CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 FliHiiapniffE 210 SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM rwH*on *a<v#r plus month ty stipend fot QuaMied person* inter ested in earning a master's degree And special education certification F<w more details write lo SancJi Davis 175 Education. University of Oregon TH» ASUO »s now * appu ir n» ' - EMU Board ol Otrec lors. Student At large posit' n Application deadline is May 5th At 5 00pm Application-|ob descnpt. can be obtained from th ASUO office f MU Su'te 4 Th# ASUO IS An Affirmative AcUoo-Equai Opportunity Employer Woman minorities and dd t#r«ntiy at>ie*J students are encouf aged to appty 215 HELP WANTTp" DANCERS WANTED Tavern, Oregon s nicest first class club High earnings potential FuM or part time 18 years plus Call Jim or Las for personal interview 2165 th 344-6897 GOVERNMENT JOBS' Now hiring this area' $10.2 0 to $75,473 immediate Openings' Call (re fundable) 1-316-7334062 EXT F2802 for current listing. Help Wanted Campus Dairy Queen Now hiring all shifts Spring A Summer applications will be taker, 2 5pm dally NANNY POSITIONS Salary. R Board travel A other benefits The Nanny Connection 344 4156_ __ _ NEW INNOVATIVE RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM Specifically designed to serve two people with developmental disabilities is seeking payed stafbroommate Prefer men with prior experience in DO field Will tram for special clients Great position for up per grad student good pay plus room A board Contact OPPIN 45 W Broad way, Suite 205 SPECIAL ED We are 5 high level MR/DD with |0bs looking for a live in provider lo encourage adult behavior and teach independent skills Prefer someone physically active enjoying outdoors Private room & board plus $800 salary Call 687 3695 for details STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ! help build school for poor In Guatema la this July Contact Miyuki after 8pm M F for details 344 0078 The EMU Craft Center at the Univer sity of Oregon has ar opening for a Drawing Instructor to begin in June t989 Familiarity and the use of the concepts presented in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is pre ferred To apply, submit resume slides or portfolio, and three refer ences by Thursday, May 4 5:00 pm For more information, contact Anne Schneider at the Craft Center, locat ed on the lower level of the Erb Me mortal Union at 13th and University Streets, 686-4361 The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for 1989-1990 staff positions A minimum of 20-25 hours a week is required The positions offer a monthly stipend plus upper division credits ESCAPE is a student-run organization that offers practicum upper-division credits for doing services in non profit otgani/a tions and public schools The follow mg positions are available Director. Assistant Director. Registration and Campus Awareness Coordinator, Of fice Manager. Public School Division Heads. Public Schools QTF, Human Service Division Heads. ESCAPE is an Affirmative Action/Equai Opportunity Employer, The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for the position of PUBLIC SCHOOL QTF for the 1989 90 school year ESCAPE is looking for a seif motivated individuals with leadership qualities who is desir mg an experience in group process consensus decision making, and expe rientia! learning The position is a demanding yet extremely rewarding opportunity Responsibilities include supervising Public Schools Division, designing and implementing currtcu lum participating in committees and policy decision making For more in formation, stop by our office in the EMU M111 or call us at 686 4351 ESCAPE is an Affirmative Action/Equai Opportunity Employer _ 2 is HELP WANTED Attention Hiring' » v*"-men| ;!