-University rfiolu lit iJWii't Markw Soviet environment.!list*, speaking today at 4 p m in Condon Room 104 gather around a com puter to disi uss mm eras about global environmental problems Soviet environmentalists speak, hope to improve U.S. relations By Denise Clifton Emerald Reporter Three Soviet environmental isis ,ire visiting the United States to review environmental programs at the University as well as at other American col leges, and one of them will speak on global environmental concerns at the University this afternoon. Marat Khabibullov. director of the International Program of the Department of Nature Pro tection at the University of Ka zan in the Soviet Union, will lecture on and answer ques tions about global environmen tal issues, such as ecological and landscape problems, at -4 p in today in 104 (london I lull. "1 will, of course, also be talking about industrial prob lems because lower developed technology often is the cause of the world's environmental problems today." Khabibullov said. Khabibullov’s lecture and the Soviets’ visit are sponsored by the University’s Environmental (Center. Khabibullov said he also will teach a class at the University of Wisconsin at Madison this summer which w ill discuss So viet environmental problems and programs in detail "I will have some informa tion about Chernobyl, as well .is other problems " he said hhabibullnv is traveling with one of his colleagues. Yuri Kotov, the i hnirmnn of the l)e partnient of Nature I’rotei lion .it the 1 mversitv ot Kazan Uurruntly. Kotov is running for a position in the Soviet (am gross of I’ublii Deputies in the Soviet Union's first free e!e< tion. This i iiiigress will elet t the members ol the Supreme interpreting. I'arasov dost i ilied industrial ecology ns similar !u United Staleys environmental engineering "ll's reallv an intnrdist 11>111> an approach to implement nor rou fields." stu li as minimi u s t hemislrv ant) flintlamenlal psvt hology Tarasov s.titl Tarasov said env iromnenlal protection programs are im proving m the Soviet Union. 7 would like to sav to the average stu dent here that he must have more interest in problems outside his own region.' -Marat Khabibullov Soviet, which governs the country through designated commissions. Kotov said with khabibullov interpreting "This includes the Gommis sion for Nature Preservation Kotov s.iid 1 am hoping it will help (Soviet environmental concerns) if I win but it's .ill very unpredic table Kotov will find out today d be and his "Green" environ mentalist partv won in the ele< I ion Valerje Tarasov chairman ot the Industrial biology l)epait ment at Meudenez Institute in Moscow, also is visiting the University. With Khabibullov "Talking about inihisln.il pm grains. we've li.ul them silu c tin- Os. ’' hr s.ml Mill mm we Imvo nru programs like thr si.ilr i ommitlrr lor n.i turn prrsrrv.ition hh.ibibullov s.ml hr hoprs lo organize me to invest in an Apple Macintosh is while you still qualify for Apple s student discounts. Once you graduate, these prices are dead and buried. Order v«.,r vi ,.. r,. tnp Microcomputer Support Ub today. Because there's no tomorrow. Buy or Die. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Phone 686 - 4402 FREE ADMISSION PASS Special Olympics Summer Games Opening Ceremonies Friday, May 19. 19H9 7pm McArthur Court, Eugene Featuring the Street< timer Singers. the voices of California Raisins I&und UPSTAIRJ5-UO BOOKSTORE 3RIMG in YOUR. 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