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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1989)
CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ODt POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICES 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN OESK PAYMENT All ads muii pa»d for in atlvvu.o unl#*s a tilling haa mhh> #siat>n*b#d For t^Mvng «ir rangemoftt*. tail AM 4343 o« slop by lb# EwPd ClaasdMKJ attic* 300 EMU RATES THrsw On# minimum eh*rg# Is *370 lor It*# tlrsl Witmttoo #ftd *3 40 lo« conmuliv* Insertions 90 c#nts p*r no# lor If*# f»r*l day And 00 c#ni» p#r lino lor con*#cul»*# days lh# ad >t run writOout change 9 POINT (Il 35/t»n#| 12 POINT (ft 80flm*) 18 POINT itt F0mn#i 24 POINT (3 60im#) BOX BOROCR *1 50/DAY GREEK ART *1 50/0 AY DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE *4 50/INCH FIRST OAY U 40/lNCM CONSECUTIVE DAYS DEADLINES LINE ADS 1 PM the day before publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AOS 1 PM two day* balora publication ERRORS The Of agon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible for mo** man one day » incotrecl advertising inun hon The OOF s liability for typographical error* incorrect Inser lions or omissions in advertising pub it shad shall be limited solely lo (he cancellation of charges concerning Ihal portion of spaced reflecting the Errors not the fault of the advertiser *hich lessen the value of the adver hsement will be adjusted Errors re suiting from unclear Insertion order or handwriting will nol be compensated Ptease not# clearly all Instructions on ad form If you> ad appears incorrectly call SM4M) bafore 1 pm lor correction in the nest day's issue ft is the advert** er * responsibility to check an ad for errors on the days if is scheduled to REFUNDS WILL BE LIMITED TO CREDITS ONLY NO CASH REFUNDS The Oregon Daily Emerald *s published Monday Through Friday during the ac ademtc year (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday during the Sum mar session (June August) BORED?? Check out the movie* In section 280. AAA Susan Bowman Congratulations on your pinning to OX Tom Haidar i uvr your Siatars MVUV DID YOU KNOW? Evan inouQb fOU aWoHad spring t#f»n mv n#ad to fHa an INTENT TO REGISTER CARO ’ your* planning to at land lha SUMMER SES5ION Thar# ■« at ill !»m# to do H %o tlOP by 333 Orogon Hall o* ltv» OM*ea o* Admission# Do you n*v* tju«*<*t.ons about Substance Abuaa. Adult Ch*itff«*t ol Alcoholics Codapvwutoocy? Cat) tn# Maalth Education Cants* j«t lha Student Health Canier 6&644S6 for an appoint man! AT Wa didn't know gantlaman Ilka fourMim ran around In only your shaofsf Thanks for a great toga party loaa. _ AAA EUGENI PREGNANCY HOTLINE | It v*da» Ifua. confldoolial tasting aup port and information Call ,34 S 0400 336 E t tin, Eugono FRCC PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN S SERVICES CALL SANDY M7 7302 fCOUECTj raa WHAT'S A GREEN HORNET! IT SURE STUNG AND MADE THE EVENING FUN! ATO GREEKS ’ ’-i, ". your ordar anvaiopas from laat *e*fe , WALLY INTERNSHIP A KEY ?Q YOUR CAREER find out your internship option* a! an orientation T oday a t 2 0© pm 237 Hendricks Mall Sponsored by CP PS is the thought of cxhng INTERVIEWS GIVING YOU SWEATYPAlMS1 Dry your hands and attend INTERVIEWING WORKSHOP Today? 30 4 00 pm Call Career Planning and Placement at *3235 or come by Room 12 Hendricks LUNCHBAG SERIES 11: Ooes advertising affect the way your feeling* concerning Body Image? Workshop wlU be held May 3. 19M EMU Maple Room 11 10am 12 10PM Student Health Center PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT W7 8051 PROBLEMS? Telephone hollme for U of O students Spin to Bam every night and all day eeekends Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER MB 44M EN Thanks for helping us have such a successful teeter totterathon Even though if had It s ups and downs it was a great lime l Thanks. k>va _AJiJi PIANNE0PARENTHOOD for Pap smears infection check birth control & counseling Days A evenings 144 ‘>411 IOSJ imvm NOONO Happy B'^hcJay 23 You ra o*! fing up that* lov. I Jill# Wa«i< THE ELECTIONS BOARD WOULO LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING POLLWRKING GROUPS Adalpha Coop Alpha Kappa P*4 Bahai Association Campos Information Eschanga Cwcia K International Craw Taam GALA Gamma Phi Bata Hong Kong Student Association Kappa Alpha Thata Project Safartda Psychology Peer Advising Sigma No “U. V. RAYS’* Tha real truth about SUNTANNING! Wellness Tabia May 3. 