Mayfest brings week of activities Mayfest 'H and the brum h costs ST) per person A Jazz Spectacular will be presented from 7-10 p in I ri dav in the EMU Ballroom It will feature the lamingrad Dix ieland |azz Band on tour from the Soviet I Inion At noon Saturday, outstand ing student leaders will he hon ored during an all-University awards luncheon in the Memo rial Quadrangle Between the knight Library and the Muse um of Art The canoe fete, and annual parade of colorful floats, will take place at I p.m Saturday in the Millrace. north t’hutii bi |l«N Murk* Acoustic guitarist Mark Alan performs to a crowd of students in the Humpy l.umpy area Saturtlay. the first day of Mayfest '89. The activities continue until Parents’ Weekend ne\t Fri day to Sunday. of campus along Franklin Boul evard. The official dedication and renaming of Marian Hall for Harold "Fat" Riley, a Universi ty business student killed in a< lion during World War II. is scheduled at 5 p.m. Saturday in the courtyard of the resi dence hall On Sunday, a brunch for par ents will he held in the FMU. The speaker will lie lames Hor en. an associate Kngiish profes sor. The University Song and Dance troupe will perform Other Mayfest highlights in clude • f ree Noontime Kntertainment in the KMU Courtyard on Wed nesday and Thursday Eagle Park Slim. Peter Thomas and Clhm Falkenburg will perform • A Street l air, open from 10 a m to 4 p m Wednesdns through Friday, between I'm versitv and Kincaid streets It features crafts, food and infor mation booths • The Willamette Valles f olk Festival, sponsored In tin- FMl! Cultural Forum, will take place on the EMI I Fast Lawn on I n day through Sunday r UNIVERSITY TEXACO Ktifip'1 LUBE, OIL, & FILTER *199S 2 '6' = with = % ^ = purchaser We Honor - fTTl X Texaco Cards 1888 Franklin Blvd. (Behind Butcher Block) coupon THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Well, that's how it happened, Sylvia ... I kissed this frog, he turns into a prince, we get married and wham! ... I'm stuck at home with a bunch of pollywogs." GRE LSAT GMAT MCAT WHAT IF YOU DON'T GET INTO THE GRAD SCHOOL OF YOUR CHOICE? Sure there ate other school* Bui why settle1 Kaplan helps students ratsa their scores and th«m chances o! Doing admitted Into their lust choice schools Fact is, no one ha* helped students score higher1 T»%» mtNUIATVM 'WOALA^UMLI «im FREE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING 485-5699 31Si Convertible In >t t ity where even the ultimate VAN PillSCi mar hlne needs an umbrella our VMM FF MSTKM tanning beds are .1 perfect way to Keep your Spring break tail golden right Into summer! $5.00 off W with this dd. evp !S 12 H«> SunShower Tanning l psfjits mr*t to IMhkn > 87 V t . i VIh • V8S 2 V 2 V Take note of the latest : music news . . Watch for Friday's Untcrtainnu-nt Section UO-Bookstore X LOWEST Photo Processing Prices in Town DEVELOPING & PRINTING 12, 24,15, 36 EXPOSURES C41 Processing 110, 126, 135 • Standard Glossy 3x5 Prints 12 EXP 15 EXP 24 EXP 36 EXP 1EA 2.89 1EA3.59 1EA4.89 1EA6.89 2EA 3.99 2EA 4.39 2EA 6.99 2EA 9.99 We’ll match any photo coupon In town!