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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1989)
Letters Our interest I have lately been watc hing the Emerald and am greatly dis couraged by the methods some of our ASUO presidential and vice presidential candidates have been using. The tech niques range from slandering rhetoric to unfounded accusa tions of personal agendas. I am tiring of the complaint of spe cial interest groups and elitist candidates. The special interest groups (OSPJRG, Gay and Lesbian Alli ance. Sister University Project. Ij\SC and Men Against Rape) are indeed guilty of special in terest. These groups are inter ested in consumer rights, rights of gay and lesbian students, student and human rights in El Salvador and Latin America, and women s rights in Eugene and elsewhere. I am discouraged that the op ponents of Students for a Pro gressive Agenda have cried special interest when Clark/ VV'yckoff try to place voting booths in the dormitories; dorms where Clark is an em ployer}. 1 am puzzled how elit ism fits in with two white men (Kaniewak i/McRae) running with no campus-wide support. As a result of my discourage ment. 1 decided to run for a two-year EMU Board seat with SPA. My directing Men Against Rape put me in contact with Tim Hughes on the Inci dental Fee Committee and with Maureen Kirk at OSPIRG. I am glad I took the initiative to get involved. I have found a group of students in SPA who do have special interests — ours. Be heard, vote SPA. Bob Holt Candidate. EMU Board UO/UES for SPA The student government of the University of El Salvador actively protests the rights of Salvadoran students. It works to keep the U.S.-trained Salva doran military off campus and demands a fair budget from its government. Yet even as these students work for peace and justice, they know that they risk being captured, tortured or killed for their stands. Fortunately, those running for ASUO offices do not run these risks. However. wrhen asked about political view points. four of the six presiden tial and vice presidential candi dates avoid taking a stand as if they fear for their lives. Only Tim Hughes and Maureen Kirk are unafraid to affirm their po sitions against racism, sexism, homophobia and other impoi tant social issues. After viewing the candidates debate and reading their plat forms. the UQ/UES Sister Uni versity l*u>ject has decided to endorse the entire slate of Stu dent for a Progressive Agenda candidates. We urge students to vote for Elizabeth Neely for a one-year IPC seat. Phillip Zerbo for the Student Senate political sci ence seat (no. 5) and tlughes/Kirk for president and vice president. Attempting to avoid politics is naive and non-representative of student concerns. The reality is that students around the world struggle for the right of education and for national selfdetermination. Let’s learn a lesson from our Salvadoran sis ters and brothers who are liter ally dying for their right to speak and act politically. Vote for students who are progres sive, active, honest and com mitted. Vote SPA! Andrea Lampros UO/tJES Sister University Project Creation Being part of the 10 to 15 percent of the students who will vote in this year's elec tions, I attended the candi dates' forum at the law school April 17. At that meeting. I asked SPA candidates Tim Hughes and Maureen Kirk. ‘‘Who is the head of SPA and what is its source of funding?” Hughes told me that that information was available; but apparently 1 was going to have to find it my self. Kirk gave me a very long and eloquent answer which came down to "SPA spontane ously creates itself each win ter" and is "funded by various sources including Catalyst Films," 1 then asked if I could have created SPA in my own image this past winter and was (falsely) told that 1 could. What I later learned, and not from Ms. Kirk, was that Cata lyst Films founded the SPA ap proximately eight years ago. Catalyst was created to provide a funding vehicle for SPA can didates and politics. Therefore. SPA-endorsod candidates must affirm that their beliefs are the same us those of Catalyst to re ceive funding. Their politics are constant and will not change from year to year. 1 do not recall having given my approval on a ballot to have this political organization have the use of University facilities for fundraising. If you are as in censed and insulted by the an swers provided by the SPA as I am. 1 urge you to investigate the politics and policies of the SPA before voting for one of their candidates. Patricia Wiggins Law student An indication? I would hope that many of the readers of this fine newspa per will agree that it is very confusing to la1 a member of the well-known fraternity of freshmen. The recent AStJO presiden tial deflate only added to the state of chaos that is present in my mind as to what the issues are. I attended the debate with out any preconceived notions regarding the candidates. 1 was seeking information so I could become informed as to the best possible choice in leadership. I have an idea of what ASUO is I might even comprehend the infamous Incidental Fee Com mittee. But this acronym SPA (Stu dents for a Progressive Agenda) confounds me. When I have asked what SPA means for the residence halls, I have been in formed that it stands for "Stu dents for a Progressive Agen da.” iiowover. mat is not wnut i want to know. 1 want to know how the SPA endorsed ticket. Hughes kirk, can properly rep resent the 3.OOO-plus students that live in the residence halls At the debate the Hughes kirk ticket kept saying SPA as if it would magically enlighten the fools that still had questions about their position regarding on-campus housing issues I felt that they hatl no desire to clear up the confusion that they were creating. When they were asked to respond to issues that clearly concerned the pre dominantly uninformed first year students they spoke elo quently and with confidence but seemed to say nothing I wish that they had given me some indication that they cared and remembered what it was like, so many years ago when they were freshmen. Shoshanah Oppenheim Freshman Snicker 'n'smirk The disrespect and discourte sy demonstrated by Tim Hughes and Maureen kirk dur ing recent debates and candi date forums is absolutely unac ceptable behavior from people who wish to be elected as rep resentatives of this campus. The flippancy with which they regard their opponent's thoughts and ideas is a con crete example of the type of re ception students would receive by the ASUO Executive were they to la- elected. Any concepts or views that do not correspond to the Hughes Kirk "platform" re ceive a mil of Maureen kirk's eyes and a snicker and stnirk by Tim Hughes, or even outright laughter and condescending mockery This dues not represent the inclusive student government that the rhetoric they continue to spout claims. It is a pure in dication of the presumptive, self-important attitude they hold towards students and stu dent concerns outside of their "progressive agenda " Ail students on this campus have (he right to be heard by student government. That right includes the respect and digni ty that must t>e afforded to all people, even to those with whom you disagree. The be havior of Tim Hughes and Maureen kirk has clearly shown their inability to interact with people in the dignified and respectful manner that stu dents deserve and should de mand Show Hughes'Kirk that we are much more capable of rep resenting ourselves than they could ever be. Show them that discourtesy, disrespect and out right rudeness have no place in student government. Exercise your power: Vole April 19-20 and 25-27. Robin A. Schaefers Senior, International studies Our Incredible War on Wildlife A Show mcj of the Classic CBS Report: “Guns of Autumn” Today April 20 2:30 p.m. EMU Forum Speakers: Cathy Sue Anunsen Or. Coordinator (01 The Fund f or Animals: Roger Anunsen Attorney: Wildlife Litigation __ Oregon Daily _ - Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co , at the University of Oregon Eugene. 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