Photo bv Mark i lw Sophomore Kamala Kohlmeier, a standout gymnast at Portland's Park rose Hiyh St:hool. now is a standout trackster at the University. Gymnast turned track star learns to master new event By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter Kamala Kohlemier has per sonified all-around excellence on the track this season, not a bad trait considering track used to be a "secondary sport" for her. The sophomore from Port land's Parkrose High School competed in both track and gymnastics in high school, and was a two-time all-around state champion in gymnastics. How ever, it was track Kohlmeier de cided to pursue in college, and so far the results have been en couraging. “I was more into gymnastics so I knew my goals in track had limitations anil 1 had to be real istic,” Kohlmeier said "Pac 10's were a reasonable goal and before, nationals weren't even a vision." With a year of collegiate ex perience though. kohlmeier has become the team's top hur dler this season and continues to excel in the jumps as well “A year of experience helped," Kohlmeier said "Track was relatively new and kind of a secondary sport. It was a big step to do track at college. I still have a lot of room for improvement Womens' assistant coach Mark Stream, who coaches the hurdlers, jumpers and sprint ers, agreed that having a year of experience has made the differ ence. "Mainly just a year of train ing helped," he said "Her big sport has been gymnastics and track was a sideline." kohlmeier has the Ducks' lop marks in both the 100-meter high hurdles (1-1 21) tind I In 400 hurdles (1:01 till) despite running the 4(H) hurdles fur the first time this year lust Satur day. kohlmeier also has the third (rest mark in the confer ence in the triple jump (IIB-fl), after just learning the event this season kohlmeier is the only Oregon athlete to (pialify for thi' I’at If) meet in four events As il the hurdles and triple jump weren't enough, she has also tackled the seven-event heptathlon and easily met the conference standard with 4.fi7‘l points. With all ol the demands on her. it s been quite a c hai lenge for kohlmeier to excel in every event It's tough." she admitted ''This week coming up (the Pai -10 meet). I've got to do sev Turn to Kohlmeier, F*.tge f>S SOME. With a DOWN TO EARTH gift for homo or garden: ♦ Gt ASSWARi ♦ TABt i WARf ♦ GOURMf t COOKWARl ♦ORGANIC SIARTS A Hi IRlOOM Sf [OS ♦ BARfROOT TRliS r A HIRRY BUSHtS ♦ OUAUTV GARDINING IOOIS A SOU SUPPti Mi NIS ♦ PHCARl ♦ BODYCARt ♦ JiWE tRY ♦ CARDS ♦ DfStGNt R Gin PAPf R ♦ BASKETS ♦ Sll K SC AIM S ♦ CUT flOWt RS A MOW Come in and shop at our new stores and visit Allan Bros.Coffee for brunch, lunch or munch. HOME 344-6357 ♦ DOWN TO EARTH ♦ tfSSE™18 In the Histone Iced & Seed Bldg%. New Arrivals "Quality Clothing That Lasts” Terramar Royal Robbins Patagonia Woolrich Russel Worth Face Hind We have a great selection of Natural Fiber Clothing Remember 10% Student Discount MlKENZIE O U T F I T T E R S • 70 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Mon Sat 9 30-6 Sun 11-5 (Reg Center Hours) FUN FOOD TO 60 24th & HI LYARD -484-4497 Around the corner From Sundance I CATCH A COMET AFTER THE MEET I fit Yogurt Shop 50