Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Labor leader urges boycott to stop pesticide use
By Brian Bloch
Emerald Reporter
Showing the physical signs
of his long-time fight for work
ers rights, labor leader Cesar
Chavez called for a consumer
grape boycott to stop the use of
cancer-causing pesticides on
the nation's crops
During a speech Saturday
Cesar Chavez
morning in the EMU. Chavez,
president of the United Farm
Workers Union, told a group at
tending the National Chiceno
Student Conference that con
sumers should cast their votes
for pesticide-free crops by sup
porting boycotts such as the
five-vear-old stand on Califor
nia table graftes
Chavez has been a long-time
labor activist and community
loader fighting for protection of
farm worker's rights. Ilis strug
gle included a 3B-day fast last
summer to protest and draw nu
tlonal attention to the use of
pesticides on table grapes
Higher than average rates of
cancer and birth defects among
farm worker families have been
attributed to chemical pesti
cides used on many of the na
tion's crops.
According to philosophy
Professor Chevnev Ryan, the
health problems are compound
ed because young women and
children are exposed to the pes
ticides as they work in the
fields. Ryan, who has worked
closely with a pesticide aware
ness group called Teatro Nue
stro. said often times women
are exposed at a young age and
pass on health problems and
physical defects to their chil
“The pesticide issue has
been a sharp issue for farm
workers for a very long time."
Kvan said
MEChA (Chicano'I.atino stu
dent union) member Armando
Morale* praised Chavez for his
struggle to bring attention to
worker's rights which are often
overlooked. He said other crops
such as tomatoes and fruits are
also affected by pesticide use.
"Everybody is very superfi
cial and they don't want to
oven touch this issue." Morales
said. "I think people now have
a hotter idea of how those pesti
cides affect those families."
Although he called Chavez's
spe»K h "sensitive ami mov
ing." Morales said the difficul
ty of his struggle is beginning
to become physically apparent
Greek Week begins;
goal is campus unity
By Frale de Guzman
Emerald Associate Editor
A week of games and activi
ties begins today for members
of the University's fraternity
and sorority system.
Greek Week, an annual
spring event, is a week set
aside to generate unity and
goodwill among members of
the Greek system and the Uni
versity community, said Susie
Gray, Panhellenic Greek activi
ties chairwoman.
The activities, which took
nearly all term to plan, is
meant to “bring the Greek sys
tem together to have fun," she
As in the past, this year's
Greek Week activities coincide
with Parents’ Weekend, May
20-21. In this way parents, too,
can take part in the week's cel
ebration, Gray said.
Greek Week calendar of
events is as follows.
Monday, May 15:
• Airband Competition at the
EMU Ballroom. Doors open at 7
p.m. Show begins at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $1 at the door.
Tuesday, May 16:
• Games I Jay. 3 pm., at the In
tramural Fields.
Wednesday, May 17:
• Serenade at fraternities
Event begins at 5:30 p.m
Thursday. May 18:
• Softball Tournament, 3 p in.,
at the Intramural Fields.
Awards Banquet at Eugene Hil
ton Hotel. Doors open 5:30
p.m. Dinner is at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 19:
• Variety Show, 7 p.m., at the
Hult Genter. Doors open at 7
p.m. Admission is $3. Tickets
can be purchased from Gray at
the Delta Delta Delta House,
1967 University St., the Hult
Genter box office or at the door.
Saturday. May 20:
• Canoe Fete. "Holiday Soi
rees,” at the Millrace off Frank
lin Boulevard. Judging begins
1:30 p.m. Parade begins at 2:30
p.m. An All-Greek Barbecue,
sponsored by the Stu
dent/University Relations
Council, will lie held at Sigma
Phi Epsilon, 1000 Alder St .
immediately after the parade.
All events are open to the
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—.Oregon Daily- -
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The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday
through Friday encept during e»am week and vacations
by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co . at the Uni
verslty ol Oregon Eugene. Oregon
The Emerald operated independently ol the University
with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union
and is a member of the Associated Press
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'/3 lb.
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103 Gerlinger
Coming Activities
Activities Deadline Time
Mixed Doubles 5/22 3pm