CdfTipdlgn Continued from Pjge I PHolo b» |«mnM«rIt Canon Bowler (left), Dandy Kromminga and Karen (iaffhey field questions during a press con ference Monday on alleged elections violations. Coffee Bean of the Month New Guinea A s6'° ib. 3.15‘A lb. 1.65'/« lb. KINKO’S MO E. 13th • 344 7194 MONDAYS IHROUC.M IKIIMYS Luncheon Specials HoyLum T CA CaiFuhn Chicken Laksa 3.50 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 F. 1 it h 343-2832 Cl Is. ' ll is becoming increasingly evident that hate crimes, crimes motivated by racism, sexism and homophobia, are retarding otir progression of be coming a tolerant and inclusive community." Bowler said. "Ig norance and lack of under standing often lead to violent, verbal and altitudinal crimes against men. women, people of color and homosexuals. "It is clear that these prac tices of prejudice must not be tolerated," he said. "We. the leaders of the Interfraternity Council and I’anhellenic Coun cil support the efforts by the current ... ASUO administra tion to combat these inequities. We feel that only through asser tively confronting prejudice can equality for everyone he achieved.” The statement went on to say negative opinions and general izations about the Creek system are unfounded. Bowler announced the 1C and PC have appointed a social is sues chairman, student and In cidental Fee Committee candi date Jefferson Davis. "(He) will start addressing questions such as date rape, ra cial gaps in the Greek system ami alcohol and substance abuse issues.” Howler said. "He's programming for the Greek system to help educate us on these issues .” In addition. Bowler said fra ternities will tie working to eliminate the so-called "little sister” program. "A first step anytime you want to start confronting a sys tem of oppression is to ac knowledge the fai t that it ex ists.” Gaffney said. ”1 think credit goes to the Greek system for both Dandy and Carson be ing here today in saving we re not going to tolerate homophobia, racism or sexism anymore.” Jennifer Hills, co-director of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance, said she. too, commended the efforts of the Greek system. kromminga said she and Bowler had attended an "un learning homophobia” work shop, and she said the new so cial issues chairman would trv to increase Greek partii ipation. “The thing I don’t want to-be interpreted here is that this change is going to happen overnight," Howler said "We’re not trying to build a utopia. We're trying to edu cate.” Alaska Airlines has a little financial aid for students traveling to and from college. For a limited time, you can save 35% off the full coach fare on any Alaska one way or roundtrip flight, between home and school. (This offer also applies to many Horizon Air connecting flights as well,) This student discount is good for travel from May 1 to June 15; and from August 25 tnrougn beptemoer ju, (go aneaa, make reservations for the Fall now -there's no penalty for changing the dates of your flight.) All you have to do is buy your ticket by May 15, fill out the coupon below and take it along with your student i d. to your travel agent or , Alaska Airlines And show your parents how well you've done in economics. [35% STUDENT DISCOUNT1, | Name____| I School_I Home Address City_ State Zip This coupon, plus your student id. entitle you to | a 3S% discount to and from school on Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air connections Some restrictions apply I This offef is valid for full time students, age 17 26 attending accredited schools, colleges and universities Valid on all Alaska Airlines jet flights (numbers 0 799) and on Horizon Air flights when connected to Alaska Airlines, except when Horizon Air can provide through service Fare is capacity controlled and subject to availability Travel must be completed from May 1 through June 15.1989 or from August 25 through September 30,1989 Students may be required to show proof of full time student status prior to boarding Fares subject to change without notice