Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1989)
CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. m Aon INITIATION WEEK HAS BEGUN, WITH FOUR DAYS LEFT WE SHALL HAVE MORE FUN. GET PSYCHED, AND ENJOY ALL OF THE ZEST, BECAUSE WE ARE REAOY TO WELCOME YOU TO THE BEST! AOH KELLY MORRELL ENJOY INITIATION! ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT! ALPHA LOVE, DIANE AXO Kim Smith and ♦K* Kevin Niles Congratulations on your pinning I It's about time! Love, Alpha Chi CONGRATULATIONS r+B Elizabeth Schwartz O being Accepted into the Camp Adventure Program W«'f* so proud of you Love, your titters AAA Welcomes tf* newest members Cecilia Reyes Stacey Dodds Claudia Rodrigues Love, you# Sisters __ DID YOU KNOW? (van though you are enrolled spring term you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARO, it you re planning to attend 'he SUMMER SESSION There is still lime to do it so stop by 333 Oregon Matt or the Office of Admissions PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION? Don l forget to file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Slop by 333 Oregon Hail or lhe Office of Admissions EUGENE PREGNANCY HOTUNt vtdet tree < onfidenttikf testing sup port and information Call 3450*00 336 E Mth Eugene FIJI'S kl A+ The endless Spring term has |ust begun The party was so great we thought it would never end1 . &AA Furs. The BBO was the hottest way to start oft the night and whal a night to remember1 Thanhs. Love _AAA_ FREE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILOREN S SERVICES CALL SANDY 687 2303(COLLECT) GREEKS pictures from Winter term Do it now the negatives will be going to the >■ ' WALLY GREEKS your order envelopes from last *e«h ends partv WALLY .■khmai* - BETHANY strasburg GOOD LUCK ON THE ASP AC EltCTlON I KNOW YOU W»U wmt LOVE JANET PAID BY j SCHOBER TAKE A LOOK AT SURC Student UnivtfVJty Relation* Council help with btood fit tve*. T An A Oo<> To-Lunch Hom«omin(|. May)*'.' and more Applications due A pm 2*> Available now 221 Johnson Null 686 5856 THETA CHIa The champagne fountain added a certain touch. The Hawaiian party was great. Thanks so much)! _CHI OMEGA_ We’re proud of GAMMA PHI BETA'S 1989 Rush Counselors: Ann* On Heir Otdate Nora Skirbege Kirby Kerry Dial* Lynn' Campbell Haather The New Women Broedre Christy Ctrl Women' Way to Go! love. in* house noto^Va fbuwo FOUND: Coin Purge wfkay*. near Bookstore Cell to identify 344 744 3 FOUNO Wah 34? nm FOUND Found around 27nd & Onyi 3450923 rarefranrar PROFESSIONAL TYPINO SERVICE tSMOAK ST 344 3064 GUARANTEED than 15 page* Please ran BBS 7G9H Jo th# Typing Pro Oueltly IBM word processing Ceil AA3 A06A FASTYPE WORD PROCESSING editing 5 10 pages tn an hour Disser t aligns ESL welcome Can 663 3758 PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Edtltng/Otak Storage Colleen 344 7040 » 9pm PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing. editing Free pick up'dels very Ronda. B3JMB92 LASER WORD PROCESSING 18 year* ev penance Editing IBM Grad school approved Near campus Robin 3440759 WORD I'ROCesSINO 343-OV6V Syatee./Software Conversion* AP PL If CP/M IHM MACINTOSH IJiSKH rHiNTimc 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 WoxlSIytm * TypaScupu Computer word processing Theses/ Dissertations Papers Resumes £»e AdviaWEdit Inpul Convert andof Print Out START TO FINISH o# any where in between Any combination to fit YOUR needs' IBM Compatible Graduate School Approved Cindy 484 5454 Brandy 484 6044 CgTCDHf HOI TVPINQ UNLIMITED >&M CwWBWQXd Sehoo* Appro*^ Barbara