#Folkfest ’89 Musical duo believes kids should get ‘silly’ When Hans Mayer and Frank Gosar are feeling silly, music — children's music — is the result. Hans and Frank recently re leased their second cassette and songbook of children's music, called "When I’m Feel ing Silly " The tape contains 12 original songs on subjects such as coping with camping and deciphering modern math. The duo will perform its musical creations on the mini stage at the Folk Festival, at 2 30 p m. Saturday, and again at 1 p.m Sunday. Songs by Hans and Frank are a collaborative effort, with Mayer providing most of the music and Gosar supplying the majority of lyrics. "But we edit each other a fair amount,” Gosar said "I usually write more syllables into a line than the human tongue can sing, and Hans catches that. In turn, I some times suggest harmonies, and grouse when a tune is out of my vocal range." Gosar refuses to give in to the idea that children's music has to be completely repeti tious and simple "When My Brother Eats Bugs' (the pair's first tape) came out, I was told that the lyrics were too complicated for children's music," he re CLOTHING T* SHIRTS JEWELRY CARDS*/* UNIQUE GIFT ITEMS r ■*« r*x pMV'-' .rV.'WU the BANYAN TREE Ml Mon-Sat. 11-6. (503)4850333 U a 485 E I3ih • Eugene. OR 97401 g called But when Hans and I did our first concert, there were kids in the audience who had memorized every song " The pair's second tape. When t‘m Feeling Silly." is a highly polished product which incorporates a variety of must cal styles and textures. In addition to the vocals of Hans and Frank, the tape in eludes other vocal tracks, syn thesizers, violin, fiddle, cow bells, snare drums, string bass and tuba Less conventional "instru ments" such as whistles, toy ray guns, robot voices and gi raffe hiccups are also incorpo rated into the tape If there is any message in the songs by Hans and Frank. (ourleay pKul.. it is simply to enjoy There is too much pres sure on Kids to grow up too soon, to get serious." Gosar said "Silliness the imagma (ion. get short shritt We think kids should have time to be Silly " TIME FOR A RESUME. \\i know il \ j (him linn for xou I urn lo 11 k hraii him to rt lk i I lint il s alxi link' (n look h» Ilk' future kmkos i an tk lp mki pre|ure l»»r \nur future \\i luxe a xx uk r.mm «4 sfk t i.ilix p.qx r> ami mate tun): enxelo)X" lo gixe xour rt Miim ilk proliamiHt.il l«*»k ii ikxfxis ( t urn In .ilkI m i ii" liidn I Ik ri •» no mm hkr ilk |>n mm kinko's Great copies. Croat people. Macintosh & Laser Writer Available Full or Self-serve Open 24 Hours 860 E. 13th 344-7894 ZOTJCOO BUY 1 get 1 FREE* Posters • Waterpipes CD's—$2.00 + cost 10PK EZ Whip Cream Charges $3 99 * selected regular-priced posters only . Lazar Bazar 16 yea* minimum 57 W. Broadway. Downtown Mall 687-0139 ZO"OCOO Nadine Hayes Lyle Parker AUTO BODY & FRAME Repairing and Pain!mg QUALITY SERVICE W.lh.n Wain.ng d-stance Ol u o( O 411 E.8th Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 342-5501 -5T5E ■ OPE Km. Km. ODE I ODE —- 6dF , t". i ODE RECORDS 258 t. 15th □ 542-7975 YEAH— WE HAVE FOLK RECORDS Open Til 5i*-5even Days a Weeh SAM’S TO GO Pick up a sandwich before going to the Willamette Valley Folk Festival. 12th & Alder (Right on campus) 343*1141 50* OFF medium sandwich (3/« foot) Exp 6 9/89 off! si°° , family size * sandwich (2 foot) | Exp 6 6 89 DESIGN A T-SHIRT FOR SAM’S TO GO 1st Place: 35.00 in gift certificates from Sam’s To Go All entries must be on a 812 x 11 white paper, include name, address, & phone number Bring all entries to Sam's to Go 804 E 12th (Corner of 12th & Alder) DESIGN A T-SHIRT FOR SAM’S TO GO