu*t b* p**d for in advance uniat* a 0«»»tr%g agraerrNynt hM baao attabfithad For bitting v fMr>Q0rr>0*ltt pl«U« CflU MMJ4J 04 •top by th* £m*rinj 0##*d.#d off*c* 300 EMU NATES Yhraa Hn* minimum duvfl It 1370 lor IN* Uni imorHon and 13 40 lor cartaacvthr* In* art ton* 90 cant* par Hnt for th# tint day and SO cant* par tin* for conttcutfv* city* in* ad i* run without char pa 9 POINT {II JMlfUl 12 POINT |{1 M/tin*) 18 POINT (13 TOrtlnt) 24 POINT (3 SOrttns) SOX SOAOEN 11 MN3AY GREEK ANT DISPlAY^CUkSSiriEO OPEN NATE. M 90/INCH riMT DAY M 400NCH CONSECUTIVE DAYS Error* not IM Hull ol III* *# advarii* aft ra*pofi*»binty to chact an ad for error* on th* day* »l <« tchadufad to Tha Dragon 0a*»y Emaraid »* pubhshtd Monday Through Frtday during the at ad*m«c yaar (Saplamba* Junei and Tuesday and Thurtday during tha »um * ■ ■ ■ jJ^oOREO?? Checkout Iht movtti tn Met ton 2*0 mvm ARE YOU READY?? SERENADE TODAY! Judging: 4:30 Man 5:30 Woman at KE ATTENTION GREEKS INTRAMURALS CHAIRPERSON POSITION OPEN Apply at Suita 5 EMU AppMcallona dua May 23 ATTENTION ALL TCF M«M'v«!ion for f All iiaa&as Tuas May 23 9 1? Grads A Sanior 12 3 Juniors Wad M*y 24 Soph & Frash Motors only Bong proof Ol praragmsitas M USA KARNOPP Congratulations on placing 2nd of Saturday s Track Maal Wt ara all to proud of you Lova. Your Slstars UttKUl ml LAST DAY TO GIVE BLOOD Today, May 17 10:00am • 3:30pm EMU FIR ROOM GIVE BLOOD.... It* the gift of Ilf* DID YOU KNOW? Evan though you am antoMod apnno t*fm. you naad to fMa an INTENT TO REGISTER CARO t1 you ra ptanmng to attand tha SUMMER SESSION Thai# t» tuff tim# to do it to atop by M3 Dragon Mali o* tha Offtca of Admit »»on» Do you fvava quattiont about Sobatanca Abuaa. Adult Chitdran of Alcoholics Godapandaocy? Call tha HaaNfc Education Canto* at ih# Studant Haatth Canto* 68A4456 for an appoint man t ____________ M would like to congraluiata tit n«»*st mamba* t Haathar Cola MKRa 01 dank amp Nina Yalta*_____ EUGENE PREGNANCY NOT LINE ; vidas f*aa cont»dant»ai tasting tup pod and informalton Cali 34SD400 316 E nth Fijoana FAITH H. Girtfnend. you re right he i» Ju*t A c* nine runnin round *n heat We *« had the real now »l * time we Had the bait' We H John A James A qo jamboo «n Sun River' Thanks hon love ye* _ The Other Blonde Chick _ FREE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTf RNATtONAL CHILDREN'S Sf RVICE5 CALL SANDY M7 2202 (COLLECT) GAMMA PHI BETA We ere »o proud ot you' Congral* on winning Air Band end good luck to» the reel of the week* The Anne a CJ Sully Joan and MJ GOOD MORNING Aon MARTHA A THE. VANDELLAS WOULD BE PROUD! DO WELL IN SERENADE! LOVE. YOUR SISTERS GREEKS Toti . »M i,i your order envelope* from leal wee* end* part, WALLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sian is finally 19! Have FUN babarlna! Love, Dunkin Donovan PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENOS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT U/MSt INTERNSHIP A KEY TO YOUR CAREER Find oul your internship option* at an orientation T oday at 2 00 pm 237 Hendrick* Hall Sponsored by CPPS AX A The ladies ol Chi Omega would like to thank you tor a great party Friday night. Let's do It again! _XU_ MARCHING BAND AUDITIONS' Wmd» percu**ion co*or guard A Ja/jrime May 20' Call BBS-SB 70 tor details My black shadow with the bright blue eyes After 3 month* I m still tailing deeply m love You are everything thank you Forever. Your Girl 185 PERSOllAlS PHI DELTS Tho tend «H hoi