CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 THIS IS IT! SAY GOODBYE A SPECIAL WAY WITH A •PARTING SHOTS" AD! THAT YOU DESIGN! Be creative Write d'a* or stamp your message D«s»Qn it on your computer' Your triends will love it* Eimim5 lEiampi*) L.S. Here's to you! | Congratulations on graduating! Love, the Gang 105 PERSONALS SUCH A DEAL! ONLY $5 FOR 1” AD $10 FOR 2” AD AvJ kvm» t*nb» p>ck*d up 4? OOt -300 EMU UO BoOfctlC'ft Of EMU Ma*n HURRY! DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 31 APPEARING: FRIDAY, JUNE 2 ios PERSONALS ATM THANK YOU FOR ISVT! WE HAD A BLAST! VOII THANKS TO THE GUV in CtlApown who found my pur**' Sorry th«9 »t KG See section 27S ~oTpI'rTo'w Room 23/ Mandrtcfc* Hall S0on*0#ao by CPPS XU The 'Punch Pool' was tricky and Rich's burgers were sweet. Thanks to a great group lor joining us under the stars. .AT LETTER PERFECT Graphics TYPtStTTiNG • PMU • OtSiC.X • l»»OU’ CONVENIENT. FAST & AFFORDABLE With our professional de sign, typesetting and cam era services see’ll give your — Resumes Posters Ads Booklets Business Cards Brochures etc... a professional look at a price that agrees u ah a student budget. Call 6864381 We will be closed March 15 through March 28 Enjoy your break! SHYNESS WORKSHOP Become familiar with the concept of "shyness." Loam to normalize anxiety about social reticence. -The workshop will include material from Zimbardo's Shyness Research. Learn cognitive techniques for feeling more comfortable in social situations. Also included are skills for starling and earning on conversations Wednesday, May 17,1989 7-9 pm. EMU - Fir Room Sponsored by The Student 1 lealth Center The Student Health Center Presents: f Lunchbag Series Who Am I ? ? ff J: seimi*htity| tv^|i/»8s AFFIRMATIONS ! ' ! May 17, 1989 EMU -Cedar Rms. C & I) 11:30 - 12:30 pm. I_ Sponsored l>v The Student I Iftilth Center I |f\B O O K S T O R E UU ART & ARCHITECTURE •LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND •CASH REGISTER SALES ONLY • NO OTHER DISCOUNTS APPLY J ° cM^ msL~> PRESENTATION CASES 4ND ARTIST PORTFOLIOS r.vjcri'j.i im