UO-BOOKSTORE ★ BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION ★ AT ( EMU & VOTE ■» ^BOOKSTORE ELIGIBLE VOTERS INCLUDE CURRENT UO STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND CLASSIFIED STAFF McMbtrlb. U^CANDIDATE STATEMENTS"!^ FRESHMAN POSITION • VOTE FOR ONE Anthony Corona My name 13 Anthony Corona and I am running tor the Fresh man Board of Directors position There is a great demand for better service and quality control here at the University of Ore gon There are also many faults with the way in which our book store is run That «s why I am running tor a Board of Directors position I feel that I can only do my best to help out all the stu dents here at the University of Oregon in making our bookstore even more efficient and worthy of our business than it is now Many, if not most of the books which we are required to read and learn from are bought through our campus bookstore Therefore, it would be to the students best interest to have a place where he/she could find almost anything he/she would need during his/her stay at the University of Oregon Thai is my goal To make the University of Oregon Bookstore better than the rest Looking one step ahead into tomorrow’s promising fu ture is just a single vote away VOTE ANTHONY CORONA FOR FRESHMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS" Bethany Strasburg Did you know that everyone attending or working at the Uni versity is a Bookstore member'* I would like lo be responsible to all of you by being the next, best (freshman position) member on the Bookstore Board of Directors I have the leadership experience In working with active organ nations and being a diplomatic liaison between staff and stu dents I am involved already with many groups ranging from the Honors College to intramurals to the Greek system, and this in volvement gives me access to the views and concerns of mem bers I would be responsive to all Bookstore members by listen mg to their ideas about what they want and what should be im proved upon I want to be involved and serve all members by working with their ideas, along with my own long range plans for the Book store Some of mine entail, helping solve problems with crowd mg. being able to supply more books and Greek products, and investigating the idea of computerized book returns I want to, and know I can make a difference for I am a dedi cated hard worker, and an effective communicator with much experience Vote Bethany Strasburg. freshman position Chris Lucier H-' My name >s Ctwit Luci#r ®nd I'm fbe candidate tor th«> Bookstores freshman Board position Although I'm a mere Freshman l have a wealth of business experience M> employ ment at U S Bank has been an invaluable educational supple men! which will prove advantageous to you and I as a serving Board member Does anyone really know what the Board is for7 Probably very few of us are familiar with the Board and us functions This w»H soon change I associate with a diverse range of students, from Grads to Freshmen ft is my intention to be highly accessr bte to everyone at any time The Bookstore is ours This «s an important concept and I’ll serve everyone with that thought ir» mind What's best for the students bookstore and the University is of utmost impor tance l ask you to remember on election day.that the bookstore is here for you and so am I I also ask you. my fellow students to cast your votes for Chris Luc lor Thank you Craig Thomas As a frequent visitor ot the U of 0 Bookstore. I have noticed the efficient and effective role H plays m the oveiail activities of the University The U of 0 Bookstore Board of Directors must serve the many needs of the people using if I leel lhal I pos sess me integrity and qualifications needed to represent the d> verse student body as a member ot the Board ol Directors The Bookstore has traditionally shown its customers that it wishes to bo more responsive to its customers, and along with this notion I would express a proactive altitude towards changes I would like to see adopted l will lobby tor improve ments in the long lines at the beginning of each term, a cap on book prices, receive more money on book returns make avail able more used books, and improve the quality ot sweatshirts Having tilled and excelled in various positions in high school student body government, athletics and church activities I toel confident that my experience along with my motivated, outspo ken, and goal ouented approach to Itle will make me a qualified candidate you cannot overlook Mary Robertson Walking into the bookstore can often lead to a lot ol unan nwnrod questions Why do tennis balls cost *4 45 at the book store and range Irom |IOO$3 99 eveiyvnhnie else’’ Does the bookstore really need to carry luggage and dishware? With such a large Greek population, why is there so tittle Greek para phernatia’ ts there a way to cut the time it takes to buy and sell books? It is questions like these that have inspired me to run tor the board o* directors t would like to see ANSWERS to students questions I have 3 years enperienc* in retail as an assistant manager I am also dedicated and have the time necessary tor this position II s time tor (he bookstore to be more responsive to students l would like to see a more selective range ol merchandise be! ter prices when possible, more Greek paraphernalia and less lime spent for studonts when buying and selling books Please vote May 2nd and 3rd Mary Robertson Freshman Position Jonrta R. Wingren I am runmng for the Freshman position on the University Bookstore Board of Directors t decided to run because every position on the board of Directors should have the most quail tied person I am the best qualified, having been involved in the Bookselling Industry for the last seven years Three of those year. were spent as an Assistant Manager at an independently owned local bookstore In lhat position I made a great deal of decisions concerning policies of the store This experience transfers directly to what the Board of Directors duties are l have attended the Ament an Booksellers Assoc iation National Convention twice in the last five years, and will attend again next year In this election you as the owner of the bookstore are choos mg an employee to run your business in the most efficient »*f fee live method possible Would you hire a person to run your business who had no relevant experience7 No. you would look for the most qualified candidate I am the clear choice SOPHOMORE POSITION • VOlb hUH I WU Scott Brown Our Bookstore operates with the purpose of serving its mem bers—the students and faculty of the University As a student you have every right to express your ideas and criticisms to the administration of our bookstore with hope that your idea will be discussed and possibly initiated As a seathokler on the Board of Directors I would do all possible to bridge communication and follow through with your suggestions Presently, an important issue of the bookstore is of expan sion —both structurally and in products and services As an ar chitecture student with a background in consumer relations I feel that I would be an asset in both working with an architect to initiate spacial expansion and in creating applicable consum er policies for the betterment of customers The University of Oregon's Bookstore is a vital element of our campus With your vote, I