nod to rn tha bonfko Cmpo do Mayo •itn you couldn't havo boon bolt•«* Macho* troelMf ar PI ANNEO PANENTMOdO tor Pop wnoor* ml#clk>n chock, birth control A COunaottng Pay A Q*pn«nqo 344 9411 PLANNING TO«tGlST£h SUMMER SESS ■> Don’t toroot to two yoor INTENT TO NEQtSTEN CANO Stop by 333 Ora o n Holt or tho Offico ol Adm>*#l©«§ PROBLEMS? Tolophono hottin* tor U ol O ttwdonta Spm lo Aam ovary n*ght and N> day wooaondt Stnctty conhdontiai cmm CENT!W EEMAtt SUMMER HOUSING $100 a month 851 E.15th Call 485-1631 Lois ol Summar Activities THIS IS IT! SAY GOODBYE A SPECIAL WAY WITH A "PARTING SHOTS" AO! THAT YOU DESIGN! (Ei amp to) SWEETIE Yov »• th« •pp»* of my POOKIE Be creative' Write dra* or Stamp your message Design it on your compuler' Your tfWids will love il' SUCH A DEAL! ONLY $5 FOR 1” AD $10 FOR 2” AD Ad forms can t>e pu ked up at ODE 300 l MU UO Bookstore Of EMU Man Call and identify by name Greg 343 1220 LOST Small tf'u* * ' ' ’4th A Aider between 5 4 6 pm Mon May 15 Urgent return' Call 342 4 736 U5J LASER WORD PROCESSING 18 years experience Editing IBM Grad school approved Near campus Robin 344 0 759 IZL iiil'UlLi'ilii JO. TMi TYPING I Quality IBM word proc eating Ca»» 66340*6 FASTYPf WOAD PAOCESSINQ and •dM.rvfl MO paget m an hour Dttter t a! .on » E Slj*elc om# Call 663 37S6 PAOPESSJONALTYRING ICHVtCC “ Word Praceattng IMS OAK ST 144)0*4 PAOFCSSIONAI WOAD PAOCf SSINO* Storage Cot toon 344 7040. t 9pm Itt duality Affordable LETT!At UNLIMITED INC miSIt QUALITY TYPING Th*t*i torm popart aeven days par week 345 1310 It 00 par PO0O*6634 tree pick up A delivery adding e»an upon requett TYPING OM OCMANO Quality Loo Pncet saroess WOAO PAOCCBSaNG AETIAEO UNIVf ASITY SCC ACT A AY All typaa o» popart Edit Ptefc up and deliver Jean 0000180 TYPING UNLIMITED IBM CompahWOGrafl School Approved Barbara l and 4860690 •UOU TMIATAf BUILDING 402 E 13th No 101 -WiiM iiiirn»pilci^li Computer word presetting Theta* Oitaartationt. 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TV'* STEREO WORKSHOP 1821J^ 1®^ 344_32lj? __ Ph 0 Cep and Gown Blue velvet on front steevas $125 485 4310 after 3pm __ TENNIS Ounlop Maa 200G No strings $75 Haad Graphite Edge $50 Gd cond w covers Dave 345 2032 13S. mmm I NEED 3 MORE TICKETS tor Graduation1 If you ha** any aatra pleas# cat) Julia 342 3741 Will pay $ [miwummm 77 2802 ehit* nan angina and Or a* as very nice $2400 ot>o 344 8760 IB MG Mtdgal B ie rowbar me a body and mechanics AM FM caa*att* recent liras and braKas $2495 OBO BUI 342 5740_ 79 FORO FlMla Low miles reliable $90» B 144 80 CHEV Citation . on many nee parts 57000 miles an cond. $2800 OBO Call Jocelyn, 485-8898 84 Honda SO excellent condition $350 Rich 344 9927 evenings 1888 HYUNDAI GL 5 door 5 speed an conditioning AM fM cassette Great condition! $5000 1978 HONDA Civic 2 805 687-6000 E.I S 9842 tCHMHHMgHOll'tf 1988 NISSAN SENTRA E*c«tl#nt ccn2K) HOQOtiabM 937 2045_ HONDA Aoro SO Oily 1 yv oM Wft Km Mutt Mil MCrtfict W50 OBO J»r>« 4» M^ IN) YAMAHA ISO Good common FfWNrlY t»0«i JSOO OBO 344 •vti 1$M Honda EIH* 1500 mil** *«c*»*nl COrvJItKXl mutt toil b**t 0«0f call MW for Mir Diamondbac* APEX mtn bit* 70 1 ft tr*m* door* #«juiop*cJ ai c*«mt eond «A3 Sf>9*> Pao>aal lOtpaad hard!