1M0 EMU 1000am 2 00pm Student Haatth Center LISA OAL PONTE AND GARTH ENGLE CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PINNING! LOVE. YOUR SISTERS mnHUfflni FOUND Gray short hairad cat *n Sat# way parking lot Adult, whit* paws and collar Ptaaaa contact Su/ia at 342-B341 or call 6S7 3645_ Found Small Mlti Tim#* watch at t3th A University Ptaaaa call lo Monti ty Ian 344 04A4 K##p trying owningi PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE 1553 OAK ST 344 30*4 JO, THE TYPING PRO " Quality IBM word procasamg Cali 583«06« LASER WORO PROCESSING t8 yaar* aipanonca Editing IBM Grad achool approved Near campus _Robin 344 075* TYPING UNLIMITED IBM CompoiibipGfafl School Approval Barbara l and 48S QB90 BIJOU THEATRE BUILOING 492 E Olh No 101 - , ■ - „ - —J WordStyla* A TypaScnpts Computer word proc#»stng Thasav Dissertations Papers Resumes Etc Advise Edit Input Convert and'or t START TO FINISH or any whar# In bftwaan Any combination to t«t YOUR needs' IBM Compatible Graduate School Approved Cindy 444 5454 Brandy 444 6044 ■*! WORD PROCESS IIMO I 3 413 - 09459 I Sya tee/Sof t vara Conversions APPLE CP M 1 DM MACINTOSH iju:rn PHimimc 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 icitmnrre 120 tVl FASTYPE WORD PROCESSING and •OKing * »0 paga* w m boor Dtttar ial>oot ESI wwMcom# Call 663 3 7 Vi PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING EditmgvTXt* Storage „ Co»—^ 344 7040 1 ftpm _ professional typing Alto word proCNPAg. •d*t«ng Fro# prcfcupfflaH*MY Ronda. MS1W8 QUALITY TYPING fh#t»m™ fMvimw, !»rm pap*r* t*v*n dayt p#r w*** 3ASI310___ LOST wax CASTING E>p*Of« in# world of m*t*J catling u**ng tfn» loti w«*f*ntnfug*l mj*ct*on mathod Thit }««tl court* will covar d*t»gn *a* mod*! mating mold pr*p and catting Previous m#tti •■pananca nacattary Only $19 p*u» Craft Canlar mambaranip Wad ft 10 9 30pm . May 3 17 REGISTER TODAY? EMU Crtft C#nt*r 6604361 PORCELAIN REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS H*v« a m*gn«t»c partonalitv’ H*r* s your c.h«nc# to anpratt iff All malart •it prov*d*d You bring tha CMNMivtty* Saturday May 6 1 4pm Only $9 00 Ragtatar Today* EMU Craft Canlar 6ft6 4361 Whitewater Rescue Clinic A one day clinic (or raft ers and kayakers who want to learn tech niques lor whitewater rescues. Cost: $5. Sign up by May 10. Informa tion X4365. Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Program. May 20 iTTITTT BUY * SELL * TRADE Stereo & PA Equip. VCR * TV * STEREO WORKSHOP 1621 E 19th 544 3212_ __ FOOSBALL TABLE Brown top. excellent shape, never abused, $400.461-0552_ NEAR Nf W roomy very comfortable 170 OBO Michelle 6834828 SMITH CORONA M.»n, convenient leturts like new $150 Cherf.e 34S 1969 Waterbed tor Seie Two person heed shelf wfmlrrof Poor waterbed. $150 00 663 2646 IMS Toy ole Corolle 4 door deluse. air. power, front wheel drive. 465 3163 Leeve message 19M Honda Elite W; lent w'hetm low miles Must sell 1625 346 4490 1M6 Red SPREE * " ' basket and helmet $300 OBO 342 1978 77 PONTIAC Grand Prls Huns'great very reliable. $690 464 4140 73 VOLVO 144 AuU OBO 81 SUZUKI GN400 $400 OBO 342 2680 alter 6 _ 84 Nissan 200 SX. air con. loaded w/optiona. 38.000 miles, eicellenl cond asking $6200 484 6364 fTH'LUg'tMUgW'I'ifiiF GOVERNMENT SEIZE0* »rom I tOO Ford* MlffMil Corvettes CMvyt Surpiwt Buyer* Guide (1) a0MBy«00Ert HN2 180 Cut* »*> $660 obo 736-0015 0* W 7 0662_ 19MW FAST BACK TYPEJ »ery~n.7e runs *ei; MUST SELL 8680 OBO 4*5«t02 A*h to# Krishna LEAVE MESSAGE__ 1970 HONDA Civic ' $800 Of best OHer Molt **!* now' *84 4658 T5TI hhk; BIANCHI Racing Bike 62cm heme Campy 4 CtnatU. $375 342 i 960 Bt>n 1866 10 5 inch BIANCHI Orii/ty Mt Bib* Great sh*t>e mutt *e*i Shimano 0*or* equipped S4QQ 343-4267_ 1868 TREK 2000 Racing Bib* 56cm Shimon©, Campy 3* equipped Practically New 2 month* old $600 1966 BiANCHI Limited frameset 52cm Columbus Tubing Mad# in Maly $200 Can 485 9170 evening* For Sal* $900 MITAC IBM Compatible 2 dt*c drive A prmt#r plus tree toft war# Caii 343-5166 niLioai Guitar. Keyboard* 4 Batt lessons learn your favorite songs John Sh«f key 344 5530 16 yr* teaching expert «nc* An style* all age*____ STERLING SILVER Haynes Flute & Piccolo matched