sHUTTERBUG COUPON HIGHEST QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING 0*»we(Ml * pumnj no <2t U £ «P Doc Fim Developed 4 Pnted YasCtvne 135-12 4*6 a 36 C «*2” *ma • YcuChace .... »«»}»*» $099 JkMVtjO * t'xnttwww Volt Oaoe 13524 4*6 or 36 OMifrt4»r—> $^99 Var Oa» 13506 4*6 or 36 *6» .1 WE PRINT BETTER PICTVRES! • Next to Taylors 342-FILM Christian faculty lunch planned MEETINGS Fellowship of Christian Faculty meets today •it noon for lunch in EMU Century Room Room I) All student organizations interested in shuw Et als ing films fall term must attend a mandatory meet ing today at 1:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room E. INTERVIEWS Sign-up space is still available for the fol lowing recruiters: May 13 State Farm Insurance Co. (underwriter trainee claims representative trainee): May Jf> Mariposa (assistant manager or entry level management): Mutual of Omaha. Sa lem (insurance and investment representative); May t7 Guaranty Chevrolet. Pontiac and Oldsmo bile (management sales). U S, Department of Commerce, Office of the Inspector General (ac count financing 38 quarter hours in account ing required): May 111 Southwest Region Schools. Dillingham. Alaska (special education: MS teach er; set math science; elementary princi pal teacher combination). Open lign up for the following recruiters be gins Tuesday: May 22 Madras High School (high school language arts 9-12'journalism endorse ment preferred); Burkinan laboratories. Inc. (chemical sales representative); May 2.1 ACC/Mattel Toys (fall 1989 marketing intern ship); Arthur Andersen Si Co. (winter 1990 ac counting internship); U S Navy (officer pro grams) EMU from to 2:30 pm; May 24 Inovec. Inc (software engineer); Reynolds & Reynolds Co (business forms sales representa tive trainee); May 25 Georgia Pacific Corporation (entry level sales trainee); Northwestern Mutual Life (college internship program) group meeting May 2-1 at 7 p m in EMU Cedar Room C; May 2ti Benefit ial Mortgage Co. (management training program, minimum CPA 3.0); David Douglas School District. Portland (education resource cen ter. kt>, HI A' required) LECTt ’RES "Covering Apartheid: Values and Objectiv ity in TV' Reporting" is the title of a lecture by David Gelber. a producer for CBS's '*60 Min utes." tonight at 7:30 in Allen Room 221. "Regionalism Transgressed: The Place-Re lated Thingness of William Carlos Williams as Painted by Sheeler. Ilemuth and Hartley" is the title of a lecture by James Dennis, art history pro fessor at the University of Wisconsin, tonight at 7:30 in Lawrence Room 107 The presentation is sponsored by the Humanities Center as The Colin Ruagh Thomas O'Fallon Memorial Lecture on Art and American Culture. MISCELLANEOUS "Fleisch,” a Herman film, will be shown to night at 7 in Friendly Room 217. Sponsored by the German Club. "The War Between the Classes" is the sub jet;! of a Lunchtime Psychology Series presenta tion Tuesday at 11:30 the EMU Forum Room. Jerry Hiller and Carey Tanaka will moder ate the session, which features a film showing high school students playing a “Color Game" to experience what it's like to lie a member of a dif ferent race. Session will focus on stereotypes, peer pressure and racial injustice. A discussion will follow. American Cancer Society, Oregon Division, Inc. is recruiting volunteer staff for its camping program for children who have cancer and their families. Call Janet at 295-B422 for applications and job descriptions. Need not lx? in medicine to apply Deadline (nr submitting hit als to tlw Emerald front desk, EMI' Suite it00, is noon the day before publication. Et als am run the day of the event unless the event occurs before noon. Events with ''a donation or admission charge will not Ih; con sidered. Campus ('vents and those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priori tv The Emerald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style —-UO-Bookstore ns OUR ANNUAL f. SIDEWALK SPORTSWEAR SALE /—> MAY 15-25k,-„ u LOWEST PRICES EVER ON SMALL SIZES SMALL T-SHIRTS SMALL SHORTS .SMALL CREWS /GF V GREAT PRICES ON ALL SIZES • T-SHIRTS > • SHORTS / • KID’S STUFF /( •MORE^-/ l UO SPORTSWEAR & MEMORABILIA ALL SALES FINAL • SALE ITEMS ONLY • LIMITED TO STOCK • NO FURTHER DISCOUNTS 13m s Kincaid m r 1 30 s 30 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331