Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS m GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. Very nice 1 A 2 Mrm unit* m weft J ! kept complex Just »Outh Of U O' O j Appliance. On Site (Sundry Of' Street t - parking I33AK2S Jennings &Co My2371 Liwo# clean 2 bedroom t blk from campus furnished dishwasher pool porkmiQ lease thru Aug 344 9156 MILL RACE APT 1§0$ Gordon Art (2 block* to U of O) Nice size two Bdrm fist m excellent quiet campus location behind Tracktown Ptum Appliance on s*te laundry off street parking patio on the Min Rac e **50 $495 CAM 3*2 7009 OUAD S1M 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED *205 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED STUDIO 1200 Call JAM 109 Rooms tor artistic. English plus Point cal Science student *140 *175 utilities included. MMB7S_ STUDIO APT Close to campus Avail soon 345-7400 _ UNIVERSITY MANOR large 2 bedroom *435. Studio *300 Ran! now and get early summer rates starting 6/1/89 007 068* 1370 HIGH STREET Spacious 1 bdrm parking, laundry A deck *295 No pets Shown by appointment only Spyglass Assoc 686-1130__ _ 1923 GARDEN AVE Very large units designed to accommodate on# to three roommates Furnished, dishwasher onsite laundry, off street parking Excellent campus location *425 2 bedroom. Turnished. off street park mg. pool. 2 blks from campus, no pets, lease through Aug M F 8 5 484 9922 2 bedroom Apt. fireplace. washer dry er, dishwasher Available June 1st 1 block from campus 344-8577. 230 QUADS CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E. 17th Contemporary quads just 3 blocks from U of O Newer carpet A paint, on site laundry, some off street parking *205 Call Russelle 485 4319 15th STREET QUADS Quad unit avail able *180 Mgr 683-7160 Bennett Mgmt 915 Oak. Suite 200 Realtor 485 6991 235 HOUSES Mobile Home for sale 2 bedroom 2 miles from campus $6000 00 Call 7474671 - 346 E 16th Charming studio cottage no pets $235 1571 High Street 4 bedrooms, no pets. $650 686 1130 SpyglassAssoc. 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS "Newly remodeled 4 bdrm house with garage includes washer & dryer lease $850/month no pets, available rrud April, see at 1725 Mill o<. call 485 2007 days 484-0708 eve 240 ROOMS Room available for woman In Excelsior building Shared kitchen & bathroom $l8S/mo & $150 deposit Call 344 2682 Room for Rent. $l30/month ♦ d< . Potter & 27th Available now Catl Wayne. 343 1 550 MMM Luxury apt. |acu//»e. sauna, cable covered parking Cat ok maid service available $200-mo Bruce 345 9265 Make roommate wanted for 2drm Apt Nice location and quiet Available now $130 747 2786 Mature adult to share 3 bdrm home $160 myh plus 1/3 uliittes need imme diateiy 342 1217__ 1 Room in a 3 bdrm duple* near 18th A Washington For now thru summer Very Nice' Call 343 9303 MANY PARENTS LOOKING TOR a M»*POnSn the CIA Agee became the first operations offices to reveal the agencies goals am] methods. exposing a web of deceit, hypocrisy and corruption Tickets sold at the door St UO Stu dents. $3 general public Why Islam? The way out of modern day Dilemma! A live lecture by: Dr. J. Badawi location: EMU Fir. R. 167 date: Friday. April 28.89 time: 7 p.m. sharp tree admission coftee is served Muslim Student Assoc. Dance for heart American Heart AMOctalonV Please join us for our 2nd annual aerobathon Proceeds go to lhe American Heart Assoc When May 6th 1989 Time 1 00 3 00 Where 220 Oerllnger Sponsored Dy Alpha Ph, & Oregon West fitness HOE YOU'RE INVITED! COME SEE US •I G»#c* lulh#f»n Church 7101 17th Wor»h»p Sunday* *30 A 11 00am Wednesday 7 30pm University Theatre Second Season Presents GHOST ON FIRE April 19-22, 27 29 8:00 pm Arena Theatre Villard Hall Tickets: 686-4191 —UOBookstore*8 ELECT THE UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTORS YOUR VOTE COUNTS MAY 2 & 3 Your vole counls in choosing the governing board ol the DO Bookstore Alt current students, faculty and staff are eligible to vote in