CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. ail-LlTEMI: RADIO INTERNSHIP Laar IO w«t# naws copy and m («rvi«« skill* with a s«mmar intern ship with kPNW Jr/Sr «n the Coi'ega of Ant and Science* art eligible to re cenre UPPer division credit while gam mg practical a*penence S'Qn up »n 221 Hendricks Mali t>«for« May 17 Ca '#*r Development Internship Propram ASUO WOMEN’S CENTER it accepting applications for »h# fol loaring positions Woman's Task Force/ Coordinator Deadline for application May 16 Woman's Rasourca A RafarraJ Codi ractors Daadima for application May 16 Woman s in Transition/ Cdiractor Daadima for application May 16 Project Safarida/ Coordinator & As sistant Coordinator. Advartis mg/Fundraismg Managar Daadima for application ts May 16 Work study and non work study available Call 6664239 or 6663327 for mora info or drop by Suita 3 EMU for applications and job da sc options An AA/EOE ATTENTION The Oregon Daily £ mar aid is now accepting applications lor its 1989/90 stall positions The deadline for applications is Wednesday. May 17 at 5pm Applications and job descriptions are available at the Emerald Oflice Suite 300, EMU Staff Positions include Editorial Page Editor Sports Editoi Supplements Editor Entertainment Editor Graphics Editor Associate Editors (Student Govemment/Student Activities) (Higher Education/Administration) (Community) (Features) Staff Reporters Student Activities Reporter Student Government Reporter Higher Education Reporter University Administration Reporter Newa/Features Reporter 2 Community Reporters 2 Sports Reporters Entertainment Reporter The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer Worn en minorities end the differently abled are encouraged to apply CO DIRECTOR INNOVATIVE EDUCATION Two positions open for the 89/90 academic year Training provided this term and/or summer The successful applicants will have good organizational and oral and written communication skills They will be able to work well with program course instructors, students, University administration and program staff Bookkeeping and/or public relations skills helpful Work study (S6/hr) or stipend (SlOO/month) 10 20 hours per week UO students only (need not be enrolled summer term) Call 686 4305 for more infor mation To apply Submit ASUO application form, resume and cover letter to our office in the EMU. Room M 110. by 5pm, May 16 1989 Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer ASUO The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for 1989 1990 staff positions A minimum of 20 25 hours a week is required The positions offer a monthly stipend plus upper division credits ESCAPE is a student run organization that offers practicum upper^Jivision credits for doing services in non profit organize tions and public schools The follow mg positions are available Director. Assistant Director. Rogistretion end Campus Awareness Coordinator. Of fice Manager. Public School Division Heeds. Public Schools GTFs. ESCAPE is an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor tunity Employer_ vsmmnb DANCERS WANTED for Tevem Oregon * mcesl first class club High earnings potential Full or part time 16 years plus Cat) Jim or Las for parson*! interview 21S5 A 1 ^!?®7 MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN no* accepting applications for Sum mar or Fall t#rm start Must n*ve m» crocomputar savvy ami good comma ntcMton sluli* Apply room 2S0 Computing Canf f_ NANNY POSITIONS Salary Room A Board travel A other benefits Tn# Nanny Connection 344 4tM NANNY POSITIONS Salary" Room A Board fravai A other benefits Tt># Nanny Conoaction 344-4156 NORPAC Pookm. Will bo on campus May 16 to recruit lor summer production jobs Base pay M 12 an hour If worked Monday Friday Saturday is lima and a naif Sunday time and a naff Studants who work at least 30 days may may return each season with seniority par approved student leave of absence Sign up for interview at Student Employment tilt fret* EE06/AA Pari lima work available' assem biy/snippmp/ciencei For jewelry man ufacturer Send brief resume to JC jobs P O 8o» 2021 Eugene OR 97402 Staff positions in the new ASUO Executive are now open: Fliunc* Coordinate* f inane# Assistant Program Coordinator Events Coordinator National Affairs Coord University Affairs Coord Uni varsity Affair* Assistant Woman s Task Fore* Coord Afflrmativ* Action Coord Stat* Affairs Coord Publications Coordinator Th* Course Quid* Editor Advertising/Pubiicity Coord Comptroller Etactions Coordinator Some positions begin in summer while others begin in Fall Work study or stipend available Deadline tor applications is Tuesday May 16 1969 5pm Position descriptions and applt cations are avaiiabie