_Streetwise_ Do you believe the rioters from Saturday night's party should be legally prosecuted? “If they did somethin# wrong then I suppose they should be reprimanded but not thrown in jail. They shouldn't throw the hook at them because they're proba bly first-time offenders. This shows all of us a lesson tlhit iff have to be more responsible. " Mark J. Hash, junior, management "I don 7 think they should go to jail for >i two-year pen alty. Two years is a little extreme. Movin' they should be fined a stiff fine, but two years is too much Sheri Runnels, senior, sociology *7 think they should ho prosecuted only it you prose cute every single person at the party that did anything il legal — w hich would he 200 people. Three people got caught. What I think they did was stupid but hard to prosecute only them and no one t'lse. Prosecute Ollie North instead. " 'I'akett Austin, junior, Spanish and computer science “Public attention should bo drawn to them and that kind of action should be discouraged, but locking them up and charging a fine is not worthwhile. They should be reprimanded not prosecuted. Sarah Murphy, junior human services “I don’t want to see anyone get harshed on by the po lice for being drunk but anyone who throws a bottle with heads around obviously has no regard for people. Being drunk is no excuse for throwing a bottle. " Bill Burke, junior. English Get the word out with an ODE classified 3291 Convertible In a city where even the ultimate TAN NING machine needs an umbrella, our WOLFF StSTOI tanning beds are a perfect way to Keep your Spring break tan golden, right into summer! $5.00 off W with this id. _exp 5/22/89 SunShower Tanning l JiM .lit s n, x I rv.MK . M 7 i I . I 5 (!i * »HS MM THE PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON .XL LUiiC. "Something's wrong here, Harriet.... This is starting to look less and less like Interstate 95." Korean Sister City Celebration Week (0 ££ *1- crHM -4-7/i: Asian Pacific American Heritage Week oh 4 1 T r ' ci cW T C May 16th - May 21st, 1989 Presented by Eugene Chm|u Sister City Committee Romania Hyundai Asian Pacific American Student Union, University ot Oregon EVENTS May 16th May 21st Exhibit of Korean Costume and Handicraft and Display of Hyundai Automobiles Venue Valley River Center May 16th Time 1130 am 130pm To* Kwon Do Demo Performed by TKD Club of U of O May 17th Time 12 noon Mr Ung Kyong Kim. Deputy Dir of Korean Trade Center LA. Ca will speak on Willamette Valley Export Opportunities to Korea Venue Stewart Andersen s. Black Angus Fee $15 tor members $25 others May 17 th May 18th Time 4 00pm 500 pm Toe Kwon Do Demo Performed by Chris Chan Tom Kim. Ik Ke Jeon Venue Valley River Center Time 7 30 pm Brenda Wong Aokl. Chinese Japanese storyteller will perform Venue Wesley Center Time 400 pm Elaine Kim PhD Asst Dean U of Calif Berkeley will speak on The Asian American Woman as Subiect Obfect in the Popular media " Venue Fir Room EMU U of O May 19th Time 10 30 pm Dance with live DJ Co Sponsored by Black Student Union and MECHA. Cost $2 00 Venue Wesley Center EMU Computer Shoppe Panasonic high performance printers promise more... and deliver it. PANASONIC KXP4450 Laser Printer • 11 pages per minute • 2 letter size 250 sheet paper cassettes • Optional legal and envelope cassettes • 5 popular printer emulations including HP LaserJet • 1 year limited parts and labor warranty • 11 resident portrait and landscape fonts • Serial and parallel interfaces standard ^1499.00 Special Sale Price Available For A Limited Time Only EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE Do-A'i*!«*■?» f- MU M f 9 00 6 0C $AT >000500 6«6 4331