Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS ifilil. Aon OETPSYCHED FOR GREEK WEEK! KA+ A dlnntf w# throw, in honor of you to rotrtovo our compoiil* you ilol« from our ctOMl But you night mmJ all day wtokondt Strictly cohlipanliai CRISIS CENTER MA 44Af SPECIAL THANKS To Maty Ann Bafcar OobtMa Gf***% amJ Kara S«yd*f of r*B For an you do th»* ada lor you*I Thanks lor all your ftard «rork' Leva. Your Sisters I CONGRATULATIONS TO rw WINTER TERM 4.00's Jill B#f#cco Jill Coyl# R*ch#i Coyl# Suitnn* Qo»h#m Chnttio# J#n»#n Shorn# Lilli# A f»i»# Oklal# K#ily# Schw#rtj Marti#* W#M> T#«#»# Wi#n#f THIS IS IT! SAY GOODBYE A SPECIAL WAY WITH A "PARTING SHOTS" AD! THAT YOU DESIGN! (E*#mpl#i I HONEY • I f M always (Ov# you* BINKY Be creative1 Wot# draw, or Stamp your message Design it on your computer* Your friends will love Ilf SUCH A DEAL! ONLY $5 FOR 1” AD $10 FOR 2” AD Ad forms can tie picked up at OOE 300 EMU UO Bookstore or EMU Man Desk HURRY! DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 31 APPEARING: FRIDAY. JUNE 2 BORED?? Checkout the movies In section 280. AAA The drinks were fresh and the togas were hot. Thanks so much for a great night. AT I'HfK'ICE $100 DOLLAR REWARD fot r»tu*n Of »«Kl moon*tono |«cM! lo«f V3 C*» F4550 *ff*» Need * roommate lo Mli the burden 1 ol bill*’ Try section . 260 JO THE typing pro Ovality IBM word p*oc«*»>nQ cnesjBQfta FASTYPE WORD PROCESSING ami adding V 10 p*9»« »n $n hout t>i*w* tattoos ESI nwicom# Cali &83 375ft PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Wo»d Processing _ ISM OAK ST 144 10*4_ RESUMES it! Quality 0 Affordable LETTERS UNLIMITED INC 14S&S1* QUALITY TYPING term papers seven day* pat *•«* 34S-1H9 LASER WORD PROCESSING 1* years aipartanca Editing IBM Grad school approved Near c*mpu» Ro6ln 144 0759 TYPING UNLIMITED 'BM School Approved BaMa-a Land 486 0990 BUOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 l 13m No 101 WordStytat A TypaScrtpU Computer arord processing Thases/ D«»t*rta1»0ns Pap#»» Rmuimi ElC AdvtwvE cht Input. Convert. and/or Print Out START TO FINISH or any where In between Any combination io fil YOUR needs! IBM Compatible Graduate School Approved cmtfy 4A4 S4S4 _Brandy 414 4044 _ WORD PROCESSINO 343-0909 Syatee/Sofinn Coovaralona a pVLi^crvir-iYm~HJkci Wrosi l Am Ftmrrimc 132 E. Broadway Suita 102 l«l@rd \r . "'gana. Oregon 97401 484-0449 no FOR ^ALE BUY * SELL * TRADE Stereo & PA Equip VCR s TV a STEREO WORKSHOP 1621 E 19th 344 3212 0 Cap and Gown Biu* velvet on front sleeve* It25 4844310 after TENNIS Dunlop Mai 2000 'New ttr.nga (7% Head Qraphita IdM 140 Gd cond »• covers Daw 144 2032 Ifii IH'LItLLI MEN WANTED CASH paid fo« your unwanted clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS r? w tt*h MHN1 uMmimmz GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from H00 Eord* Mircadai. Corveties Chevy* Surplus Buyers Gu>d* ft) 804*67*000 EsI S9643_ MONO A Aero SO Only 1 year old 524 Km Musi sail sacrifice 1450 OBO Jajsnte 484 3424 1974 VOLVO 142 Sunroof strong engine Mutt S#H 1800 344 7088 1984 HONDA Nighthawk S 700cc ' . 1200 mites 12300 OBO 3438857 1988 HONOA Elite 80 f • > wheimet low miles. 1594 OBO Mike 344 4490 _____ 1988 Honda Elite 1500 miles eiceftent condition must sell best offer cell Erie ai 686 1425 78 MG Midget Blue convertible, rowber nice body and mechanics AM FM cassette, recent tuet and brakes 12495 OBO Sill 342 6740 _ 83 Honda Passport - y_.,f ’4. ; «■’ 8*. HONDA Elite 80 f. •• ... • : low miles just tuned, helmet me I 1626 OBO 343 2334 evenmgfwoekenda 86 Honda 40 e*ce»lent condition 1340 Rich 344 9927 evenings mm Centurion Elite 12 speed *Moy trm cslm saddle dataller 1120 Greg M7 90*f ____ Clastic 3 »p*ed new ? ' pedals, front wheel arid basket »75ob° US-4245 MOUNTAIN BIKE 87 Diamond bach Ascent EX 20Vj inch frame 1275 Dan 686436!) (day). 