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UL approved Escluslve pencil stop feature 799 I SPECIAL PURCHASE ELECTRIC 3 INCH DESK TOP FAN Personal Ian. vertical lilt adjustment tat le 1125 Valley River Drive 343*5619 Entertainment_ Campus provides gamut of events The quest for entertainment does not necessarily have to take the average student off campus. The University will lx- a ric h source of entertainment for anyone who wishes to taste the many talents that will appear or i>e displayed on campus in May Beall Concert Hall Util 1, 1 Hth Ave.. will spring with mu sic. almost every other day with a host of performances spon sored by the University School of Music; Unless stated other wise. admission to shows In Beall (Concert Hall is free l.iederabend. a song recital, will lx- performed at -t p in to day . The University Song and Dance Troupe* will perform Sat urday at H p.m. with the l.ikovania Folk Ensemble. On Tuesday. May fl. students in the University Percussion Ensemble will perform at 8 p m Admission is $1 for stu dents or senior citizens and $3 for the general public. On Saturday. May 13, guest pianist llan Rechtinan will con duct a master class at 10 a m Kechtman will perforin a Grand Piano Series concert on Sunday, May 14, at 8 p.m Ad mission for the concert is $3.50 for students and senior citi zens. $fi 50 for the general pub lic . For more information about concerts sponsored by the mu sic: school, call 886-3701. Robinson Theatre, loc ated by Villard Hall, will host the hroudway hit "Cabaret,” The showings, the final production of the mainstage season, will begin on Friday. May 12. Sponsored by University Theatre, admission to "Caba ret" is $5 for students and se niors and $7 for the general public Tickets are available at the University Theatre box of fice- from 12:30 to 4 p.m. on Monday to Saturday, and from 0:30 to 8:15 p in. on show days. "Cabaret" is a musical set in a Berlin cabaret la-fore World War II. the big-se rc-c-n produc tion of which starred Liza Min nelli and Robert DeNiro For more information about the production call University The atre's txix office at 086-4 I'll Galleries abound. Art and photography exhibitions are scheduled in all the galleries oil campus throughout May. In the Museum of Art the annual highlights of the best works by graduate fine arts stu dents will hi- shown. Entitled "Master of Fine Arts." the ex hibition will begin on May 14 and run though June 11 Artists to be featured include Anna Mueller, Stephani Ste phenson. Natalie Sudtnan. Ann Zeman. Bets Cole. Joe Wvnian. Phyllis O'Cara. Susan Schwein. Sharon Mueslis and Michael Peterson The exhibits will lie shown in Galleries If: and ID of the museum. A continuing exhibit entitled "Photographs" also is housed at the Museum of Art It is a photography show curated by I)an Powell and Terri Warpinski The exhibit will run thorough May 14 From May IS to June 25, the museum will feature "The Vil las of Palladio." a black and white architectural photogra phy exhibit of works by Philip Tragtir of Fairfield, Conn. Trager's work takes one though the streets of northern Italy and the villas of the 16th century architect Andrea Palladio. The exhibit can be viewed in the Photography at Oregon Gallery. Admission to the museum is free. It is open from noon to 5 p m. Monday through Sunday. It is closed on public holidays. The Museum of Natural His tory. 1680 E. 15th Ave., will house the exhibit "Ravens’ Friends: Animal Representa tions in Northwest Coast Art" through June 30. The exhibit is an artistic representation of the Northwest Native American tra dition. Opening on May 17 at the museum is "Archaeology of Oregon." an exhibit about the lifestyles of Oregon's ancient peoples It will show the different cul tures of prehistoric people in the five distinct geographical areas of Oregon archaeology — the Great Basin, the Columbia Plateau, the lower Columbia and Coast, the Southwest Mountains and the Willamette Valley. Artifacts include finds by University professor emeritus of anthropology Luther Grossman and is scheduled to coin< ide with American Indian Week. May 14 to 20. More information about Mu seum of Natural History exhib its can be obtained by calling 686-3024 The museum is open from noon to 5 p in. Wednes day to Sunday and is closed on publii holidays. Admission is free. Gallery 141. located in Law renre Hall, will host several ex hibits. From May 8 to 12 is an ex hibit of paintings by fine arts student Andrew Cook. From May 15 to 19. the gal lery will feature the works of student lattice Paynes Paynes uses a variety of media, includ ing charcoal, ink wash, pencil, graphite oil paint and paper collage materials Saha Oskoui. master’s degree c andidate in fine arts, will dis play her computer artwork at the gallery' from May 22 to 2fi. Gallery 141 is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p m and is closed on state and University holidays. For more information. call <186-3610 The KMU Cultural Forum also will sponsor several con certs and gallery shows this month The 15th Annual Undergrad uate Art Show will be at the* EMU Art Gallery The exhibit is a juried showcase open to all University undergraduate stu dents working in a variety of media, it will run through june 8. A reception will lie held hon oring all participating artists on May 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. and will feature the exhibit, musi cal entertainment and a view ing of the prize winning entries from the