* utad MG otoo Cali tbraham 74/ 9830 Schwinn Cniiaor mona, biact. almost now **tr*t *130 OBO $0*48*4 IMt iai'iiUSi.lttiiai'i CNfHol Boiwbow IBB with prmtor and hard disk SW includat MS DOS word prrtoct and Lotus $1000 or two Pick 3424224_ PON BAUL Sharp PA 1000 ponatMo *i*ctromc typawntar with mamory. •tactrtc or batt*n*a. $170 Cali 344 0308 avantngt or momingt JZL NEW FASHION ETHNIC and '•>«• da atgnni doming, ntti daaignai clothaa LuDmMHTIUI imfldTMftiinSRBnW Nock CUmbon now MatoHua Hang Board f ro od 143 UX_ m iim I f ( ‘3*9 sniMNT/raiin TOVIS SOVIET UNION S1VDK.\T AIRfAUX a nuLrASses • »<»* abmoad "On* Ween t enmgraa ft Moscow Council Trawl 715 S W Monton. 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MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash Call Debbie ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 454 0500 WANTED A.A• ■ : Hi f.;i.r> A.rime bump ticket denied boarding or any tickat immediately pay m cash No check' 746 2339 UNITED AIRLINES TICKE T ( ■ Detroit via Denver June 12th A M *130 OBO 3437402 ONE WAY TICKET TO EUROPE From Eugene to Frankfurt or Stuttgart Good until July 22 Call 344 5923 ,00 RIDES A RIOERS WANTED Responsible person To drive our car to Cincinnati June-July Manual transmission references required 343 9293 before 9pm maannzzzi EARN MONET AMdiig Boon EJOOOOV >oco9 from Minneapolis for no mora than 1229. or from tha Eaat Coast for no mora than $180 with AlRHlTCH(r). as reported In Consumer Reports. NY Timas. lets Go. Newsday Good Moosakaaping. and national network morning shows For datails. call 212 854 2000 or wrtta AlRHfTCM. 2901 BROAOWAY. SUITE 100A. NY. NY 1002S IT’S READY THE SUMMER TIME SCHEOULE OF CLASSES So pick ona up today' Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office JAZZLINE AUDITIONS MAY 20 AT 9:00 AM 3S3 GERIINGER ANNEX SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM. Tuition waiver plus month ly stipend for qualified persons inter ested in earning a master's degree and special education certification For mo'e details write to Sandi Davis. 175 Education. University of Oregon_ SHOW YOUR PHOTOS! EMU APERTURE ART GALLERY CALL FOR ENTRIES Open to students, staff, and alumni More Information? Clll Will Whit* >1 MS-4000. WHITE HOUSE NANNIES Invites you to experience life In the nation s capitol We screen top quality families m person and place you with the best Transportation paid, good salary for minimum one year commit ment Beginning April 1st we will be in Oregon to talk with you Contact Dianne Danowski in Portland at 644 4519 or write 127B5 SW Rita Drive Beaverton. Oregon. 97005 Placement available now and year round MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN now accepting applications for Sum rner or Fall term start Must have mi crocomputer savvy and good com mu mcation skills Apply room 250 Computing Center __ NANNY POSITIONS Salary. Room & Board travel & other benefits The Nanny Connection 344 4156 Deadline: May 18 >y >h( Drop off 2 matted photos to the EMU Art Gallery between 1 00pm and 5 00pm Doonesbury i r BY GARRY TRUDEAU 1 l r 1 11 SU IM IK tINO 70 567 HIM UP H/I7H A PBA, j ATPtsmrANP I 'M PUSHIM6 *)U AS TUB . / , u)ve in- v' * 76RBSV M ve ? I iMC VC UUI 0 V! 01V 7D6BTIT WANTS MB TO FAST NANCY, POAMOVIB OF COURSe WITHPR&SI 3UTI7HINK DBNT*£A6AN\ THAT'S / ;n POA&LB < V" "N | ' ' MTH THB PR£SIP£NT* iSHtsenous* I THINK 5O' OKAY. BUT NO NUPB seaNea. g.p.jHEJ&VBe AHJHOia CRitol MOWING. IT'S NOTSaXYAT ALL1 l ^ “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A LAWYER TO TRY A CASE.” — Vito Corkleone The verdict is in vt e Ve got the competition beat when it comes to case discounts 3443 Hilyard St. 342-4552 THE [IFFY MARKE’ Wine £* Deli