CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 SLUM* CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Female Model needed for HHWHiH posing No enpenence necassary For info contact Alika Bor*ting Phone 466 913* (taava name & numbed_ FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oragon Hall j or 1h# Office of Admissions IT’S NOT TOO LATE To fit© you' INTENT TO REGISTER CARD for summer Mission Stop by 333 Oragon Hall of the Otfica of Admissions HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME'*) j©l there from Seattle or SFO for nor more than $269 from Minneapolis ♦or no more than $229 or from the East Coast for no more than $160 with AlRHlTCH(o, as reported in Consumer Reports NY Ttmes. Let's Go. Newsday Good Housekeeping, and national network morning shows For details, call 212 864 2000 or write AIRHITCH 2901 BROADWAY. SUITE 100A. NY NY 1002H NANNIES Summer & year long assignment avail able on the East Coast Minimum 1 year Child care experience send re sumo to T S Nanny Placement Inc PO Box 3165. Sitverdale WA 98383 pr call (206)830 4QQ1 NANNIES!!! As the fastest growing agency m the East, we offer immediate placement in the New York areas Our agency's plus is that you personally meet with our parents and children before you accept a position Certified tram mg classes offered Great benefits paid vacation, health insurance and more Over 250 nannies placed yearly Yearly employment only NANNIES PLUS _ 1 •800-7520078 Study Abroad For A Term 1989-90 London & Bath, England Avignon, France Cologne, Germany Siena, Italy Information Meeting Wednesday, May 10,1989 3:30 • 5:00 EMU Forum Room Contact International Services 330 Oregon Hall 686 3206 215 HELP WANTED NANNY WANTED! Spend year in Wash D C . family loves Ore nannies Call/write Martie Kettrner (202)457 6529 (w). 966 0812 (h) 4411 Davenport N W Wash D C 20016 TCF MAJORS Get involved Meet faculty Earn credit Be a proud TCF Peer Advisor Applica tions now available at 211 Villard Deadline May 19 ________ SUMMER JOBS TO SAVE ENVIRONMENT EARN 12500 *3500 National campaign positions to pass clean air act stop toxic pollution tighten pesticide con irols & promote comprehensive recycl mg available m 18 slates & DC Intvs on campus 5/17. 18 Call Kale at 800422 2202 In Oregon Call Sandy ai 503 343 4 725 EESEMIZZIZ NANNY POSITIONS Salary Room A Board travel A othe' benefits The Nanny Conner non U4 4 ’ V> TH* ESCAPE field Studies Program •» no* accepting applications for 19691990 staff position* a minimum of 7Q-28 hour* a week •» required Th« positions offar a monthly stipend ptus upper division credits ESCAPE is a studant run organization that offar* practicum uppar division craditt for doing in non profit organize tions and puty* school* The follow ing position*, ore available Director. Assistant Oiractor Registration and Campus Aairanat* Coordinator. Of f*ca Managar. Public School Division Meads Public Schooli GTE Human Service Division Heads f SCAPE ■» an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employs* Tha Oregon Daily E mar aid production dapartmant * now ac c ept mg appin a tions for Advartiting Pssta Up. Nawt Pssta Up and Darkroom Phototachs Positions will begin fall of 1989 Soma training will occur spring 1989 Pasta up applicants naad to t>a abia to pasta up from a layout with accuracy and wtlh attention to neatness and da tail Phototachs should he able to