_Sports I l*t»oln Im Mai k 't Irn W ith Ces ('miIson watching. Oregon shortstop Stacey !■ underlying makes the fun e out at set and base during the set ntul game of Tuesday > double-header sm eep. Webfoots sweep Portland State; look on to weekend with UCLA By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter Katie Wiese was named Pa e.ific-10 Softball Player of the Year before Tuesday's double header with Portland State (see story, Page B), and celebrated by pitching two complete game victories over the Vikings at I lowe Field. Wiese ran her record to 46-8 with a 4-2 win in the opener and a 1-0 victory in the night cap. Wiese also threw her 14th shutout in game two as Oregon improved to 4H-i:t overall. The Ducks always have prob lems with Portland State, and Tuesday was no exception In the opener, the Vikings held a 2-1 lead after four innings be fore Oregon rallied for the win In the nightcap, Gail Towsley limited thi! Ducks to iusl four hits, but Wiese was even stronger as the nation's fifth ranked team escaped. “It's the same old stuff." Duck head coach Teresa Wilson said. “Everybody was talking and looking ahead (to Satur day's showdown with top ranked UCI.A) PSU has a good team. They could beat a lot ot i)ivision I teams Oregon snored first in game one m the first inning |ulie Cavanaugh stroked a single stole sei ond hase and s( ored on a triple b\ Isatln (irav t he Ducks had a good oppor tunitv in the second inning vvitli runners on second and third, lint couldn't capatilize The Vikings then look a 2- 1 lead against Wiese in their halt ol the third Teri Van laevv singled and ( iynthia Mat om hit into a field el x chon e that left evei vhods sate alter Wiese's throwing er ror. Carol Devencou/i then (linked in a two run double that gave Portland Stale the lead (fregon pulled the game out with two runs in the filth and one more in the sixth (!es (ioulson singled in the filth, and the Dm hx then lo.nl ed the bases on bunt singles In Ioanna King and Cavanaugh Gray then flied out. but Kim Manning reached on an error as both Coulxon and King scam pered home Oregon repeated the s( enario in the sixth as Stai e> Kunderhurg singled, and Kristi Okuhara and Coulson heat out -UO-Bookstore— cN^aTurPaY CElEI3/?<ATiON5 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE AGES 3 8 • 12:00 IN THE GENERAL BOOK DEPT MAY 6 YO YOS BOOiSTORI f,*e 4jj' bunts for hast' lots I'underburg thru s< orecl on an error to «iv** tin' I)<n ks tin' tin.il margin Wii'si* allowed only two lots in tin' opener am) was a master ol i ontrol. sinking out five and walking mini' Oregon had It) hits, but lull seven runners on base The second game was a pill lung battli- between Wiese and Towslev. who allowed I urn to Softball, Page 8 GET A 12” 1 ITEM m s4.75 PLUS ONE 32-oz. PEPSI NAME_ ADDRESS_ 687-8600 • 1432 Orchard ONE COUPON PER PIZZA • Expires 5/3/89 J You’ll Believe It When You See It | You Just Won’t V Believe What " You San. “...the spectacle is spectacular..r IM* N»H H«k HSUS “Everything about ‘M unchausen' deserves exclamation points..V IhtaHlMliH IIMI nii:vi)Miviii<iuS(H BARON MITNCHALSEN pg -<nv I_ STARTS TONIGHT CINEMA WORLD sh, BULK & NUTRITION CENTER "IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR TIME TO STOP” | Dutch Girl Ice Cream 3„s500 '■/ gallon Diane’s Tortilla Chips u Coke Family 86 2liter ♦ dcp. shop save COUPON JLIL-msf&tooo t:mn t mm —. ■ ■ AY■& TILLftMOOK CHEESE Expires 5 9 89 • 2 lbs • with coupon only "first one" Tillamook Medium Baby Loaf Cheese $098 17 Coburg Rd. Hours 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. 7 days a week 683-8670 Ad Effective 5-3 thru 5-9-89