Northwest Film and Video Artists Exhibition. The synaesthetic and futurhythmic art works of Da vid Zerrull will be on exhibit through May 20 in the EMU Art Gallery. Zerrull's exhibit consists of seriagraphics and pencil draw ings that connect one of the five senses to another, or what is called synaesthesia. The Dougherty Dance Thea ter, Gerlinger Annex Room 354. will house the Spring Stu dent Dance Concert Set. The concerts will run from May 19 to 21 and will be per formed by students in the Uni versity dance department. It will include a wide variety of dance styles ranging from ab stract. post-modern conceptual dances to jazz, contemporary popular and more traditional styles such as ballet. The production involves about 60 students, 35 of whom will lie performing in the con cert. l.isa Oxman, Wendy Ru ble. Maria Hasile and Sarah llauss are four of the choreogra phers for the concerts. Concert dates and times are May 19 at 8 p.m.. May 20 at 8 p.m. and May 21 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $2 for students and seniors. $3.50 for the general public. For more information, call 686-3386. Editor’s Note: This is hv no means a complete list of the events that will take place on campus in May. For daily up dates. refer to the Ft als section of the Emerald. i OtthMV photo hunk/rock psychedelia hipsters Slack will play with The Bin Daddies Friday. May t2 at lVOW Hall. Concert will benefit campus radio MUSIC Friday. May 5 Station Aid — benefit concert for ASUO campus radio, 7 p.m. to midnight. Condon School auditori um. Bands include Indigo Zeros. Be True. Completely Grocery. Crack erbash and Falling Spikes. Admission $5 at the door. _:_Calendar_ Mel Torme and George Shear ing — jazz, 8 p.m.. llult Center Silva Concert Hall. Tickets $14 to $20, available at Hull Center out lets. The Caribbean Superstars Steel Band — calypso, samba, reggae and rock. 9:30 p.m.. WOW Hall. Admission $5 at the door. All ages welcome. Saturday. May t> Music at Saturday Market — H) a.in.: Ben Bochner (contemporary folk); 11 am: lust Passing Thru (physical theater and downing); noon: Hover Chamber Quartet (Mo zart to Joplin); 1 p.m.: Bethel Tem ple Sunshine Band (gospel); 3 p in Citizens Band (acoustic mu sic). The Jack Falk Orchestra — modern klezmere music, 8:30 p.m.. EMU Fir Room. Donations accepted. Oregon Mozart Players 8:30 p.m . llult Center Soreng Theatre. Tickets $7.50 to $13.50. available ut Hull Center outlets Tuesday, May 9 Pleasant Hill's Jazz Showcase '89 — featuring four jazz bands, 7:30 p.m., Unit Center Soreng Theatre. Tickets $6.50. available at Hull Center box office Wednesday, May 10 Benefit concert for reggae mu sician Alton Thomas, H pm,, WOW Hall. Bands include Willie Dee & Willie Smith, Stone Biscuit (rock and country blues), The Crawdads of Pure Love (eclectic electric music), and Onefullness (reggae). Admission $3 and up on a sliding scale. All ages welcome Thursday, May 11 Shocase Free Noon (Concert Very Little Theater performing ex cerpts from Annin Gel Your Gun. 12:15 p.m.. Hult Center lobby. Jesse Colin Young This show, scheduled for the Kugene Hilton, has been cancelled. Ticket holders may return to the place of pur chase for a full refund. Friday, May 12 Astor Piazzolla — with The New Wave Tango Sextet performing nuni'o tango music, 8 p.m . Hult Center Silva Concert Hall Tic kets $15. with limited student senior discounts, available at Hult Center outlets. Slack and The Bad Daddies schizofunkadelic rock. 9 30 p m . WOW Hall. Admission $ti at the door. All ages welcome. Saturday, May it Cascade Chorus barbershop music, H p m., Hull Center Silva Concert Hall Tickets $1 50 and $8.50. available at I lull Center out lets. Bochinche Afro I .at in salsa music:. DOS, avail able at the MKChA office, Suite ltd) EMI!. or at the door. 12th (ienesis juice Co-op Birth day Celebration <1 p m . WOW Hall. Hands include Transistor (rockl, A lew Chairs (hard rink and folk punk) and Hole in the Ocean (improvisational roc k) Ad mission S i with two cans of food (to benefit Food for Kane County) or Sr. All ages welcome Album release party with l.ea Jones of The Tones and special guests. 0 p.m . Mediterranean Cafe, -it2 Pearl St Admission Si 21 and over only, please Monday, May 15 Toni Childs c< let tic global pop with Matthew Sweet. H p.m . Hull Center Silva Concert Hall Tickets $14 50 and $16.50, avail able at Hull Center outlets Thursday, May 18 Shocase Free Noon Concert Sheldon Community Theatre per Turn to Calendar, Page 10 discount kgkts ^Mot) tmi * sr ?k.us a thc: tastiest popcorn** VL r 6 JOft' S ■ Stun U»> 4 oO ^ ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN FILM Mu vi«i Syduw is immeasurably rnovmg as I *«*, an dig Swedish wid>«»ei who to lie UlB 1 HOC* travels to 1 terunsik with tus m»| wet. • Vile m i»t fer to find s hr net life Instead they must settle be s neon eimrtKt on Ur estate ui a farmer with a roving eye end alcohol* wife •Vile auesi drv«l>aps s sturdy fortitude as he ohaervee tie social and sexual injustice* around them A gem * os a**w » t ms~hw> / v H>V*r7QC0i+, | ^OKCERESS ‘A unique and compelling viuun oi I3«h erntury runl France m which pagan belief* and titua Is rilit »tde by aide with Prfianltv ‘ -1 a, nsniftfgBnnEBBBaaiBimnra^ •#1/5 f END SOON * 0 20 orJy • Sun Ual 4 >0 1 ROBERT DE MHO R Kl) HAHK1S KATHY HAKKK JACKNIFE ^ AdapWd fcow pimi •STRA.NQE SNOW^ IT f. it. o iw . -l.. it, « i IK LANE • HARRISON FORD ■ ...WIT, RUDENESS. 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