Entertainment ^ |J Continued from Page 7 [.oil Reed's oft covered “Femme Fatale" (with guest musicians Reed, Byrne and Head-mate Jerry Harrison) and Frantz's moving rendition of Boh Dylan's "She Belongs to Me" simply outdo anything else on the album The tracks show that Frantz and Weymouth art* excellent musicians with more limited songwriting skills Kobvn Hitchcock and the Fgyptians — Queen Klvis Vet another goofy record from demented Robyn Hitch cock. the only pop star who makes psychedelic musit and still realizes what year it is If you listen to college radio at all. you'll find Queen Klvis to la* instantly recognizable as vintage Hitchcock This means that it's good stuff, complete with the same cast of loopy characters, liter ary figures ami amphibian life that has come before This alburn is not quite the total oddity that last year's Globe of Frogs was. Hitchcock is getting much, much better at his delicate compositions, as tracks like “Wax Doll." "Swirling" and “One l-ong Pair of Eyes" attest For fun. there's more typical fare sue h as "The Devil's Coachman'’ and "Veins of the Queen And while the lyrics are fun to dei ipher. the Egyptians are still a tough act musically. Andy Metcalfe’s fretless trass playing and the chiming gni tars of Hitchcock and special guest Peter Buck are at their greatest on a trai k like "Freeze." There's also chancy experimentation on "Knife." This Elvis is still kicking Highly recommended. ' ’ 1 © t s V i aiu e>rr«...'sv* rupfi»jo o< crtr 0 ^ .1 liS' ♦* 111-u no^ ’?v0 Wh% o >Auff irJ rtf \OQ j>Q [ si I I\ks sASiriTOTlKs.UlVMKMM>K si>1 l|S 11; VO** Kvw ~ £XPA7VO£o hours MUn^r7^ I I I I ■ If STs" BeltuUiW * ™ ... ikii coup°n pit« $7.75 "'“‘‘"ThoU* "V* I °*,uu' U.W 5. I'**'! ^...COUPON— We'll gladly accept phone order*. Call ahead and we'll have v<Hir Bread Stop PIZZA ready to go' X In K Ks 1hF. H1.sT uh>KU-S DKssKKIs SOI K 1KH i.H HKl \1>S KSlKtSSO PKISKS| Great Wall Restaurant Spet idli/ing in Smhujn • Cintonnt • Arm-nun VegetjrUn • low (.ilorio Cocktail* Order* To Co Open ? dl>% A Weel Hfc.> M<nn Springfield Mi POl NTH M RSIAl m m ♦ * HUNAN Bf If own l,HI AI WAtl IRIEDCHICHtN a a « MU SMlJ PORK a « \i * S/f( MUAN SIVU TOlU 72b-‘»UJ M I It 10 • Sri l ID iu • Sun l.‘ 10(»l Attend RIGOS CPA Review 70.4% P3sS Bate i IIHKr I.INF. Instruction for the \o\ember 198V CPA K\am (Hii 4K s Linn Pm (gram in tdTcrci! in Portland beginning Juik* I K1G0S !V< >♦ \ ssn >N M I 1)1 ( AI KIN fW * »R\M\ l H l I i»r further tnttmiulion ^ .ill (5<U)2>0-7IKX ( nurlM) photo Toni Child* will draw on a wide variety of global influences for her concert Monday, May 15 at the Hull (inter's Silva Concert Hall. Calendar Continued from Page 9 forming excerpts fnmi The Wizard of Ox. 12:15 p m . Hull Center lobby. Vocal jaw concert with the Ijine Community College vocal jazz ensemble, 7:30 p.m.. IX’C main theater. Tickets $5. available at the door or by call ing 728-2202. Friday. May 111 Greek Week Variety Show — 7 p in . Holt Center Silva Con cert Hall. Contact the In terfraternity Council or Panhel lenic for more information. Saturday. May 20 Kugene Concert Choir — Afessa cie Gloria. 8:30 p.m.. Hull Center Soreng Theatre. Tickets $H 50. available at Mult ("enter outlets THKATKR DANCE Friday. May 5 As You Like II Shake speare's comedy. Thurston 111kh School auditorium. H pin. Tickets $2 stu dents seniors. $-1 adults. $1 children under age 12. avail able at the door. The school is located at 333 N. r.Bth St . Springfield. Additional per formances will be held at 8 p m. May 6.12 and 1 3. Hittersuite a play about modern relationships. 8:30 p m . Seymour's Greenery Res taurant. 