davaiop film Any eapenence with scraan print mg or copy camara is a plus These positions raquira a minimum 2V; hour lima block Positions start at $3 50 par hour The ad paste up shifts are during the day news paste up shifts are at night and the photo tech shifts are either afternoons or even mgs Typically tha positions require 8 15 hours par weak Job descriptions and applications are available at the Oregon Daily Emerald front desk {300 EMUl All applications must be in by 5 p m Friday May 12 1989 No phone calls The Oregon Dai ly Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply Tha ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for the position of PUBLIC SCHOOL GTF for the 1989-90 school year ESCAPE 15 looking tor a self motivated individuals with leadership qualities who l$ desir ing an experience in group process consensus decision making, and e«pe nential learning The position is a demanding yet extremely rewarding opportunity Responsibilities include supervising Public Schools Division designing and implementing curricu lum. participating in committees and policy decision making Applications due by May 12 For more information stop by our office in the EMU Mitt or call us at 666-4351 ESCAPE is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer_ DANCERS WANTED !<* Jtggie Tavern, Oregon's nicest Inst class club High earnings potential Full or part time 18 years plus Call Jin' 01 Les for personal interview 2165 W.11th. 344 6697 __ FOREIGN STUDENTS ORGANIZATION is now accepting applications for Director position 1989/90 The deadline for the position is Monday May 15 at 5pm Applications and job descrip tions can be picked up at the FSO of fice, Room 206 EMU or ASUO Suite 4 EMU Election is May 19 5pm in EMU International lounge Monthly pay/stipend is $100 and requires 15 20 hours a week FSO is an Affirmative Action/Equai Opportunity Employe' CO DIRECTOR INNOVATIVE EDUCATION Two positions open for the 89r90 : academic year Training provided j this term and/or summer The , successful applicants will have gorxl organizational and oral and written communication skills They wilt bo able to work well with program j l University administration program staff Bookkeeping public relations skills helpful study ($6/hr) or stipend ($i00m 10 20 hours per wee* UO stc only (need not be enrobed s^ term) Cali 686 4305 for more mat ion To apply Submit application form resume and letter to our otfi e m the F MU M 110 by 5pm May 12 Affirmative Action Opportunity Employer ASUO antPc ASUO j Room I 1989 j Equal j mm ?ishE SUMMER WORK We need eonttroi lK>n cleanup tot on going protect* One IQ taro person company wWmg to belt |1S per hour tbit ** currently pay tQ4 Cleanup To WOT* Ob I b»fJ blKt II a sutH'ontfictof Pacific Construction and Development tf*92 Willamette Eugeni OR «?*)1 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD »• now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for Managing and editor Matt j position* to? t9R£Y90 The deadline | »or lb# taro position! i* Tuesday j May 9 at Sp m Application* and job description* can bo picked up at the ! OOE office Sum 300 EMU Wben j applying tor a position. pleas# at i tach errmng temples other indie a non* of roumtfttttc ability and per j ton*! reference* Monthly pay t* about $400 anti re , quires 30 40 boor* a week The ODE | t* an EOf Women and and minor j •bee and differently «M«d are