in Suite 4 EMU The ASUO is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer Women minorities and differently aMed students are encouraged to apply SUMMED WORK We need construe tion cleanup for ongoing projects One to two person company willing to beat $15 per hour fh'al we currently pay for cleanup To work on a bid basis as a subcontractor Pacific Construction and Development 1892 Willamette Eugene OR 97401 Support staff needed for small rest denial framing homes for adolescents and adu'ds with severe developmental disabilities Part time full time and live m position available Apply at 45 W Broadway, Suite 201, M-F, 9>S. The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for the position of Student Program Manage ment Division Head tor fhe 196990 school year Work with consensus decision making while planning curric ulum for the development of other program leaders Gam valuable Super vision and communication skrits Should have an interest in manage ment and interaction with various stu dent leaders Applications due by May 26 For more information stop by our office in the EMU M ttl or call us at 686 4351 AA/EOE_ VOLUNTEERS PAID $5 00 for completing two surveys about treatment of se* offenders Call 342 6445 ask for Roberia The OREGON DAILY EMERALD still accepting applications for the 1989 90 Managing Editor position The managing editor oversees freelancers story backing and general management and helps to determine the broad direction of the ODE The position is both a big re sponsibihty and a great opportunity Applications are due Wednesday. May 17 at 5pm Applications and job descriptions can be picked up at the ODE office Suite 300 EMU Monthly pay is $20 per issue requires appo» 30 40 hours a week Th# OOE is an EOE Women minorities end the d»f ferently abied are encouraged to ap piy HELP WANTED WORK STUOY EXHIBIT CLERK Om lumw «wrtt study w»th Aft MuMumi traveling ashibdion program, prefer student *n art related fietd. ftesiMe work schedule SSfh» To mat sod frame artwork* check tncoming and outing show* and Other duties Ceil Visual Art* Resources, 6aB302B _ Student Campaign to# Disarmament ha* two codirector posrtion* opoo to# the t«M^90 year Stipend Of work study Applications available in Suit# t EMU Deadline May 19 Spm For more information call Lmm o» Dondi at ftdh 4«’4M An affirmative act ion-Equal Opportunity Employ## __ SUMMER JOB rtoffc Study certified only Gam practical skill* »n video production Must have !l*nW* hour* basic knowledge of video equipment helpful Cali Michael 345 1336 taw School Vidao Coordinator ! I Tha WOMEN’S CENTER ATTENTION Wa an accapting applications for the following positions ASUO Woman * Task fore* Coordi ; } nalo# Woman's Rasourca A Referral Co ! diractof. Softimaf 69. Go-director* j j I Of lha School year 89-90 Woman in Transition (ahJiikIW Project Safanda Coordinator Asm* j j lanI Coordinator Advent* j mg/Fundraising Manager Work study anil non work study j available can 686 4239 o# 686 1327 j fOf mors information o* drop by Suita 3 EMU *or applications and job j j description Deadline to apply is I Tuesday May 16 1969 at 5 p m An i \ AA/EOE WORK STUOY STUOENT NEEDED summer term IS QO/hr General office work Possible pos*Uon for com mg school year Contact Carta or Debtue 0ean's Office College of Art a & Sciences, Room 114 Friendly Hall 086 1902 ___ WORK STUDY POSITIONS T«0 12 month positions available w»lh the ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management 1i General Office ($4>hr starling dale as soon as possible) typ mg (SOwpm? on IRM PC (using Word Perfect 4 2) and typewriter filing, an scaring phones funning errands, 2) Shipping Room Clark <14/hr starting data August i) preparing product o» dam tor nhipmant k aging afh«<n m«nmum) and use of handtruck quirad Bolh positions are hall lima ■appro* 20 hrs pe' week hours a»e flexible w»thm * 00am Spm work day ) Pick up position descriptions and ap plications lit Condon School. 1787 Ag ate Street Room 102 between 1 006 00 p m Monday through Friday MUST BE WORK STUDY CERTIFIED FOR 9 MONTHS OF THE YEAR m»u.4mnr t Bedroom available June 16th eilra large apt , ail utilities paid security building $360-1375 Eugene Manor 1040 t050 Ferry 484 7441 MILL RACE APT 1805 Garden Ave Nice si/a two bdrm flats A town housas 2 blocks to U of O in excellent location Newer appliance and carpet mini blinds on-ade laundry off street parking (benmd Tracktown P»//a) Call 142 7009 for details and ask about Summer reservations CALL FOR SUMMER RATES t BEDROOM UNFURNISHED *235 1 BEDROOM FURNISHE0 STUDIO *235 BOTH ARE SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE NOW' _Call 343 4109_ SINGLE APT 1 vy blocks from campus Available May 17 