_>b* you' are* H 7 840 I694** Cm 160iWdfUW*! Fat Rl?!64 CO DIRECTOR INNOVATIVE EDUCATION j ^HtCi positions open for the (jO"9C ’ ; this term antPor tumm«r The ; j successful applicants will have good ! ; organizational and Otm and written ■ elite to wore *eu with program j program staff Bookkeeping amior - j ^dudy J6hr» or stipend ttuximordN ! term) Can 686 4306 for more mfQr , j metion To apply Submit ASUO i i application form. resume and rover 1 ! letter to our office irt the FMu Room j M 1 to. t , f>pm M.t, C !<w I | Affirmative Action l j Opportunity Employer ASUO The ESCAPE Field Studies program % accepting applications for the position of ASSISTANT DIRECTOR for IN* 1989 90 academic year The assistant director plans leadership retreats manages the budget and coordinates student leaders earning credit through the ESCAPE program Organuattonai skills and flexibility are essential This position also serves as a support to the director Be a apart of a 13 member staff committed to group building and service to the University community Earn Upper division credits and a monthly stipend Complete job de scriptions and applications are avail able m the ESCAPE office Will EMU 686 4 351 ESCAPE .s an affirmative ac bon equal opportunity employer f-“ ‘THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD l> i now ACCEPTINQ APPLICATIONS I for Managing and New editor staff positions for 1989/90 The deadline 1 : 'or the two positions ts Tuesday ; May 9 at 5p m Applications and |ot> j descriptions can tie picked up a? the I ODE office. Suite 300 EMU When j [ applying for a position, please at ! lach writing samples, other mdtca | tions of journalistic ability, and per j sonal references Monthly pay is about $400 and r* quires 30-40 hours a week The OOF j is an Equal Opportunity Employer This is the summer job you have been wailing for The Park Cafe & Grocery in St Mary. Montana, east entrance to Glacier Nat l Park has positions open m the cafe, gift & grocery stores Cali Kathryn at 916-675-0410 for info._ UNIVERSITY HOUSING FOOD SERVICE Flexible hours. Varied shifts available between the hours 6 4Sam and 8 30pm Monday thru Sunday Wages Starting wage is (3 50 per hour Duties Line service, dish room, pots and pens etc. Requirements Must be enrolled at UO at least 8 credit hours it an under graduate or 3 credit hours of a graduate student Qualifications Ability to understand written and oral directions Must pass test for Lane County Food Handlers Card Inquire at Hamilton Dining Center or call 66*4302 Equal Opporlu nlty. Affirmative Action Employer S350/Day Processing Phone orders People call you No experience neces sary Call (refundable) 1518 4598697 Ext K1759 7 days 220 woBk sTbbV Mitibws SUMMER JOB WORK STUDY CERTIFIED ONLY THE UO OUTDOOR PROGRAM IS LOOKING FOR: GRAPHIC ARTIST VIDEO PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN PROGRAM ASSISTANT CALL 686-4365 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS NOW HIRING WORK STUDY CERTIFIED ONLY «»•.!