e« j courages] to apply TRACK TOWN PIZZA ■ IffimtdlUt opening to* delivery dnv \ : *tr* and in houM pi//a makers f»**i ' bie pan time o* full time shifts Must j be able to work late nights Apply at TTP, 1809 Franklin Blvd NO CALLS' Why settle tor lea* than the best!?1 2?qW0RK STUDY POSITIOWS NOW HIRINQ WORK STUDY CERTIFIED ONLY Mar i* . . person for IBM Personal Computer ami or Novell network Can J«n»< e at Student Executive lireos < YV* a UO tHkQins Sept 89 9 mth portion Good leadership and administrate© qualities knowledge o' womens and ra lion skills, recruitment capabilities commitment to community service and student leadership development ability to represent the YWCA on cam pus and m the community Experience m program development preferred Send cover letter resume and two let UO tMl E 18th St Eugene OP 9/401 by May t5 WQ4 SUMMER JOB WORK STUDY CERTIFIED ONLY THE UO OUTDOOR PROGRAM IS LOOKING FOR: GRAPHIC ARTIST VIDEO PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN PROGRAM ASSISTANT CALL 686-4365 SUMMER JOB H » ly helpful Cali M naei W.M3J6 Law School Video Coordinator ??5 APTS. DUPLEXES CAMPUS FURNISHEO large • - * tw Accepting Applications lor Summer t, Fall Low Summei Roto* fumtvhed 1 A 2 bedroom* targe clean A 1 block from com put Student Manor Apt* 1442 C 18th Mgr -If J44 4780 _ ALDERWOOD 1860 Alder St. Vary me# t«/ga t .2 A 3 bedroom unit* 1 V* Nock* from U Of O AvotAt)!# furmabed or untumliMd. on-aife foundry ..ovo'od Off »tr#et i?40 |«jC Oetua# 2 bod room * 'replace ISSO Coll J44 MM A*k about »umm*i fe nervation* Comfortable quiet. clean 1 bedroom tor * urn mew tubief we*t*tde *200 colt MV4M ENJOY THE POOL! Clean. civet t bdrm opt t Nock from campo* parking * UVmo Available A/tva# :m2 toaaiba*) GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. I very «»<:« 1 A 2 bdrm unit* in welt | kept eompie* Juti touik of U of O I ! AppHance on *‘t* laundry off *tre#t | ! parking %3X> Un Jennings &C° Ml-2271 GREYSTONE Ruc^ftlly rwnodtM 2 btdfoont io«vn Mutt nee to appr<K>ata Call 461 2116 for details 0o«y *335 LARGE CLEAN QUIET blk U of 0, furnished dishwasher dtap loft of parting. *on<1«ci» laundry Ati.l«9i9 LARGE CLEAN QUIET 1 be.!' .»• Mr--. Summer and Fall park ng MILL RACE APT 1 AOS (iardan Ava N> e %>/»» two bdrro Mata 4 town ONI BONM APT I • . t■ r QUAO 1169 t Bf GROOM UNFURNISHED *2*5 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED STUOlO *260 Call 3434109 2 BOAM APT y >• v,mr». font u-a ,» meat! around Partially furnished 1 bit from ampul Ottcount 344 TOGO 230 C CEDARWOOD QUADS Nic« coniamponwy quads until in wen On site laundry iom« oft ilivtl park mg Only $20*) Call 486 4319 Ank Largo mans quads for rani quiet dot* to campus JtSOrmth 343 2378 Quad availabla at Aidarsgata Quads Musi sub laasa U2 ot Juna r#nf lot fra* Russ at 344 2879 TYLER PARK 528 TYLER ST. • ■ AI01 laundry, off -.imwH parking *179 Car 15th STREET QUADS Quad ' abif t'rk) Mg' tin.) 7160 Hf *?! Mgmt 9«5 Oar- Suita **00 Realti < 485 6991 ?3S HOUSES Attention Guvarnmant Nomas '• m *) (u repair) Delinquent ta* property fit Qh 12164 iS ATTENTION GOVERNMENT HOMES' from ft 00 repo* ta* property for* closure* Ava«*ab*e four a'©*' Caff pe TundabM) \ 4o? ?44 3220 CXI K1 760 for lillmgi Nou*#*»tt«ng * ant 0*1 Faculty on Sabbatical at U o* O i9t»90 school year Cho* i w* ‘,444 Moum for rant * large fenced backyard washer A dry** t-’2 mil* from Campul 1760 mo *de pout Graduate student or young pro fessionat* welcome Tracjr >46 3440 HOUSE . campul Washer A dryer basement pert furnished Avail June 16 Sept IS |4 7Vmo Can 345JJI8 TEACHER 01 S»ni S June.