4866922 : NEW FASHION ETHNIC and ratal# da s.gri«r clothing. need designer clothat Lea Pea Pah 86*2>2t The difference between dratted and wail dratted doe an i have to be expen sure Btng Cherry Palace 62 W 13th We Pay More Gentlemen's Encore Pay TOP dollar tor Men's and Women * clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 TRY THE BEST i»ro... OVER 300.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Seiimg 36 60% off list prices ‘Textbooks ‘Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE nvmftT - STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL it our best business We can handla ALL travel needs PAY TOP SSS CASH! for Denied Boarding Compensation. BUMPS vouchers, coupons FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and more' 6838186 .. BCCN BUMPfO^ Ml AIT ONI T«m those *»rim* compensation vOucft*r« into C*Ah Call A0VtN TUBE IN TRAVEL 464 (MOO WANTfD Alaska Air Or Horizon Airline bump ticket d*n*ad boarding or Any ticket Immediately f>ay «n cash No check’ 746 2330 UNfTCO AIR TICK It One wey Eugene 0enver Mnpl*/$! Paul. MN $110 080 Call Dawn 663 fti74 attar ftpm UNITEDAIRLINES'TICKET fugeneTto Detrod via Denver, Jun# I2lh A M $110 080 341740? rnmiMH WANT 10 Responsible pari on To drive our cm to Cincinnati JwneUuly Manual transmission. references required 343 9293 before 9pm ail'MIMi ALL PREPT/OT STUDENTS PLANNING A SPRING TERM PRACTICUM Tha eh a practicum meeting it Tuaaday. May 16 at 7 00am In 164 Oragon Hall ATTENTION Cartoonists Illustrator* Gag Writers Maatmg 7 30pm May 18th To discuss organizing display and marketing our works For details _ call 14ft 3528 2pm to 8pm CAREER COUNSELING INTERNSHIP Seniors/graduat* students with counseling or related coursework are encouraged to apply lor the Career Counseling Internship at Careei Planning and Placement for academic yeai 1989 1990 Duties will include drop-in counseling, individual appointments, workshops and career inventory testing Training period in Fall It interested please contact Gtna Huston for more details at 686 3235 Deadline tor receipt of resume and cover letter is Friday May 26 JAZZLINE AUDITIONS MAY 2D AT 9:00 AM 353GERLINGER ANNEX WRITING AND RESEARCH INTERNSHIP Use and improve your writing skills while earning upper division credit with a summer internship placements with three different Eugene Develop merit positions or a position with the Business Assistance Team JrfSr In the College of An and Science sign up for interview in 221 Hendricks Hall before May 17, Career Development In ternehip Program_ NANNIES!!! As the fastest growing agency in the East we offer immediate placement in the New York areas Our agency s plus is that you personally meet with our parents and children before you accept a position Certified tram ing classes offered Great benefits paid vacation, health insurance and more Over 240 nannies placed yearly Yearly employmant only NANNIES PLUS 1 800-7520078 PLANNED PARENTHOOD INTERNSHIP Assist the media director with public affairs and work with a task force re garding issues of Roe vs /fade in a summer internship JrfSr in the Col lege of Arts and Sciences are eligible to receive upper division credit while gaming an interesting experience Sign up in 221 Hendricks Hall before May 17, Career Development Intern ship Program __ ill ■Ifi'IilMK: FINANCIAL BERVICEIN TfUNSHIPS Experience the market Of financial S#r me#* with internship* at $h*ar»on Lehman Hutton o» United Financial Services fh.s lumffllf J# *n the Col leg# of An* and Soane** *r* eligible to receive upper division Credit for th# experience S*gn up in 221 Hendricks Hail before May 17. Career Develop m*nt internship Program FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARO FOR SUMMER TERM? Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or m« Office of Admtisions IT’S NOT TOO LATE To HI* your INTENT TO REGISTER CARO for summer session Stop by 333 Oregon Hail or the Office of Au " I'I - DO YOUR BODY AND MIND A FAVOR You li tmd highest qu.ihty •Vit.imms •Dii'I Products •Miner.iK "Cosmetics •Spoils Supptcmonts (■ r1 11 I ti t M \ ii nun is ‘*m ll Wl si I no i.Iw i\ On Ihi I >• iM i ili iw ii V-.ll ii i ■», i‘»