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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1989)
Streetwise Do you think the religious studies programs at the University should be cut? “With Northwest Christian College being so close, reli gious studies would be one of the first things to cut be cause they could pick up some of the classes at NC(. and 1 maybe get even better instruction there. " Beth Lucier, senior, elementary education “It's good to haw a lot of diverse points of view at the University. It wouldn't matter to me personally if they cut the program, hut that *s not the important issue." Mike Reeder, senior, economics “No, / don’t think the programs should be cut. I'm upset with the fact that it is going on. They might not he able to have the faculty needed. Religious studies is definitely of high value to the University. ” r Norine McElhany, senior, psychology "No, taking away religious studies takes away from the diversity of the University. When you cut away from pro grams like that, it is not fair to people who want to study religion. It is history. ” Brent Heimuller, senior, chemistry “I believe it’s a good idea to have insight into different religions. It's good to have religious studies just for that reason — to get insight. ” )ose Cortez, junior, leisure studies Director candidates to give public talks Four vie for affirmative action post Four candidates for the direc tor position at the University's Office of Affirmative Action will give public talks this week and next A question-and-an swer period will follow each presentation. Sandra Holbrook, director of e<iual opportunity and academ ic personnel at North Dakota State University in Fargo, will speak Monday in the HMD Fo min Room at 4 p m Miguel Ornelas, director of the Affirmative Action Program at I tow I i hr Green University in Ohio, will speak Wednesday at 4 p m in the EMU Gumwood Room. Marion Metivier-Redd. spe cial assistant to the president for equal opportunity and af firmative action at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, will give her pre sentation Tuesday, May 16, in the EMU Maple Room at 4 p.m. Diane Wong Paschall, con sultant on equal opportunity and affirmative action pro grams at Roxbury Community College in Boston and a former attorney with the Enforcement Division of the State Ethics Commission, will speak at 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 17 in the EMU Walnut Room. Holbrook, a University alum nus, has been at North Dakota since 1974 when she was assis tant director of the Division of Continuing Studies. In 1977, Holbrook became the director of North Dakota’s equal oppor tunity office. She received her bachelor's degree in English from the Uni versity in 1963 and went on to get a master's in education from North Dakota State Uni versify in 1979 Holbrook earned her doctorate in educa tional administration from the University of Minnesota in 1984 Ornelas completed his under graduate work at Texas A & I University in 1973 with a dou ble major in sociology and Spanish. He received his mas ter's and doctorate degrees in sociology at Howling Green. Before becoming director of the Bowling Green affirmative action office. Ornelas was first the equal employment coordi nator and then the executive di rector for the Ohio Hispanic In stitute of Opportunity. He has been at Howling Green since 1986. Metivier-Redd has been at the State University of New York at Stony Brook since 1984. From 1978-83, she was the associate director of affirm ative action programs for the University of New Mexico. Metivier-Redd completed her undergraduate work in English at Eastern Connecticut State University in 1977 and went on to receive her master's of arts in public administration from the University of New Mexico in 1988. Paschall was with the en forcement division for the Mas sachusetts ethics commission from 1986-88. Before that, she was a policy analyst from 1984-85 for the Massachusetts Advocacy Center, which spe cialized in children's rights. Paschall received her bache lor's degree in Spanish and his tory from Cleveland State Uni versity in 1980. She went on to study at the Harvard Law School where she earned her degree in 1983. 3M' 77 Spray Adhesive 20%off 3MKRYLONBLAIR SPRAY ADHESIVES GREY FOAMBOARD (TO 32*40reg.S6.00ea 4)0.UU whitereverse 15%0FF MYLAR 40% OFF BAINBRIDGE MATBOARDS 20%OFF ALL CRESCENT BOARDS INCLUDING MUSEUM RAG:2,3,&4 PLY 15%0FF ZIPATONE PRODUCTS TRANSFER LETTERING. SHADING* PATTERN FILMS, LINE TAPES SALE ENDS MAY 14 SALE LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND 683 2787 776 East 13th Ave., Eugene Upstair* in the Smith Family Bookstore Duildmj 8 30 7.00 Morxlay Friday 10 00-5:30 Saturday 12 00 5:30 Sunday FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • 50-400% enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies. Great people 44 West 10th • 344 3555 4(K off one Gyms or Fal^fel al zsur 'i 1219 AIO<- 62 oxpires 6'5/89 Oregon liaily Emerald OK Oregon Da Oregon Daily Emerald OK Oregon Dai Oregon Daily. Emarald OK Oregon Dai