CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 MUTCEM S ARTICULATE. EXPRESSIVE and athletic man »n rut JO • see** t©w *#y fnendatup tenth women Mho iii»*»v in# Mu*l Center I#// and advene** 0Oh 4M29*2 _ in aneftorl to prows* out w»th !h« chance to meet met wmto'-.t sp* <"»*»» we 01### you ft*** new#*! UdMtOh to th# ClM»(t>e<3 page Out L on#*y Heart* c.ia*$»*»cat«oh are tot <n<jryidu #t« only, no couple* etc AO copy i* Subject to management review no *#M name* (you may tit* hr** iMtian. tele phone fiumbtn are acceptable You may describe yOursed t>w? you may not state you war*t to meet someone of a cattain race religion o» national origin Ail ads mutt be pieced cult »n advance and renewed -n pa?ton «t me ODE mem office room 30Q EMU We can accept NO telephone advertise mertt* t»hwmm.. ItrtMty *M<1< ERIN DOBBINS is 21 YOWZA! Mffli A Ben CONGRATULATIONS ALPHA O S NEWEST PLEDGE ANN MUCKEY WERE GLAD YOU JOINED THE BEST LOVE YOUR SISTERS M Stefanie Moulton and FIJI Todd Carlson Congratulations on your pinning! Love, your sisters DID YOU KNOW? Even though you are enrolled spring term you need •© Ml# an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD I! you re planning to attend th# SUMMER SESSION There is still time to do it so stop by M3 Oregon Mail or the Office ol Admissions PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION’ Don't torget to tile your INTENT TO REGISTER CARO Stop by 333 Oregon Had or ! the Office of Admissions EATING DISORDERS WORKSHOP Dale: Saturday April 22. t*8V Tuna, to-00am 12 00 noon Location Bean West Conference '•*Call X3227 to enroll EUGENE PREGNANCY HOTLINE pro vide# free, confidential testing sup port and information Cad 345 0400 336JE nth Eugene __ FREE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES CALL SANDY M/ 2202 (COLLECT) Good Luck Initiates! Kristin Jenny Erin Laura Susie Kym Lynn Have a great week! We love you ! your Pledge class imm ml GREEKS foday *t the ‘tst day to lum your ord#' envelopes bom last waafc end* parly WAUV__ _ HEY YOU!! Submit GrMk Weak T-shirt designs by Friday April 21st Suite 5 EMU. Win Points Plus FREE Tee! JAZZY JEN HAPPY 1*1* 0 DAY TO MY BESTEST SPUD REMEMBER THAT YCHJVt GOT A I Rif ND THANKS FOR EVERYTHING EOVE AtWAYS.EMSTER PLANNED PARENTHOOD *M • 0Mg runc* irrti m« is Hs atcuiM* on* 4*i »!!»< * ppraDG' Indurt*! vp PnH eountutmg c«H Wi(Mti PRIVATE HEIP FROM FRIENDS Ft*# Pragnwtey Tttttag BIRTHRIGHT MT MS1_ PROBLEMS? Telephone holtm# tor U of O students 5pm to dam wfy nigni and all day weekends Sldctfy confidential CRISIS CENTER AM 44$$ DAE Congratulation* on Stealing t*«T year'* composite. now we h«v# a place tor the new one Thaos you A+ Stair I am r*»t«ved you work her* for met com pond*, I thought you w#r* going to ask m® tor a date _ | £*E Proudly announces its t9«9 Spring Pledge Class Todd Deck#-* Jamas Michener Matt Mottmgsworlh Jay Mutton Tim Leydon Peter Mack Puel Wash Scott Milne Jim Pled** Erie Sach Ban Starim STILL TIME TO ENROLL '<*< Smoking Cassation Group Mon 1 & Student Haaith Canta» Medic a* Library Call Elian X4466 lo amoii Town & Karan Camping was g»«a! Tha weather was hne Let's do it again Undar those greet big lodge Pines Scott & Tammy WANT TO CLARIFY VOUR career direction^ Attand an orientation to CAREER ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Today at 200pm Room 237 Hendricks Hall Sponsored by CPPS nomHW4 = FOUND: Sunglasses found on humpy lumpy Contact Mark if 4S6 9186 FOUND 2 month old tabby kitten Found around 22nd A Ofty* 34S-0923 m'timmrn - PROFESSIONAL TYPtNG SERVICE __ 15S3 0AKST 344 3064 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing adding Fraa fMCkuprdaiMreiy Roods. 93S 1892 LAURIES WORD PROCESSING m some* papers theses graphics Ad viseadit Professional quality afford able rajas Laune/Ron 34S-4960 _ TYPING UNLIMITED m CompafibNkGrad School A pprovsd Barbara Land 48S0D90 BIJOU THEATRE BUILOtNG 492 E 13th No tOt WordStytes A TypeScrtpt* