Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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    0 S
ah- llupfiiMo o> «**■
4b tA.?^
£•*>»■'<M-U A>^0 >«V'f f IfJ Ko^ £3
Coffee Bean of the Month
f s605 lb.
‘/a lb. S3.10 '/« lb. S1.65
MO E. 13th • 34478*4
Anti-apartheid students to meet
Students Against Apartheid
meets tonight at 6:30 in EMU
Cedar Hoorn C.
Campus Crusade far Christ's
"Prime Time" is tonight at
7.27 in Chapman Hoorn 207
College Republicans meet to
night at ti it) in EMU Cedar
Hoorn H
Oregon Student Public Inter
est Research Group Recycling
Project meets tonight at 7 in
EMU Century Koom I)
"The Inquiring Mind: Two
Outstanding Professors in the
University's History" is a lec
ture by Dr Robert Chirk. Uni
versity President Emeritus, to
day at l 30 p ill in (Gilbert
Koom I 12. Sponsored In Phi
Alpha Theta
On-Campus Internship Pro
gram is sponsoring a Career
Planning and Placement work
shop today at 2:30 in EMU Ce
dar Rooms C and I) Interns art
encouraged to attend
An Artists Reception is to
night at 7 in the EMU Art Cal
lery to honor participants in the
15th Annual Undergraduate
Art Exhibit. Live music, award
winning videos and prize
drawings are part of the even
ing's festivities.
Workshop on the Green
Book is today at i 30 p m in
Oregon Hall Room lf>4 to help
students explore how The
_Et al&_
Green Book can help plan an
interesting and benefit ial route
to a degree
The German Club invites all
interested German speakers to
attend its Mittagstii h today at
12:30 pm in EMU Century
Room A
"African Elephants in Zim
babwe" is the subject of a slide
show tonight at 7 in EMU Ce
dar Room I) Greg Ahlijian re
cently returned from a trip to
Zimbabwe and w ill show slides
Make Money
Hand Over Fist
If you know your way around a keyboard-typewriter, word processor or computer
we know a way to make your knowledge pay off this summer.
Just register with us at Kelly Temporary Services.
We’ve got the kind of summer jobs you'll love to get your hands on.
Choose your own assignments. Work as much as you want. Or as little as
you need.
And if you're not a keyboard wizard, there’s still plenty of work to go around.
Receptionist. File Clerk. Accounting Clerk. Product Demonstrator. Stock Handler.
Check the white pages for your nearest Kelly office. It doesn’t cost you a
tning to register. Ana cnances are we can
help you make the coming summer
months everything you want them to be.
Richly rewarding.
> i'*»* *rtl> srrwmrv to*
|/C| |\/Temporary
IyLLL# Services
The Keily Girt Peopte-The First And The Best *
of the elephants in their habi
tats in addition to slides of the
African National F’arks com
munal land and people and
Victoria Falls. Sponsored by
the Survival Center and The
New Zoo
Multi-Cultural Women's
Gathering schedule of today's
• Noon One Fine Day vid
eo honoring women in history
at the EMU Lobby Music by
Kay Weaver
• 2 p.m "Bods Image" by
Kate Davis of Rape Crisis Net
work KMt' Cedar Rooms A and
• 4 p.m Margo Schaefer
talks on Hag Ladies of the
World and Aleta Miller and
Dani Harper present the Barter
ing Network in KMC Cedar
Room A and H
• (i .ill p.m Barbara Tur- rill,
acoustii guitarist. and
Chrystos, a Native American
poet. will perform in Ger- lin
ger i.ounge
"Love Affair, or the Tragedy
of a Stvili.hlaiard Operator" is
<i Yugoslavian film showing to
night at 7 in Instructional Me
dia ('enter Studio A Made in
Htt>7. thi; film is an ironic look
at Yugoslav society and taboos
It is shown in Serbo-Croatian
with subtitles. Sponsored by
the Russian and Hast European
Studies Center.
Deadline for submitting lit
tils to the Emerald front desk.
EMI l Suite .100. is noon the day
before publication. Et als are
run the day of the event unless
the event occurs before noon
Events with a donation or ad
mission charge will not be con
sidered Campus■ events and
those scheduled nearest the
publication dale will be given
priority. The Emerald reserves
the right to edit notices for
grammar and style.
We ve qot
your Ian
when you
want it'
on campus
4UlU)<e*l IM
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invitations in one of our
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Call to tmJ out about our \
low prices!
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