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Board travel A other benefits The NANNY POSITIONS Salary Hr • s Board travel A other benefits The Nanny Connet lion 344 4156 NORPAC Foods Inc campus May 16 to recruit for summer production jobs Base pay S4 32 an hour If worked Monday Friday Saturday is time and a half Sunday time and a half Students who work at least 30 days may may return each • i-ason with seniority per approved student leave of absence Sign up fn interview at Student Employment 1511 Agate EEQE-AA _ PART TIME CUSTODIAN NEEDED modern downtown Eugene office budding Hours are 3 pm Mon Fn pay is $5 QOrhr Great student job Send cover letter and resume to Personnel Mgr P O Bo* 10460 Eugene OR 97440 Closing date 5/1989 TRACK TOWN PIZZA Immediate opening lor delivery dnv | ers and m house pu/a makers lien j hie part time or full lime shifts Must j !>** able to work late nights Apply at TTP 1009 Franklin Blvd NO CALLS! ! Why settle tor less than the best!?! Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 1 OKAY! Mt GOT A MAJOR. 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