CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. mHElPWANTE'r P#*t time work available' • tKrjft,pp.n^Cii jobs PQ Bn* ?02t Eugene SuOVO* *«»*' i>**<3ik3 for small 'e* d«nt<*l tremmg home* ?0? adolescents and adults with severe developments d.saC-titie* Pan t*m« fulHtme and «;V# jn position available Apply at 46 The ESCAPE Field Studies Program upp«» division credits ESCAPE .9 a pracftcurn upp«' division credits tor doing services *n non proM organize tions and public Schools The follow , p m An I AA'EOE WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED 1 Summer term $5 OOfhr General office work Possible position fo' corning school year Contact Carta or Debbie Dean s Office College of Arts l Sciences Room 114 Friendly Hall 686 3902 Recycle this paper. ??5 APTS.-DUPLEXES - Accepting Applications for Summer & Fall Low Summit Rates furnished 1 & 2 bedrooms, large, clean A 1 block from campus Student Manor Apts 1442 E 18th Mgr -19 344 4760 ALDERWOOD 1860 Alder St. Very nice large 1 2.A J bedroom units 1' blocks from U of O Available furnished or unfurnished on site laundry covered off street parking S240 $»> W Deluxe 2 bedroom w/tireplace $550 Call 344 5695 it CAMPUS FURNISHED r ;■ <* bedroom no pets 485 282 1 GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. Very nice 1 4 2 bdrm units in *eti , kept complex Just south ot U <>f O j ; Appliance on site m- . " Jennings &C° GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCLIFF Recently rem^vleied 2 bard room t a house m very convenient location. newer appliances carpet nice lawns Must see to appreciate Cab 461 2116 teta • i • K LARGE CLEAN QUIET 2 bedroom 1 blk U of Q furnished dishwasher disp lots of parking sonde- * laundry 683 8919 ??5 APTS DUPLEXES LARGE. CLEAN QUIET LARGE :BORM LOW SUMMER RATES BlJffcfttorv* & Univ^fnity Ma»o South 'P'.f-'v.itio«s ' • MILL RACE APT 180* Garden A*e 142 7009 tor details and an* atxiul ONE BDRM APT CALL f OR SUMMER RATES 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED »2JJ t BEDROOM FURNISHEO STUDIO tm BOTH ARE SUMMf R RATES AVAILABLE NOW' Call 3414109 SINGLE APT i !" »• • > . Available May 17 may Mini fre** G*M Hop« 6«7 SUBLET FOR SUMMER 2 txlrm South Eugene tencod yard ga rag«*'Studio * toll fully fu«mshed S ■ ■ $ SUBLET FOR SUMMER tied• " furnished apt * on site laundry off Street park-ng A pool fn;>m am pus 4HS 192V 1 Bedroom i. t .«Wn itjtr- «-«!'» large apl an utilities paid ^ecufily Pudding 1160 1)75 Eugene Manor 1040 10S0 Ferry 4tM 7441 230 uu«u;> CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E Ulh N" e contemporary Quads units weti kept compli-i 3 blocks from U of O On site laundry some of* street park mg Only $205 Call 405 4319 Ask about Summer reservations TYLER PARK 528 TYLER ST. Welt kepi furnished qua*! unit ■> e* il f . ;•• • UTILITIES PAID' laundry oil street parking $i.’i (-alt 343 1569 for details FALL TERM Plan ahead . t> I moNif dorm, m i«> fufli easy piking distance Gain it _>nty $3000'Available Sept 1st 74/5103 FOR SUMMER ONLY 4 t„:. 2 oiks from campus carpom wash ! er,'dry#' wood floors unfurnished j Call John a! 14 J 0490 to see 3 bed 2 bath off campus quiet «V rent io grad or faculty Summer 2*0 ROOMS Nice rooms for rent summer A possibly coming l.i k more mfo Call Chad Phillips 485 4695 NOW" Hen P« . ' • . 