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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1989)
In a maiket of refreshing products, blushing wins out By Mindy Robert ■ Kansas Stale Collegian Kansas State U. Despite a market full of mouth washes, breath mints and sprays that claim to help eliminate had breath, de ntists sav brushing and flossing is the key to healthy teeth Brushing and flossing regularly will help rid 90 percent of germs which cause halitosis or bad breath, said Daniel Dempsey. I) D S The principal cause of halitosis for most people is plaque and debris built up in their mouths," says Dempsey's col league Daniel Winter The larger the number of bacteria, the more objectionable the mouth inior While a person is sleeping, a person may go six to eight hours without brushing, allow ing bacteria to accumu late "Chew ing gum helps mask the odor, but as soon as you’re done with it, the odor returns," Winter said During a 24-hour period, plaque can collect in all areas of the mouth even the tongue. Winter said “That (accumulation of plaque i is why dentists recommend brushing three times a day,” he said Dentists said some people are more prone to had breath than others because of the individual's chemistry Different types of saliva, systemic conditions, gum diseases, tooth decay and improper nutrition are all causes of halitosis s 5 Health Briefs Goodbye coffee, cold showers ... a visiting piolessor at Auburn U is researching a compound which will neutralize alcohol after it has been consumed The new anti alcohol mixture neul rallies more than 96 percent ol alcohol entering laboratory dogs' stomachs when it is administered before the alcohol Mixture Researcher Or David Whitmire sard The mixture is being developed at Auburn’s chemical engineering department bv Whit mire, an Auburn graduate When ihe mixture is given alter alcohol consumption up to 40 percent ol the alcohol is neutralized Whitmire said The mixture works within 30 seconds, he said The (research si long term goal is to provide something in the bar so that when you leave you can sober up Whitmire said It would be available over the counter in packages like instant milk mixes, lor quickening sobriety he said ■ Lana Middleton, The Auburn Plainsman, Auburn U . Al, ■ ■ ■ No link here . . . Recent research on the link between oral contraceptive use and breast cancer indicates women do not need to discontinue using birth control pills Based on his own research, Dr Samuel Shapiro, director ot the Slone Epidemiology Uml al Boston U, said women should not stop taking the pill because no solid evidence to Ihe contrary has been presented Not one test in eluding mine has shown that the birth control pill causes cancer" he said In mid-January Shapiro presented his research at the Food and Drug Adrm mstration (FDA) hearing held on Ihe possible link between breast cancer and Ihe pill The FDA con eluded that methods lor prescribing Ihe pill did not need to change, he said Dr Louise Tyrer. vice president ol medical affairs lor the Planned Pareni hood Federation ol America, said her organization agreed ■ Jennifer Today, Thr fit! News. Bowling (Ireen State U , OH Not now, I’ve got a headache ... it students complain ol inexplicable headaches above their eyes, their best bet may be to consult a dentist because they could be suHermg Irom temperoman dibulai Joint Disorder, more commonly known as !MJ Disorder It's really important lo gel an accu rale diagnosis said Pam Dassenko. D D S Allhough there are several types ol TMJ disorder, she added, ihe most common types ol pom are caused by muscle spasms resulting trom loose discs And when a disc is out ol place Ihe iaw muscles don't lunclion as they should Dassenko said the newest research revealed women s connec ■ I live tissue lo Ihe iaw discs lo be dittereni ifian men s, j making women more susceptible lo TMJ ■ Caroline Boullon, Mustang Daily. ; California Polytechnic U , Sun Luis ! Obispo ■ ■ ■ A passing fad . . . it you re • c trial extra weight before this summer ■ r run: 'scent evidence indicates that sudder m ghl j caused by so-called tad diets may actually n rease the chances ot luture weight gam according I : i Oklahoma Stale U Professor Jamie. 1 Leklern ; ' gdbei wilh graduate students Jans v „ ,ic and B dduo Leklern concluded research indicating that short term lad diets are only a temporary answer to a person's weight problem A. <.tiding lo the group ’ cd rigs Ihe best way to lake weigh! oh > a iitHung range in dietary habits The locus ol Leklern study s on a change in lilestyle as well as a change in dietary habits and it's a lilelime change be said I think the thing to recogni/e is that you are going lo come ott that crash diet ■ Jay Van Hoff. The Daily Barometer, Oregon State U While you’ve thinking big, we’re thinking small. Canton Hniurraitii t /* /A* A<r« ( y Mr (inr/ ^ 'll*/** y Mr /«M* »r/y TfiM/ - th+09*, fA* • “1 *m*/**r* y Mr p A«r*» ^ . /y»**«// <■#» (Chria AiuVrami *4r /rytrr <y UarhrUir uf £nmrr in Hitamrss Abmuiifltratiiiu / ««m /rr«*r/r /r*r/ ^/(/v ‘‘ms*/**/ /A*j ! '* <“r*// «,r t At +t * j /<#*#• <r* /At Sfti/s* >y . 'd*9+rw» m« Mm ‘Juy V , A Affordable Citibank Student Loans Yes, you’ll soon have it all - the start of your career, a new lifestyle, andaffordable student loan pay ments with a Citibank Student lawn. Citibank works hard to keep your loan payments manageable - with low interest rates and the longest repayment period allowable under federal regulations. Stafford lawn payments can be- as low as $:"><) a month. So it your first job doesn't pay as much as you thought it would, your student loan payment won't stretch your budget too thin. 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