006 Willamette St Tickets $8 adults. S7 seniors, available at the door An addi tional performance will l>e held at 8:30 p in Saturday. May 6 Sunday, May 7 Sherlock Holmes & The Redheaded league a musi cal adventure. 2 p m.. Hull Center Soreng Theatre. Tickets $■». available at Hull (’.enter out lets Friday. May 1!) An Evening of New Plays — Dem Hash in' Hlues. The Aliev H'av and Under Wraps. 8 p m.. Lane Community College main auditorium. Tickets $3. avail able at the door or by calling 720-2202 between 0 a m. and 1 p in weekdays An additional performance will l>e held at 8 p in. Saturday. May 20. Diamonds — a play about baseball. 8:30 p in.. Seymour's Greenery Restaurant, 006 Wil lamette St. Tickets SH. available at the door. An additional per formance will be held at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. May 20 Bye Bye Birdie — a musical, 8 p.m.. Springfield High School Auditorium. 875 N. 7th St Tickets $2 students seniors, $4 adults, available at the door. An additional performance will lx- held at 8 p.m. Saturday. May 20 VISUAL ARTS Friday. May 5 Celebrate! Arts in F.ducation — honoring outstanding contri butions to the arts, 5:30 p.m.. Hull Center Studio One. Free admission Continuing Icons. Idols. Trophies and Totems kerns Art Center. 1910 K. 15th Ave. Gallery hours 10 a m.-5 p.m. Mondav Saturday. 1-5 p.m. Sunday. (Continuing Oregon Invitational Small Sculpture Exhibition Lane Community College Art Depart ment Gallery. Gallery hours 8 a m to 10 p.m. Mondav-Thurs day. 8 a m to 5 p.m. Friday. A closing exhibition will t»c held May 12 at 7 p.m. Opening May 16 Paul Pappas — an exhibition of sculpture. Hull Center art gallery. An opening reception will be held at 7 p m. Friday, May 19. MISCELLANEOUS Friday, May 5 Eugene Opera sale - 10a.m. to 5 pm. Eugene Opera Cos tume Shop. Oakway Mall west wing, 2nd floor. The sale con tinues 10 a m. to 5 p.m. May f> Saturday. May 6 Astronomy Months begin — Willamette Science & Technol ogy Center, 2300 Centennial Boulevard. Museum hours Fri day-Sunday noon to 5 p.m. This event is free with regular WISTEC admission: $2.25 stu dents seniors. $2.75 adults and $1.75 ages 3-17. Kite making class — noon, Willamette Science & Technol ogy Center, 2300 Centennial Boulevard. See above listing for times and admission prices. Oregon Country Fair Spring Fling — information, presenta tions and crew sign-ups, 7 pm.. WOW Hall. Entertain ment by Caliente will begin at (I p.m. Admission $;t at the door. Monday. May 8 Dumisani Kumalo — a lec turer by the former South Afri can journalist and author on di vestment and economic sanc tions. 7::t0 p.m. EMU Ball room Free admission. Tuesday, May 9 A Report on the Party and the Guests - an allegory of po litical life in socialist Czecho slovakia. 7 p.m., IMC Studio A. Czech with subtitles. Free ad mission. Wednesday. May 10 Disorder in the Garden — a lecture by environmental de sign professor Frances Butler of the University of California-Da vis, 7 p.m., Room 107 Law rence. Free admission. Thursday, May 11 Smothers Brothers — come dy. 7 p.m.. Hult ('enter Silva Concert Hall. Tickets $15.50 and $17.50. available at Hult Center outlets. Friday. May 12 Prehistoric Rock Art as In spiration in Contemporary Art a slide lecture by Terri VVarpinskl and Hon Haim, 7 p.m.. FMU Forum Room Free admission. Saturday. May 13 Planet People class — for kids in grades k-5, 1 p.m.. Wil lamette Science & Technology Center. 2200 Centennial Boule vard. See Saturday. May 6 for admission prices. Tuesday. May lb Love Affair, or the Tragedy of a Switchboard Operator —■ an ironic film of Yugoslav soci ety and its taboos. 7 p.m., IMC Studio A. Serbo-Croatian with subtitles. Free admission. Thursday. May 18 Betty LaDuke — a lecture by the professor of art of Southern Oregon State College. 7:30 p.m.. Room 107 I.awrence. Free admission.