Twilight Continued from Page 7 returning to Hayward Field after several road runs this year, felt good in winning the 1.000 in 0:07 04 "It was a little different," Hand said, "but it's nine to run in front of this crowd. They never forget you (dark, another former Duck, won the 800 meters in 2:00 >8 and pulled Oregon's Francie Faure (2:08.78) and Carol Hol tnen (2 10 24) under the i onfer ence qualifying standard of 2.11.14 "The two most likely to meet the standard did Ileinonen said ' I rancie looked great. Thev both ran tough when they had to." |dl Smith lost for only the third time all season, hut did so to Karin Smith one of the best javelin throwers the U S has to offer harm Smith won with a toss iif 188 a while jill Smith was second with a heave of 18V 2 just off her personal re cord ol 187-7 Despite the loss il was a good series for Smith. “It's very important to main tain consistency and slay with in a few feet of my best." she said "It's important to throw well when I’m fatigued so when I get to a big meet I'll la more fresh I needed the com petition and it was great to have il so 1 11 know how to re spond in a big meet High pimper Liurel Roberts tuned up for the Par 10 meet by winning in a season's Im-sI a-10 Kolierts had two good at tempts at t> II the \’('AA stall dard. and also beat Washington State's l.issa Gray for the first time "I'm starting to come around," Kolierts said "My pralines have been produi live " Kolierts saitl she's worked on technique i hanges in Imth her approach and take-off all sea son. and was happv to win I know it's there." she said ul a ti ll jump It s just a mat ter of everything failing togeth er She's (Gray) a good one I've jumped against her almost all year and she always beat me," Occidental Invitational: Two si hool records were set at the Occidental Invitational in I-os Angeles on Saturday bv the Dui k sprinters The 400-meter relay team of Karen Church. Rosie Williams. I .auric Williams and Stefanie Hunter broke last year's record ol 45.55 with a 45 50 clot king The relay squad won the event while |ust missing the national qualifying standard of 45 14 In the 100 meters. Rosie Wil liams was second, hot set a new m hool record of 11 58. de spite running into a head wind Williams, who had a wind aid ed best of 11.04 at the Pepsi Team Invitational, broke Deb bie Adams' 1078 school record ot I 1 l>5 and (list missed the \( A A standard of 11 50 —UO-Bookstore— I---1 Introducing... THE WIZARD ELECTRONIC ORGANIZER THE SHARP WIZARD The ultimate electronic organiser hat puts a world of information at your fingertips. $27'.) !lf> CALENDAR • SCHEDULE • PHONE NUMBERS • CALCULATOR • MEMOS ELECTRONICS DEPT. UO BOOiSTOd! ut in. Want a great looking flyer for an upcoming event? 686 4381 Letter Perfect Graphics can help! Photo l»> Rill Mamn Oregon's Lis Wilson stnntyled the last few laps, hut crossed the finish line in time to qualify for the 5,000 during the Twilight Meet on Saturday. Well, now you have done it. Celebrate with cards, candy & gifts from your University store. -A 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 5 30 SAT 10 00 5 00 666 4331 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE your t