* .va *e-w person lor IBM Perfto'-'jl Comput#** and,,;* Novell n«|*o'k Cell Jan.ce *1 6A6 #v4 ’ 4 S!ud«nl EitcullH ! *» ' YV\' A )' by M<»> t*> w ei» ??5 APTS -DUPLEXES LARGE CLEAN QUIET ' . ! MILL RACE APT 1BOS Garden Art mini blinds oo site laundry oil nlfine! parking (behind TracMown Pi/:a> Cell 14? ?009 lor del *<lft and as* About Summer reservations My neighbor and I are j the Summer end a/e looking lor mature individuals to sublet our >mpi»fely furnished one bcjrm apis 6 IS 89 to 9 1SB9 Out charming 4 un.i ab**!* -s 3 b»fcs west of i.anpu* Sorry no pets' u- no or w? Art;» QUAD 1169 1 BEDROOM UNEURNISHE D $28* 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED STUDIO $260 Call J43 4109 noomt smsuc ingum p<us roiiii cal Science student 11401174 utilities included 606 9674 1970 HiQH STREET parking laundry 4 d«?- * 12'»4 No pets Shown by appointment ©My Spyglass Assoc 686 1130 Accepting Applications for Summer & Fall Low Summer Rates furnished 1 It 2 bedrooms large clean 4 1 block (torn campus Student Manor Apts 1442 § 18th Mgr -19 J44 4760 ALDERW00D 860 Alder St. Very nice large 1 A 2 bedroom units 1 Vj blocks from U of O A*aiiabio fum.shod or unfurnished on site laundry cowered off street parking 1344 1494 Detune 2 bedroom * fireplace 1494 Cell 344 4694 Ask about summer reservations CAMPUS FURNISHED ar je one A two bedroom^no pets 484 2623 Comfortable quiet, clean 1 bedroom tor summer sublet west side 1200 call 34S46M_ ENJOY THE POOL! Clean quiet t bdrm apt 1 block from campus parking iJ4Vmo Available 8/14/89 342 108.13684 GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. Very nice 1 A 2 bdrm units m well sept cornpie* Just south of U of O Appliance on site laundry, off street parking J3s34 1424 Jennings &C° •6*2271 GREYSTONE Recently remodeled 2 bedroom town house in very convenient location newer appliances carpet nice lawn* Must see to appreciate Call 461 2116 ' • !«•*.*.;•, >' ,! •. i% LARGE CLEAN QUIET 2 bedroom 1 blk U Of O lurnisned dishwasher di»p lots of parking sundeck laundry 683 8919 230 QUADS CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 I 17th Hice ' ■'"temporary Quad* u”•!% we; )i«p{ LOntptti 3 bkKk) U Of O •"« Srt»r ***»’ 406 42m* ‘a^ Quad available *t Aldertgale Uu*<t* Mull *ub teat# 1 >2 of June rent tor tree Run at >44 J879 15*1 STRFIT QUADS 0 . k1 - 1 t. * M,; • • )i*> U* Sot la .>00 M-'.v- - 4856001 Charming studio cottage All utilities aicapt gn ideal for graduate iludtnl On# year i«a«e Near university No smoker* or pat* 1200'mo >44 3018 morning* or leave me*cage RESTORED 194S 2 STORY HOMf btiH * * »n>m am put 4 large (mn) • ’ Mhtuvv , jr*mg W-0 h - ^ up* Ava aM* 89 ‘*5 1 .1900091 344 i 10th Charmmg studio cottage no pelt i?35 1S71 M»gh Street 4 b».t *om no pel* Vi Vi 644 1130 Spyglass Assoc 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS So*!, remodeled 4 hdrm bouse with geragr include* waihat A dryer lease SdSGrtnonth no pet* available mul April v.«w «f i/?5 M>11 " i all Jim 485 2007 da>* 484 0708 eve For Rent Lg tunny fCHWfi w lAylighl Private entrance washer and dryer 14 mile off ampul 881 .*K4*» 260 ROOMMATES WAHTtD luiury apt «v*laM0 Ona or Two '■• • tarns) *n twoatcwy house on ISlfs A Mi (yard Cad no#' >44 *ui60 Serious Student t . . '. •■'• up* 11«*<*n iju*«t A bright < 10*0 !o campus C 1 2 464 6696 DEMOCRACY IN CHINA 3 10 Thursday May 4 f MU Forum Room In c(MTHTH>moration of IN /Oth Annuor .