-July Willing pay tom# rent l #4*e message w# Tarn SB? Al# 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS N remodeled 4 txlrm house wifh garage include# washer & dryer lease SRSOrmonth no pets available m«d April >ee at 1?2*> Mill or • til Jim 486 200? days 4B40706 eve hm LARGE PRIVATE ROOM Female preferred All uMipei paid K>ng term or summer only Available 6028® Close to campus 1260mo 1st A last SftOrHftposit 344 0B24 ^o RdOMMaTE^ WAMYIo large room in beautiful older house f »t> brkevbut 10 campus ItSQfmo A*»i V18 342 6344 ortMRi 4 743 lusury apt, lacuxrt*. sauna, cable co» •red parking Cat ok matd svc avail f200mo Bruce 342 2900 or J4S 9266 ROOMMATE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 1 MO 00 mo 1 share * 4 others 2?1h A Potter 343 1660 2 ROOMMATES WANTED ? share house n«a? arnput Available May 2? rent 3200 each Grad student* pre ferred Call Constance 68? 0486 mm. 275 U. of 0. Mayfesl / Springiest Generic 5K Road Run May 13 9:30 am WHITEWATER RAFTING Interested in getting into the wet & wild sport ot Whitewater Rafting? Raft trip Initiators Clinic on Tue & Thur May 9 & 11 7:30 pm UO Outdoor Program 686-4365 NOTICE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION DIRECTOR Candidate* will be vi&mng campus and will puW«e taf*» You *'* 'nv‘» r*1 t.i them thorn que»f*ons , u th<nn Mark your altf'uur n*ai a*, many aft yOu can and participate n May d 4 00pm Forum Room f MU Or Sandra Holbrook May 10 4 00pm Gumwood Room fcMU Dr Mtguol Ornelftft May 16 4 00pm Mapla Room f MU Mi Marion Malivier R«dd May 1 T 4 00pm Walnut Room EMU Ms Diana Wong Patched ?75 EVEMTS THE HINAULT YEARS A vKtoo o* !ha td* AO<l »im#* o* on# of in* #o<fd % gn»at»»t twcycia racem Barna'd M.nauM It mctudaa plenty of '* k *ot-!ag<» And <1 •> FREE' W«*d,'n«i day May fOlh «l \2 30pm in the Out d<m' h*og»am room •' the l MU C*<i 6&b 4365 for mom «nto Communtcafe with friends throuQh Classified personal ads ?>0 ARTS t, EXTERTAIMMEHT Astor Piazzolla New Wave Tango May 12 Hult Center $15 tickets Only $8 At f MU M«m Desk Only -SI ■ • ART CINEMAS “ - 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 “ ro*acouNT *how»-i u, t , *»» »> *■ o*c am •TNNMtN te*,*y 4 W *05 PELLE ■ ■ nuf nil y ffNAL 4 PAY* iORCERESSJ : drib JACKNIFE] gHgLTOII TT*!T*» r» battef on (■+) »cr0W i.t f** -il n ■Ulhll JO Mil A.*#t QAtFPtTM Working Girl’"] la* Night adm Ff Sa t) / Su T h 93.S0 SKIN DEER, Th* com*Kty that glow on th* dork. f «ol*C f amaia t)»nc*n FiOlir Mala A Famala Dancer* Friday A Saturday night at »h« Out 4fU 4114 18 and over only' 9:00 MONDAYS AT 1M1ISIIM LINGERIE DANCE CONTEST S200 IN CASH AWARDS' * Entrant* »ign up prior to a*#nt * Judge* ••(•clod from audience * Walking d»»lence loUolO at Franklin Blvd A Ftft St 345 E. 7lh * 484 7181 305 SERVICES JIM S ELECTRONICS UFt !N!t RNAtlONAl NORTM AMI H ICAN .'[-*» .h.den! pom .«! tw» longifign <u'd fofmtu'O <*orld*'de and a <05* tTie country Can 1<80O>422 701 7 4*k about rdudnnt rain's HOPPERS Utnm*rl) Cii.inl (if inch i Monday RIVERSIDE DRIVE Cover $ I .OO |il//.l t>> the sin e ,1ml your l.ivoiitc lM.-vei.iye 19th & Agate 485-3470 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed n* to CALM *9 trrm t Z*\. . .'I Jc