set consacutive numbers Serious inquires onty $5000 967 7365 170 RESALE CLOTHING NMd a gift Itx your roommata? Try Bing Cherry Palace 62 W 13th i»5 TRAVEL STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL is our best business We can handle AIL travel needs PAY TOP »$$ CASH? for Denied Boarding Compensation, BUMPS vouchers coupons. FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and moral 683-8186 _ BEEN BUMPEO? MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash Call Debbie AOVENTURE IN TRAVEL 4BA0600 FASTEST WAY TO EUROPE Lufthansa one way ticket Eugene San Francisco Frankfurt Stuttgart Call 344 5923 _ Alaska Air Ticket for female one way Eugene to Anchorage June 9th 5pm S300 oOo Angela 343-0663_ UNITED AIR TICKET for female one way Eug -Phila May 30, $145 firm 345-1896__ WANTED plana voucher or bumped ticket Call Debbie 342 5488 STUDENT TRAVEL EXPERTS LOWEST AIRFARES! Eurailpasses * Work Abroad Study Overseas * Budget Tours TEACHER DISCOUNTS Coundtllravd 800 228 2854 * 228 1900 CALL FOR FREE CATALOG US. DON'T WAIT Start on your crw 'kw* by gaming practice aippnenca *n public rafahons matkatmgfsales r# *ea#Ch/W'tting SOCial ««rvic*« P#f*On n*i and financial wnricM through »(jmm*f internships offered through Car*#' 0«vfk>pmant Internship Pro gram Available to Jr'Sr with ma iortminor in Collage of Aria and Set encas H*ad position descriptions in 221 Hendricks Hail and attend onenta lion meeting Thursday. May 4. 3 30pm . 244 Gilbert to sign up, DO YOU WANT TO GRADUATE? And are you interested In: getting to knots students & faculty in your department? increasing your communication skills? doing all of this while gaining valuable experience and credit? If so. apply now to be a PEER ADVISER nest fall Information av si labia now in Council lor Minority Ed 314 OR Computar A Info Sci 4 PLC Economics 414 PLC Education 11? ED English 118 PLC Gerontology 122 ESS international Studies 837 PLC Journalism 211A ALL Laisure Studies 1S7A ESS Mathematics 333 FEN Physical Education 231 GER Psychology 141 STR Sociology 709 PLC Telecomm A Film 211 VIL The EMU Cultural Forum 19th Annual Wlllamatta Vallay Folk Faatlval s nearly here! On the weekend of May I9th2tst the Eugene and Campus Community will converge upon the EMU east lawn to have the time of fheir lives' If you are interested in being a pari of history, corns sign up for a security, tee shirt sales or tnfor maiion booth position Hurry these volunteer positions get filled quickly! For more information call Steve at 686 4373 or stop by the Cultural Forum Olfice. Suite 2. EMU FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARO FOR SUMMER TERM? Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office of Admissions IT’S NOT TOO LATE To Me your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD for summer session Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office of Admissions HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME?) Jet there from Seattle or SFO for nor more than S269. from Minneapolis tor no more than $229. or from the East Coast for no more than $160 with AlRHlTCH(r) as reported in Consumer Reports, NY Times, Let's Go. Newsday Good Housekeeping, and national network morning shows For details call 212 864 2000 or write AIRHITCH 2901 BROADWAY SUITE 100A. NY, NY 10025 OREGON COMMENTATOR is now hiring for the following positions tor 89 90 Editor Senior Editor. Associate Edtors Production Manager Advertising Manager and Photo Editor Applications available in Rm 203. EMU or outside the door Deadline May 5. 5pm AAiEO Employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply ROTARY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS All expenses, one school year abroad For details call Rotary 485 5983 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HE1, JJ.iPO WO KNOW IWO% PRl-Siott-rr ai6HT NOW* \ ■V-5=>^ T YOUCANT \ R£M£M0eR,\ CM YOU* PPBSlPtW* UH 5URB. Of , course i«?' i \ . MfM. WHO s. V“' '^^poe&rr* •/ t- / .L'\ l OOP...HOW CMMRPA^ING. OKAY, WHO 15 IT? \ YOU PONT yes, i po, KNOU). nSHexB OTHER. I HtXBSOMe / ' THING... / \ sil\l I MAI \|| | ( FEATURING: 99< WOLFF TANNING 22?* s25.00/lO Session get 1 Free Session (w/purchase ot package) 1888 Franklin Blvd. (next to 7 11 on Villard) 344-2691 Rentals Mon. & Tues. »l.oo off all stock during Happy Hour Package