4 person house 2 blocks from am pus A ademtc and mum..any onenled And washed. cheese wu\ moral absolutism forget .t $16C and $140 1377 Hilyard come by lalk with Hob or leave » te M ,wt> ,» A SAP ?50 MOVING SALES 3 COUCHES $15. *25. $40 % e kitchen table and chairs $40 other stuff Can 663 2546 leave message pso ROOMMATES WANTED For Summer Ig bdrm * private- bam i ’ | • $ • ,i ..r-es j ’' Mr'. ‘44 MM Luxury apt jacu;/ie sauna cable cov ered parking Cat ok maid svc jvail $200/mo Biuce 342 2960 o» 345 9265 ECT;Mil.TJiM«,.mnil OOMMATf FOR SUMMFR OOMMATF WANTfO S' lOOMMA’f WANT 10 loom* lew r*n| \ \ t II MI1I1 * > o it i ri kmo M 'lb EVENTS CISC AP PRFSf NTS ALEXANDER COCKBURN prC\Jf*>'V*WV»' THURS., MAY 18 7:30PM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1166 OAK ST S3 6 SUGGESTED DONATION into 4851755 )ouble% Volleyball Tournament 4 ay 20 on lay '•;■• *•-•> ■'*•‘ eyball T pan* . all 484 U or U I Kk*i imded pntr.rh Mulltculturai Woman » Ualheong May 16 18 Tuetday Events Noon On#* F ino Day video E Mli i M>, B** I y Image Workshop Kale Da»fi Cedar A «. H i MU 4 pm Bag l adre* Of The V. I (H l OV< t>rp*.nn(.»! ' Marg-> >i naefer and Barterting N*dw Alnla Mill#** and : '.I Md , [.#*.14/ A Ull MU 6 JO pm Muik by Barbara Turril! Chrysloi Nahve American poel (iedinger l ounge ASL Interpreted childcare available NOTICE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION DIRECTOR : jndtn veiling . .irnpu* ami will y»vc public tai*-. You are ifwii fld to hear them 4ih them gweMion* md led the '»«'*»•• b - itnmullBu whaf . , If ■ » M.»*fc , I • !•♦■' ' -• »’ » n#»ny y*n, .»'• and t-a't-. ipa»«- < >hi*» important appointment de diuM' May 0 4 00pm F orum Room l MU Df Sandra Holbrook May 10 4 00pm Gum wood Room I MU D* Miguel Ornelas May i' * opm Maple Room I M MM i': m Meli«>er Redd May 1 ’1 • w.ipm Walnut Room f. MIJ Mi Diane Wong Pa*»chali SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES Brown Bag Talk W bun P* •• ' about bift f»-- nnl lr-p |ii V’ntl'M'n whr'tv he helped bund » • i- r Mi, tbib 11 30 12 30 Room 353 Pi C EVEREST The Lost Unclimbed Ridge there have been many expeditions ( lo Everest. bul only rm mltly ha-, d j t'nen possible lo Attempt d via Ihe j Chomolungma Chain the lost • . ■ • • •*■ Wednesday May 17 at 12 30pm «n Ibe Outdoor Program room in Ibe I MU FREE ?7b EVENTS Sponsored by the U o< 0 Outdoor p'ogram For -ore irrfo c May 15-18 MM uiiBM STUDY’ STUOY »Nahh DANCE! MISSION DISTRICT Tonight at TAYLOR'S EMU Cultural Forum's 191h Annual Willamette Valley FOLK FEST k89 Fri May 19 Sun May 21 9 hr* of music each day f eafunng Foxfire 0B0 Addy James Cotton and many local regional performer-. Also Food booth* arorfc shops min stage and much more f ree adorn von Ram or shine I MU F asl l ae»n 280 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents CABARET May 12 14, 18-20. 25-27 Robinson Theatre 8:00 pm TICKETS 686 4191 [ Wt PELLE rofffttf/flll* lilt i'OSQl EHOM. s t,, • o «.• AIOAN QUINN !• CRUSOE TM| ***. .4 H >« .. F* i¥' *4 rtnt) Ul’v .11 i*y n 40 Working Girl"] l*to N*ght *dm Ff-S» »3 Su Th $2.50 fw I, ' ' • ' NICK MX 1«- ^ [THREE FUGITIVES ] ^ m ijw * |1 tjawTj> ^ ?85 FOOD & DRINK miner rociurm t uganit t own tea 1.104m and hoian Yogurt HOT FUDGE SUNDAES $1 25 Every Tuesday 19th ft Agalv '44 4418 Open daily t ** 1 1 pm lift 1 WillameMa »4j ;*;i The cale at COI.LIEK MOOSE \K c Iconics SI tide III S I .tc nils £< I hr I'li hi it ( «III it* ill |o\ "Ml Itlslnt ii m M 111L. \ IllOtlfl .Ilf pi U » v for 11«nc IT I I Ml l OO ttrrk>lj \ - TACO TUESDAY 35« (with paid joo SERVICES I in iNTf MN A TIONAL NORTH AME M II AN HOPPERS THE STRANGERS 19th & Agate 485 3470 Ri nOM COUNTY bv Berke Breathed / PO*-! X { rnt >r*r .'»■ m . /v-t-vM • P*r»•■'.’ y;' 1 »• •> V. J . ■ ■ / ' w / frt ATt«W> I >> .-». i /O,