l and 4850890 BIJOU theatre building 492 E 13th No 101 i?5 INSTRUCTION ENGLISH TUTOR AVAILABLE for forvtgh •ludantt M #f « SBOQfttf Call Ron af 344 1178 .'LILII BUY * SELL * TRADE Starao A PA Equip VCR'*. TV* STEREO WORKSHOP 18211 19th. 344 3212 Oat A Jump On Oraduattan Buy A Diploma Now I Our unofficial irravaraol fill m th# blank diploma lots you award dagraaa to your*alf or your frtancl* On »*ia m tha EMU lobby from 11 2 oo April 18 19 A 20 Brought to you by PRSSA. U of O Cbaptar wen omn you a movii YOU CANT RKFUSI | YOU, TOO CAN OWN A RAD FILM T SHIRT FOR ONLY $9 SO \ Available at Cultural Forum Film showing* »fx1 the Cultural i Forum Office. Suite 2,1 MU SILVER RE I 0 ' Good cond 343 291/ 126 WMiTf WATER RAFTS F air lo good con<Jil>or» Seated t»d forms and information available from UO Outdoor Program No bids accepted attar 8 30am April 2b. 1989 Stale reserves the right to r»|#ct any or alt bids or to sell to other governmental umts prior to closing date of sale Call 68B 4365 for information mrnn'iiiiMir NEED CASH? vou name II? If it s good III buy Ml 343 ?SS5 GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vehicles from StOO Fords Mercedes Corvetter. Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide <t) aOS68/«OOOE*t 5 9642 IS IT TRUE Government7 Call lor facts' 1 312 U2-U42 E*li__«SsJ4l_ MUST SCLU T9ftS Honda Aero 80 $200 342 S3t8Jon __ PLYMOUTH VOYAGER CUSTOM VAN 380 V 8 engine power steering brakes SEKAI tOOO Me condition, $tS0 Call 342 34S8 please leave message _ 1968 VW CAMPER T8K mites on completely rebuilt engine Sole* carb Frank 344 4179 19/8 Plymouth Hortion 4 door hatch back automatic new tune up good condition $9/0 68 7 2084 or 6&3 4182 1985 Monde Interceptor . Kerkert, tires Lockhardt fairing. Bieffe helmet $2SOO OBO 34S9074 Eves 19MN HONDA Flit* 80 low mileage Good condition $650 w helmet Call Sarah 68t> 4/94 1987 Vastpa motor scooter speed excellent cond w/w»ndsh»eid SHOO Celt 343 2311 74 VW Poplop 'ur.1 r- ; needs work, but good car $800 obo Rick 343 8383 Kmub DPI 550 IM5 Good cond> lion Mu»t »tl port 17484 lob 343 TBB6 7$ SUZUKI 057505 £.c«cl»nl com* Km. magi •maiWtW MddKOMt n«im»i mc 11.000 mil*# MOO >4 HONDA CBMOO Nn bMtWT BKk HT»I Bunk $700 Mono 144 0060 70 C«4»y Moniocwlo mw mo moroon 51500 1451815 _ _ 79 Suzuki 55 740 E Sport Black Mug Wnaait Kartiai 4 mlo t. Bamart clutch 5540 34592B5 M YAMAHA SB MS G'aat «a< arowSi town o» »hort road Irtp. 5440 Cart 484 4009 _ _ ___ 74 TOYOTA CaMes AmfRm caaaarta. •unrool maga graal amt’ $'240 Can 4ft4 4000 iM compute w-aEcmgsics COMPUTER MACINTOSH Kay board* I Dai a Data) aupartor lo APPLE Kay Doarda 444 Mac in' Hurt 0 455 )754 IBM PC 51 IK 2 oriva IBM proprtnlar. IOI4 OI aalraa $1200 OBO Complin* guaraniaad Paul 3434411 1*2. ■HKIimULL Iom SC ft »pMk«r« w/*tand* Com para at BooMtore mlo Stands for $700 um Roger aas&ap___ SONY ST* AWS0 NCCCtVCR 1 yt warranty |1» CaU 34S91M Mk for Bill S CH leave mmig# mnn'iimc SNOWBOARD Sim* Switchblade IN*, etceflent cond JXX) C*»i68660fM_ T969 atomic ARC 635 racing Hu*. 