Complaints Continued from Page 1 "This has been an extremely negative campaign all sides around and one (hat has been uncharacteristically irregular." she said. Kirk also said that she and Hughes were investigating a possible libel suit against Uni versity student Stacy kitch over a letter that ran in the Emerald on April 20. She added that similar action was being considered against the Emerald In her letter. Kitch alleged Hughes and Kirk were at a fra ternity party making disparag ing remarks about the Greek system. Both Hughes and Kirk deny being at the party. Emerald editor Aaron Knox said Sunday that he stood by the newspaper's decision to run campaign letters on the day of the election, noting letters also ran that were pro-SPA. Kitch said no one had con tacted her about the possible suit, and that she had found out about it by watching the evening news "1 wrote the letter because 1 saw what I saw," she said. "I don't see why I should back down front the truth." Kitch added she would be seeking legal counsel to "see what my options are." Tite most serious allegation Hughes and Kirk presented was that some fraternities and so rorities withheld dinner from members until they presented evidence that they had voted. “It is sad that the leaders of the Greek system ... would turn away from the past few years of Budget_ Continued from Page 1 impassioned floor speech. "This must be some kind of joke.” I)ix went on to call the lull “wholly inadequate” for the higher education system's needs, and asked for another chance to lack on more money for programs sometime later in the session. “Education is the key to the state's economic future.” he said. "We have now reached a critical point in respect to legis lative policy towards higher ed ucation.” working positively in coalition with the diverse programs of the people that make up the SPA coalition.” Hughes said, kirk said she and Hughes would he presenting their list of allegations to the Constitu tional Court on Monday morn ing If the allegations are proved true, the Constitution Court likely will invalidate the pri mary election results Glenn hatter. ASUO election board chairman, said he was "waiting to see" what allega tions are presented, and what the Constitution Court decides Tuesday night "If the Constitution Court upholds the primary election results, we will la- ready to pro ceed with the general elec tion." he said. Hughes said he received more than 10 death threats on the night (adore the election, and recorded several of them on his telephone answering machine. Hughes played the tape during the press confer ence. in addition, kirk said she had been pushed to the ground the morning of (lie election by a man in a baseball hat who also stole her campaign leaflets and verbally abused her. both the death threats and a report of kirk's assault have been turned over to the Eugene Police Department. Hughes said. Representatives from the In terfratemity Council and Pan* hellenic are holding a press conference this morning at 10:30 in the EMU Forum Room to respond to the charges against the Creek system Correction A story in Thursday's Oregon Daily Kmerald misquoted Eugene t ‘it \ Councilman Bobby Green as saying "$15,000 may seem like a lot of money turn " for .1 minimally re vised version of the nu clear free zone. Green said. "$50,000." The Em erald regrets any confu sion this may have caused. CASA T01-T6C Mexican Restaurant Home of the friendliest Mexican in the Northwest TACO SAM MV do not use lord, ftrt ttnxtli\ts suljilt4.\ M S. O . frozen foods. canned foods or mn rt> h nvc 20% DISCOUNT OFF ALL FOOD all natural foods! ★ Not including beverages k With current student I D. card only k Sun., Mon., <£ lues, only gixxl through April 30, IW> 342-3921 • 389 W. 6th Skateboard continue from <» are that they're noisy, they're disrupting class, they're not yielding to pedestrians " Hunter said the University's list of bicycle anil roller skat ing regulations list was amended about three years ago to include a provision that said "only the cautious use of skateboards is per mitted at the University." University student and ardent skatetioarder Joel Dose said current University policy on skateboarding is po tentially discriminatory to safe riders, because it allows officers to be subjective "1 went riding with .1 friend of mine last Friday night we were stopped bv three dif ferent (security) people, and we got told three different things.” Dose said. University student skate boarders were among many who spoke at a Feb 27 meet ing of the Eugene City Coun cil in which council members heard public testimony on the issue of skateboarding in the downtown area In question was a proposal that skateboards lie prohibited on sidewalks within the area bounded by Charnelton Street on the west, Sixth Avenue on the north. Pearl Street on the east, and 11th Avenue on the south The council decided to send the matter to the plan ning. developing and build in# department for further study. Ctty development specialist Ian Ikihman said that her re port may suggest that three downtown areas be closed to skateltoarders: Willamette Street trot ween loth and Mth Avenues, Olive IMaza between loth and nth. and the loth Avenue bus mall area The Eugene Moll should remain closed to skateboarders, Hob man said. The i its is also looking into the possibility of constructing a skateboard fat ility. said planning, developing and building planner Cary (ihenkiu. Brand Continued from Page t had nothing but compliments for Brand and For tin; presiden tial search committor? that se lectori the Ohio State provost "It's extremely pleasing to me to see the overwhelming confidence in Dr Brand's cre dentials,” Hensley said. After reviewing three possi ble finalists with the presiden tial search committee. Bartlett forwarded Brand's name to the state Ixiard Brand was the only candidate interviewed Ohio State I‘resident Edward Jennings said lie regretted the loss of Brand and his wife. Peg gy. who is a mendier of the phi losophy department at Ohio State Brand plans to continue to leach and is already scheduled by the University philosophy department to instruct a ( lass nest winter, he said. Olum has received several job offers from the ['Diversity and the private sector, but said he plans to decline the oppor tunities for now "I want to travel and visit my kids." Olum said "I might do some consulting work, and I was tentatively offered a regu lar job. but it s probably not the best idea —UO-Bookstore— LOWEST Photo Processing Prices in Town DEVELOPING & PRINTING 12, 24,15, 36 EXPOSURES C41 Processing: 110, 126, 135 • Standard Glossy 3x5 Prints 12 EXP 1EA 2.89 2EA 3.99 15 EXP 1EA 3.59 2EA 4.39 24 EXP 1EA 4.89 2EA 6.99 36 EXP 1EA 6.89 2EA 9.99 Wa’II match any photo coupon In townl