Book store elections You will need to show your UO identi fication card at the voting booths Elections for the Board of Directors of the will be held on: Monday, May 2 Tuesday, May 3 VOTE AT THE ‘UOBookstore •EMU Candidate statements will be available at both locations and published in the Oregon Daily Emerald those days. For more information, please contact Lisa Burkhart at the UO Bookstore, 686-4331 2io IRT& 8 EWTEHtATBBliT 9:00 MONDAYS AT lilHIlLME LINGERIE DANCE CONTEST 1200 IN CASH AWARDS! i * Enltanlt ttgn up prior to mol * Jud«M Mtoctod from eudiance * Walking Mane* lo U ol O tt Franklin ttotf A 7»h Si 345 E. 7th * 484*7181 SATURDAY! Original rock with VOMIT LAUNCH from Chico, CA: Appearing with UNCLE CHARLIE and RUBBERHEAD MAX’S i3«h ft Patta»«on REGGAE ALLSTARS TONIGHT HOPPERS SATURDAY PAUL LARSON & THE HELLBENDERS 12 00 Co*#r Chary# 19 & AGATE CuUmrmC Student di*cp>> • - with vn *o emiv u oo THE CLASSIC FRIDAY 180 PLC APR. 28 7:00 8 9:00 Matthew Broderick A Brian Kerwm SATURDAY, 29TH 7M5&9:45 150 GEO SUNDAY man CHANGED TO 138 GIL APRIL 30 8:00 L na Woman Devours fed And i«ves choreography try Jean Neison Class Act* I Choreography by tyn Nee*ey A master* thefi* done# concert j Friday and Saturday April 28 A ?9th j IOougheMy Dane* Theatre >d floor I Gerlmger Annas UO E«ohc tamale Danes'* featuring 15 trape/e and a wafer shower open Mon day thru Sat 4pm? JOam j Coles 1Q45 Willamette 6B3 22641 21 A over only Exotic Mate A Female Dancer» Friday & Saturday nighf at the Outback t-039 Willamette Marling a? 9pm 464 4H4 18 and ovor on^tf roMni Lottxftnisijht Cowwutncntolollu*. Funny wonderfully romantic comedy that will leave you laughing alt I he wav home KfLO OWE* MUST END SUNDAY* Shows Fn Sat 9 30pm Sunday 7 tSpm Separate admission required Students Wft 0 S3 75 TurmngMogv I .OUTRAGEOUS ENDEARING j From |he Award Winning Play ] Harvey F*e*f ferns gey love story I if terrific heartfelt performance* by Mat mew Brodem * and Anne Bancroft HELD OVER MUST tNO MAY 4 Shows Fn Sat 7 15pm Sun 5 00pm Mon thru Thun 8 00pm Separate admission required . Crossing the Cultural Lines ‘89 Saturday April 29 7:00pm Condon School featuring: Randy Ross and the People’s Choice Onefulness Eagle Park Slim Midnight Sun Benefit for H.O.N.E.Y.Inc. Tickets available at EMU Mam Desk 12 Student* 13-IS General Public In association with the EMU Cultural Forum and the Survival Center SORCERES I 7 00 » 1 Mto* Wat 4 OQ-Sv Th • 44 • £ ROBERT DE NIRO •l-KZEL 96 LATE NIGHT 4 Ca better oh the tug screen /atm at nxjhZ r. 11 4!\ Set Mat 4 JOjJfc. lh J ’JWJH ^0.0 .JACKIE] #t*f ah the eng sen Sa 11 45 ■ Set Mat 4 3 o-OEAD Late Night adm fr Se *3 Su Th 12 SO Ft 5a I * 30 / Sai Wat 4 00 ‘W Tr> 11 Q* (.nrna Davta in 1 HI ACCIDENTAL TOURIST rm ?in ARTS & EHtERT>INMEHT~ BULGARIAN FOLK MUSIC BALKANA Baaii Hall, Thor* May 4. 8i>*« •ONLY OREOON APPEARANCE! 14 UO »lu i Wiii«m«|l0 443 ' The cafe at COLLIER HOUSE Welcomes Students, faculty ft the f'liblic Citme t-lijn) mir historic sellinu X modi-rutc |irin-s fur In ns ti' II.IO 1:00 IiOiIjii m MASSAGE A BODY WORT THERAPUTIC SWEEDISM MASSAGE **qut!Uie RX for ienw muscles JEANiNF VAN VACTOR. l M T Phone 4AS 6927 AFFORDABLE jgsPPT JIM'S ELECTRONICS STfREC VCR « TV REPAIR 1457 W 6«r» 341V 76A3 _Open SdlUftfAy LIFE INTERNATIONAL/NORTH AMER ICAN ships student person*! be longings end furniture worldwide end across the country Cell 1(8001422 7017 as* about student rates ********************* ****************************** WEEKLY VCR RENTALS * Don’t Pay High 24 Hour Rates Rent & Use By the Week SAVE $$$ Full 7 Day RENTAL $6.95 Willamette Street Video # * * * * * # * # # * * * * 683-1798 # * 2570 Willamette from 10-10 every day £ Don't torget our Springfield store VCR’s & MORE 747-6712 } ****************************** BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrke Breathed m-J-/W7x%y ( r—^ his is tom 1HIS 15 SAP — W(S-6tZf {*,) \| NO. NO * me ,, hkamv L ooNmomto vV&iC'A PU1> NOV £ r V oa» i ■H C