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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1989)
Community TCI Cable alters service lineup, drops VH-1 for more 'diversity' By Greg Hough Emerald Reporter The Fugene TCI Cable Television service will alter its 38-rhunnel lineup on June 1. dropping VH*1, one of two video music chan nels distributed nationally, and adding four new offerings VH-1 (Video Hits One) will make way for CNBC, a new consumer-oriented channel start ed by the National Broadcasting Company: the Vision network, a non-denominational reli gious channel: and Univision, which features Spanish-langunge. programming. Local UHK Channel KLSR also will be added. CNBC began operating locally last week on ltd Channel 22, bumping VH-1 to Channel 36. where it will remain until June t A mes sage informing viewers of the change w ill run on Channel 22 at least through tin- end of this week, TCI General Manager Peter Kahelin said. "I'm not going to toll you that VH-1 isn't an outstanding service," Kahelin said. "Hut when looking at our lineup, we weren't going to drop a lot of our channels because thev're one-of-a-kind. The majority of VH-1 videos ran be seen on MTV, or on the Ted Turner channel (VVTBS) or ‘Friday Night Videos.’ "We want to insure as much diversity in our programming as possible," Kahelin said "NBC's not going to get into something that they’re not going to make top notch," CNBC, which began nationally last month, offers business and consumer news, including a "money wheel" segment run ev ery half-hour. It also features talk shows host ed by Dick Cavett and political analyst John McLaughlin, as well as a program targeted to youngsters called "Kids Are Consumers, Too." The decision to add CNBC was made jointlv bv the local TCI office and bv the TCI corporate office in Denver. kahelin said The local TCI. which has about 50,000 subscribers. has received several phone calls about the changes, but “the response has not been overwhelming." Kahelin said "We've had a number of VH-1 viewers calling in to express disappointment." Kahelin said, "and we've also had some t all ers curious about the new channels What we've done with those who want VH-1 on is to refer them to other (cable) services in the area." VH-1 spokesperson Grog Drebin estimated "maybe 25 percent" of VII 1 programming can Is; seen on MTV. the pioneering music channel which aims at a teenage ami young adult audience "MTV and VH-1 are as different as Tracy Chapman and Guns N' Roses," said Drebin. who said the local TC.I move is not indicative of a national trend VI! i adds an average of 150 affiliates (air quarter-vear. and is now on more than 2,SOD cable systems, Drebin said "What's unique about VH-1. even more than the quantity of videos played, is the indi vidual packaging of the format, which I don't think you'd get anywhere else." Drebin said. VH-1 and MTV are popular at several Uni versify fraternities ami sororities, said Kappa Sigma President Mike Hoff, whose fraternity has a big screen TV set that is turned to either of the two music channels "about BD percent of the time." Students to visit on foreign language day loaay tnousanns ot mgn school students from around the state will sample the cul tures of at least 20 countries during the 11th Annual For eign Language and Internation al Studies Day. About 3.51)0 students from 120 Oregon high schools will take part, according to program coordinator Jim Heinrich, a graduate teaching fellow in Spanish. "As far as we know, it's the biggest event of its kind in the country." he said. "It's certain ly the biggest high school visi tation held on campus Heinrich said the purpose of the event is to promote the study of foreign languages and to increase awareness of foreign cultures. "Because of current trends in international relations and world markets, students need to know more foreign lan guages. And the overall boom in University enrollment has resulted in a corresponding in crease in foreign language en rollments.' ’ he added Activities will include slide shows about Southern I-’rant e scenes trorti Orman plavs, ,tn "edible lour til i ulluri' through its mans varieties of cheese. discussions ahoul fflasnost, a lesson io flow to do file t ha t ha. and an introdui lion lo the I illinose opera among others (lampus tours also will he i ondui ted in I rent h. Spanish Orman and Russian Ihe event is sponsored In the language departments in conjoin lion with the Interna tional Studies Program, the Of fice of International Serve es and the admissions offit e Exotic Female Dancers Monday — Saturday Featuring: A 13' Trapeze and Exotic Water Shower New Hours 4-2:10 ). Coles Brew Pub 104'. Uill.iMl. lt.- <>H i JJI.H Exotic Dance Floor *M 1 tO f emale I xotn Darner 12-2:00 Stale txoli< Dancer* 2 i U) female I xofu Darner* tft years otd and older please today & Saturday The Outback 1039 Willamette 3434114 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL & OPERATIC MUSIC ON COMPACT DISC AND LASER VIDEODISC [CDs from $6 95^1 NOW OFFERING SELECT CLASSIC FILMS FROM THE CRITERION COLLECTION ON LASER VIDEODISC BRADFORD 5 343 9000 Coffee Bean of the Month GOURMET ESPRESSO S s605 lb. * ‘A lb. $3.10 */» lb. $1.65 KINKO’S MO E. 13th • 344-7M4 \H )H-. ) \> s i M K' < H (.Ml K11 ) \ >> s Luncheon Specials HoyLum 9 Cfi Cai Fuhn JU Chicken Laksa 3.50 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I . 13th $43-2832 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Eugene's most unique approach to the perfect Mother’s Day gift! 1 $12.00 sitting fee. Includes 8-I2 pose proof set returned to you the same day and completed package in just 24 hours! Choose from hundreds ol backgrounds. Come in and see the newest in portrait technology. 48 W. 18th #1 • 683-6679