will work to insure that the book stores prosperity continues and insist that the allocation of space, the products, and the services will complement the di versity and continually changing needs and desires of the stu dent body Tracy Naber My name is Tracy Naber I am currently a member of the ASUO Executive as Assistant Finance Coordinator I have had experience working with many students and student groups throughout the IFC budgeting process I am also a member of the LTD Student Transit Council and the Academic Require ments Committee I would like to represent the student body as a member of the Bookstore Board The board gives students an opportunity to have a voice in the running of a business that directly affects them As a representative of the student body I would work to expand the guaranteed book program and to make the Book store more responsive to the needs of the students Vote Tracy Naber —sophomore position on the Bookstore Board of Direc tors Scott Dunlap Mont of us find ourselves in the Bookstore on a daily or week ly basis buying texts or supplies, picking up a quick snack or checking out the latest magazine The Bookstore is an integral part of campus life It serves a large and diverse campus popu lation. and mostly serves us well One of the least fun times in the Bookstore for students is registration week Everybody has a different collection of text books and supplies to buy and most of us are trying to make each dollar go as tar as possible The lines are long and it seems like there must be a better way' There are ways to improve Bookstore services for students I believe a larger selection of used texts and a higher discount rate would save the student body as much as $1.000.000 per year (approximately $200 per person) We should be able to ac comphsh these savings and still offer the other services we vai ue at a good price As a Board Director I would listen to what you want and work for improved services for all students I am confident that through my management experience and willingness to work I can make a positive difference Clint Weiler Ending my sophomore year I have become more eager as time passes to become more involved with this University I am currently a supervisor for registration and enjoy the responsible ity of working with both my supervisors and subordinates The pleasure I receive working under these circumstances comes from working well with people l look for respect when Qlven re sponsibility but also give plenty of respect to authority I work hard for my goals and I believe if something is to be accom plished everybody must play a role and work together My expectations of holding a seat on the Board of Directors is to be intensely involved with the expansion of the Bookstore Along with the structural expansion of the Bookstore I would also like to sec* an expansion of service in order to handle the big rush at the beginning of each term These are general ideas that have surely been raised and with an excited attitude and an ability to work hard I can help the Bookstore move toward progress in the future With this in mind I will accept your vote as an invitation to improve the bookstore tor everybody Rick Luetenhaus Two years of my service on the Board of Directors will mean this for you (1) Authentic progress toward meeting the special needs of all members while keeping the operating costs to a minimum, and {*?) the immediate resolution of complaints or problems that impede our abilities to serve you better In 1986 JCPenney flew me to their corporate headquartors in New York to meet with one of their CEO s Robert Gill because they believed that I will be one of the nation s future leaders In merchandising In my free time I have started my own small business with the same two objectives that are necessary at the University Bookstore Provide all students with quality products at the lowest possible price If you have any questions regarding my qualifications please call 143 7384 and leave your name and phone number I II got the message and will try to provide you with the information that you need I plan to be equally accessible if elected io the Board Many candidates will spend a lot of money for your vote I will spend less than $5 to inform you about mo Carl Zingmark I am running for the two year sophomore position on the bookstore Board of Directors l am interested in this position because the University of Oregon Bookstore is one of the best in the country and I would like to take part in its management If I am elected to this position I will work on increased handicap access with an elevator install extra lighting in the darker areas of the basement — increase amounts of used course books increase advertisement for the EMU and Portland Book store more coupons in the Oregon Daily Emerald These are just a few of the issues I have in mind I will work hard to represent student interests because it is your book store Remember mo Carl Zingmark, on the elections of May 2nd and 3rd NO STATEMENT Erik Lund GRADUATE POSITION Walter R. Wittkugel Did you know it's OURS’’ As UO students are privileged to own our store It i > not owned by the administration it's a non profit co-op belonging to ' every registered student every faculty member every classified and manage ment service member of the University of Oreflon You're thinking that s nice but what does d mean to m«> It means YOU can have direct impact on what happens in your bookstore Your input ‘d«a% and suggestion* are valued and necessary to provide service and product selection you want You ask How can i make a difference' VOTE1 Vote WALTER WITTKUGEL I ask for your vote l m committed to listening to what YOU want working on keeping coursebook prices down providing best possible selection of used books and other merchandise improving access* bility for the physically challenged What new products do you want? Drop your ideas in suggest'On bo* ( 2nd floor stairwell) You can make a difference My 3 years experience in retail customer service 1 year airline public contact experience and 3 year* Better Business Bu'eau Consumer Arbitrator experience qualify me to mak* your txx* store What YOU want it to be WALTER WITTKUGEL — Working !o> You Vote TODAY at the EMU or bookstore FACULTY POSITION Carol Smith These* on the Bookstore I. Faculty members are one of three publics the bookstore serves Are their needs met7 II Faculty comment and behavior suggest not ill Faculty members look to the bookstore to satisfy both nonreading and reading needs l\ With respect to the former there are needs tor cards and stamps Duck memorabilia snacks Kleenex igarettes tapes tennis balls, calendars, etc V . Faculty nonreading needs are probably well enough met \l More important however, are teculty reading needs And as people of ideas intellectuals scholars and teacherr. faculty needs here are quite broad Ml They include a good backhst of scholarly books across the various disciplines a diverse selection of serious fiction and nonfiction trade books, a variety of newspaper*, mega:men jour 1 Ar|.,.M»S O' IAC u 1>• U »OC*» VO*« NO STATEMENT Lisa Webber reference books \ III The scholarly reading needs of faculty could be better salt shad l\ Where are the books'* ily'C 'or 1 VI Faculty have only -arv.plained about the bookstore in various ways, the point however •. (< h?*p change it