205 cm wtm&fam bttNBigi. $300 obo 687-0675 STUDENT TRAVEL EXPERTS LOWEST AIRFARES! Eurailpasstt * Work Abroad Study Overseas * Budget Tours TEACHER DISCOUNTS Countintavd 800 228 2854 * 228*1900 CALL FOR FREE CATALOG 1 WAY to D C On SMft. $200 Sachiko 4BSAB10 STATE Or THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL i* our boat business We can handle ALL travel need ft PAY TOP t»» CASH! for Denied Boarding Compensation. BUMPS voucher*, coupon*. FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and mom' 663 6186 81 I N BUMPED'’ MERIT ONE Turn those airline com pen »at Ion vouchers into cash Cali Detobit ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 484 0600 2 AIRLINE TICKETS Portlandto Clr> cinnati, June T5. $75 And Portland to Cincinnati. Aug 2ft $75 Call 683 8070 after 6pm One way ticket Eugene San Jose May 25th obo Cali 465 4484 ?os WEEKEND GETAWAYS PARABLE WEEKEND RETREAT May ft ft 7 at St Benedicts Lodge McKenzie Bridge Open to ALL student* (graduate* ft undergraduate*) For more Info ft reservations Call 343 7021 or stop by Catholic Newman Center 1850 Emerald JOIN US HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME)? Jet th*r* from Seattle Of SFO tor no mom than 1266. from Minneapolis for no mom than 1229,or from pit Cast CoMt for no mom than 1160 MHIh AlRHlTCHfrt m reported m Con tumor Reports NY Tim#* lot * Go Newsday Good Housekeeping. and national network mormng show* Fordetails. catt 212 864 2000 or writ* AJAMITCH 2601 BROADWAY. 6UIT1100A MY, NY 16026 NOTARY FOUNDATION SCHOLAR SHIPS AH expansa* on* school year abroad For details can Rotary 486-5663___ SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PPOQMM Tumon waiver plus month iy stipend for qualified parsons inter etfed in earning a master • degree and special education certification For mom details write to Send! Darns, 175 Education, University of Onspcm_ "recycle” THIS PAPER Tha EMU Cultural Forum 1ftti Annual Willamette Valley Folk Fast Ira I it nearly hare' On the weekend of May tfcnztst the Eugene and Campus Community will converge upon tha EMU east laem to have the time of than Hvas? It you are interested in being a part of history, come sign up for a security tee shirt sales or infor mation booth position Hurry these volunteer positions get tilted quickly! For more information call Sieve al 686 4373 or stop by the Cultural Forum Office. Suite 2, EMU WHITE HOUSE NANNIES Invites you to experience life in the nation s cap»to» We scieen lop quality families in parson and place you with ihe best Transportation paid, good salary for minimum one year commit men! Beginning April 1st we will be in Oregon to talk to you Contact Dianne Danowski in Portland at 644 4519 or write 12785 SW Rita Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Placement available now and year round ' EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER Apply in person House of Cben, 1861 Franklin Blvd Between 2-Spm_ JOURNALISTS AND OTHER ASPIRING WRITERS Hone your craft and get clips by Freelancing for the Oregon Daily Emerald Story assignments are available now for community, entertainment higher ed , student activities politics, sports and other beats Call Kelvin Wee at 686 5511 or stop by the Emerald at Suite 300 EMU and check Ouf Ihe freelance story board Pay is by the column inch The only requirements are that you are a student at the University, enthusiastic and sett motivated Tne Emerald is an equal opportunity employer Women minorities and people with disabilities are encouraged to inquire NEW GAY A LESBIAN HELPLINE Need* volunteers' Credit available Meet people have fun & learn 485 7285_ £ PEACE CORPS Volunteers needed to serve tor two years overseas Att expenses paid, ai) government loans deterred. $5000 readjustment upon return, foreign language training technical training provided. 