>' the Ma* 4th mu»env'-! > d support of the meant liudtnl (JtMWi atration m china Invltad spaafcer* GaraW Rust Lana County Commtsuonar Jamas M O'Fallon Protassor of Law I'Fan Chang. Protassor of History Gang Yua Graduata Studant Zirtvou Tang Graduata Studant Sponsorad by tha FSO For mora information contact Xlnman Wang at J4*> 3211 or Xindong Mu 666 47S6 2nd Annual Hong Kong Cultural Night A Trip to HONG KONG Dmnar FaMbrtwn Parformanca 1004 10 Dane# 1061 frOO TiefcaM natlabto at f MU Mam Dask Forum/Oiscusston on May 7, Sunday EMU Ballroom Moaci s IT ASSOCIATION ?7S EVENTS Call to Artists UNDERGRADUATE ART SHOW The t MU 0«tl«ry will be Accepting «oit« th*% Thu(i(U| from J to Spm end f nday liom 3 to Spm tor tbe Jury ***0 cm%% lor the mnuil UndergreduAte Ail Show Fo* more info call flAA 4000 RECYCLE THIS PARER DUMISAN! KUMALO The Cultu*«i f'wum pre»ent* Oumiinm Kumeto South Atm.#n |Ourndii\t And Authority on divestment end economic sanction* A* a result ol police hArA*«m«nt h« wa» forced to Me* South Africa in June f#77 jut! After the Soweto opnimg Me will tAlk About the Apertheid regime And hi* unique experience a EMU Ballroom Monday Mey • f 30pm to A 30pm f Hit FRIt FRH f Hi t FAff FRC t —UO-Bookstore— ELECT THE UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTORS YOUR VOTE COUNTS MAY 2 & 3 Your vote counis in choosing the governing board ot the UO Bookstore All current students, (acuity and stall are eligible to vote in Book store elections You will need to show your UO identi (ication card at the voting booths Elections lor the Board ol Directors ol the will be held on Tuesday, May 2 Wednesday, May 3 VOTE AT THE ‘UOBookstore •EMU Candidate statements will be available at both locations and published in the Oregon Daily Emerald those days For more information, please contact Lisa Burkhart at the UO Bookstore 686 4331 2,’S EVENTS Episcopal Campus Ministries Wednesday E*en»r»y f uchantl -19?? THE GREAT WHITE HUNT! R -r-j •■••■ley* Uh*v> • ' "r of .rjf 5..-, V :.,o S VVwt! ■ I, '.*.1, ■ It • pm in th« Outdoor Program room. th« l MU »l s FREE* ?«o ARTS A CNTERtflINMENT APPEARING TONIGHT RUBBERHEAD HOPPERS t? 00 rover chary* 19TH & AGATE TONIGHT EAGLE PARK SLIM HIDEAWAYi LSORCEKKS& r ■ • «• 1 • ~ noni ht t't Ntn< > ^ JACKNIFK +KZEL 96 LATE NIGHT + tola N*ght adm Ff Sa $3 So Th $2 SO SulhiiM (.«ni Davit in TUI ^ ACCIDENTAL TOURIST BULGARIAN FOLK MUSIC BALKANA Haall Hall. Thurt May 4 8pm IONLY OREGON APPEARANCE' 14 uO studant \t General Public Th Ml outlets f MU Main Dosk Hanodeer Mu-in.. Hull ( enter Oaii-i f I .1% Enolle Famala Dancer* ’•• »i inng ’* trapo/e an I a water shower pe> M:.-> day thru Sal 4pm 2 JO am j Cola* 104* Wtltamofta 6EU 21 A var only E a otic Mala A Famala Dancer* «»r, Friday 4 Saturday night at I ho CutLo* ► 10J9 Willamette starting at 9pm 484 4 114 18 and o*ar only* 305 SERVICES JIM S ELECTRONICS • ' . i, LIFE INTERNATIONAL/NORTH A ME H ICAN Hf-Mps uludonl personal t>e longings and furniture wortdwde and a* rosa the )un!fy Call 1(MX))422 T01/ ask about student rate* HOPPERS formerly Olant Qrlndcr Wednesday Rubberhead live Cover $2.(X) uiiiijimiiiin HAPPY HOUR; 7 to 9 : immirinn wwnrf piz/a by the slice rind your favorite beveraqe 19th & Agate 485 3470 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed "1—■ n— -———i r sm, we*> or t* mmY\ W/me 0OO$rrj& i Mu./™, AMY xr-rfAt*' 4 m I aw* vz* cone I ■ •A-' .40M- AW7 ■ l o **» Vww>eMn* I * fjtrru jrirts.5 * W ho wenr? F v . ft/WM _J ‘"Vnd W IN IV t ft KN ' ' nr 7 -j