may rent free' Call Hop# 8B7-236B _ SUBLET FOR SUMMER 2 bdrm South Eugene fenced yard, ga rage/studio w/iofi fully furnished l-TOOrmo H75dep (rwtund) 342 6997 225 APfl Accepting Applications for Summer & Fall Lot* 5umm*r Halo*. Jtmw»h#44 $69* Ask about itimmar reservations AVAILABLE FlNAtS‘wttk Clean quiet furnished 2 bdrm apt On tM»o laundry off Street parking pool, 2 blocks from campus 683 2 *89 CAMPUS FURNISHED ‘a-j. • ** bedroom. no pat* 485 28?J_ ENJOY THE POOL! Clean qu»at 1 bdrm apt t block from campus parking 1J4Vmo Avertable & 342^10^3886 GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. I Very nice t A 2 bdrm units in *«ii | I kept compie« Just south of U of O j i Appliance, on s«te laundry. off nt'eet j I parking 133$ 1425 Jennings &C° GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCLIFF Recently remodeled 2 bedfoom town house in very convenient location newer appliances t arpet me® i-*#"? Must i»b to appreciate Call <61 2H6 f336 A Hi ,1 CLEAN aim I XXVI* t btk U of 0 furnished, dishwasher ditp lot* of parking sundeck laundry 663 8919 LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET t bedroom one block U of 0 Big walk m clone! separate vanity and bath kitchen w center island fully furnished laundry, covered parking Reserving Summer and Fall Cali 484 4)03 t 30 7pm LARGE 2 BDRM Fjrmshed at » for summer and. if anh for 89-90 Dishwasher pool fireplace t Vy blocks from campus $440rmo 484 9922 days 34*> 4033 LOW SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor A University Manor South tak206' Call 486 4319 Ask about Summer reservations TYLER PARK 528 TYLER ST. Well kept furnished quad unit in cen traJ Eugene UTILITIES PAlOt On sM« laundry off street parking >!/9 Call 343 1569 for details FOR SUMMER ONLY 4 bdrm house 2 biks from campus carport wash er,dryer wood floors, unfurnished Call John at 343 0490 to see 240 R50MS Nice rooms lor rent, nice location For summer A possibly coming Fall For more mfo Call Chad Phillips 4H5 4696 NOW" 4 person house 2 blocks from campus Academic and musn ally onented Acid washed cheese mi; moral absolutism forget it >160 end >140 1377 Hityard come by talk with Rob or leave a note Move in ASAP For Summ« ig txJfm » bath and dac* Graat city »«*«* S.’OG • t 3 utiliti#* John Of Mafty 344 3794 ROOMMATE WANTEO S' piu* uttMia*. claan amt qutat anvtron man! rant now or fof iumm«i Call U4 60KM__ Room* to* rant mouM 4 (Roc** oil c amput Juna 15 Sapt 15 Call Bob G>iaiion 34? 2 2 A* NANNY Au Pmt Molhafl hatpa* In Washington OC 3 boy* agas 2.57 Starling Sapi Cali coiiact i?02>*2 3459 mm May 15-18 EVEREST: The Lost Unclimbed Ridge There have been many «ip*dilion» to Everest but only recently ha^ it t>«en possible to attempt it vie the Chomolungma Cham me lost unclimbed ridge See it on video Wednesday May 17 at 12 30pm in the Outdoor Program room in the EMU FREE DouMaa Voilayball Tournamant Sal May ?0 all (Jay Spontorad by Club Vo) ivyb-aii Taam call 494-2334 or 343 3000 l»m>!od antHAt SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES Brown Bag Talk Michaai Patarson will talk about n*s raeam trip to Vialnam. whara ha naipad build a madical clinic May 16th 11 *312 30 Room 3S3 PtC ART CINEMAS 492 E I3lh • 686-2458 rotacoorT anowa «*# u*> u tw wa n> ta »j -. «*&.»« . PBLLE THE CONgUEROHj ‘ wm, ?00 *«/UOANOUINMI« CRUSOE THt HAVtObATOn. H«C*M »fO<*t 5 4-KZEL 96 LATE NIGHT 4, rl twn* on trm r*a »cr**n wa ar mgrurn HNAL 4 oa«% wgnaynao I Working GirPj 1 5 MCA HOiTt-MAHTTH tMOAT^ [THREE FUGITIVES Lt Ml * tro-» t «1 nr »»vf NH>nt A EMU Cultural Forum’s 19th Annual Willamatta Vallay FOLK FEST ‘89 Fri May 19 Sun May 21 9 hr* ol rmitic aach day Faaturing Foxfire OBO Addy James Cotton and many local/regional performer* Alto Food booth* workthop*. mini stag# and much mw» Fra# admit •ion Rain 01 thin# EMU East Lawn UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents CABARET May 12 14, 18 20, 25 27 Robinson Theatre 8:00 pm TICKETS 686 4191 9:00 MONDAYS AT JHIILIffi LINGERIE DANCE CONTEST 1200 IN CASH AWARDS! | * Entrant* **gn up prior to avanl * Judge* taiacled trom audlanca * Walking dittanc# to U of O at Franklin Blvd A 7th St 345 E. 7th * 484 7181 305 SERVICES JIM S ELECTRONICS STEREO VCR A TV REPAIR 14V W 6lh 343 7683 Open Saturday __ LIFE INTEHNATIONAL/NORTH AMER fCAN ships student personal t>« longings and furniture worldwide and across the country Call 1(800)422 7017 asu about student rates i DOLLAR GOOD EARTH PIZZA U CO Mini Pizza & Small Salad Bar Med. Drink i the Unbelievable Price ot | $35° j (with this coupon) j exp 5/17/89 Call 486 3470 19th & Agate by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY I IN _ v' HEHfTMewrmA UtbANPMP , scKmep'fm&J smo mmw!' Irttl