2 months paid vacation, monthly stipend professional experience, incredible opportunity to become bilingual and biculturai Interview April 26 & 27 at Career Planning and Placement Services Room 244 Hendricks Hail No bids necessary, lust come first serve sign up AIL DEGREES & MAJORS NEEDED' 686 3235 tor more information All interview require a completed application __ mlttiHIMTH - AEROBIC INSTRUCTORS PoNHon* nmUM ottTi EugWM Pa-m and «#er»aiton Sutim.1 appiicaiion by Apni 19 Ammon Commumir c#ni#' IT00 Hllyard Sit*#! Call M7 S]T3 lot informal K*i_________ CAMS COUNSELORS. UNIT LEADERS. WATERFRONT DIRECTOR naadafl at Daaulilui coaaial Old Scout camp Mu»! b* graat anih Ltd* ratpon tibia eating anatgaitc and lova in* outdoor*1 St»«33 1*30*1000 plus roommoard lot tummat 416611 DANCERS WANTED lot Jiggiat Tavatn. Otagon t ntcatl llftl class club Higb tamings potsniial Full or pan lima U yaats plus Call Jim of Las lot parsonN inlarvlaar 2165 w inn M*«a»r DO YOU ALWAYS GET THE WORM? Are you always me one digging deeper working herder, end follow tng through with protects long after the others have gone home‘> If you are and if you are interested in working with other exceptional peo pie then we would hike you to apply for these openings The Oregon Daily Emerald adverbs mg department currently has open mgs for Jr Sales Representative po sittons These positions will turn into sales positions next Fait (and possibly summer) after intensive training in sales, marketing and gen erat business procedures These positions term require the use of a car (NO MOPEDS ARE BICYCLES), minimum one hour a day and of course unlimited enthusiasm and energy! We have to to honest when we tell ah those interested in applying for these Jobs that the competition is tough, both to get the )ob and to keep it But we need qualified sales people, and now more than ever, e* perience on a daily morning newspa per *t!i give you invaluable Real World” be perience APPLY NOW For apprentice sales positions turn ing into full time positions next year Room 300 EMU Closing Date May 2. 5pm Preliminary informational meeting May 2nd. EMU Board Room at 7:30 pm All interested are strongly recommended to attend. You may bring your completed application to this meeting, or turn it in prior. equal opportunity employer The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has openings for Public Schools Divi sion Heads for the year of 198990 These two positions require interpersonal communication, group process, seif-motive bon. and the abih ty to motivate others Responsibilities include training and supervision of 6 10 coordinator*, placing 100-200 University volunteers m the public schools each term, problem solving, documentation of division business curriculum development. and participation w several committees This is e unique opportunity to gam skills »n policy making, consensus decision making, public relations, and group facilitation Commitment is a min of 25 hrs per week Compensation credit and stipends available For more information, ceil 686 4351. Applications available in ESCAPE office M111 EMU Affirmative Action Equai Opportunity Employer University Organization or group to work a Fait 1969 National Marketing Promotion Gam valuable experience working for Top Fortune 500 firm while earning great pay plus bonuses Cell Pelra/Eheen 600 592 2121 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MiCHAai, i wouuxrr LOSS ANY SUSP OVBR TH I R J. REYNOLDS'ACCOUNT ; \ I MEAN, TOBACCO COMPANIES HAVE ALWAYS TRJEP TO AT TRACT NEW SMOKERS HOW BAP COULD THE NEW CAMPAIGN BE * \ HI THBRB, KIPS'MY HAWS MR. BUTTS! _,,__/ LAA DEE DAH G1G1 &-Aydan Resale Designer Clothes Ethnic Clothes 6832329 •163 Willamette Across liom the Oregon Flectnc Station Mod Sdt 1 1 b bun U’ ‘j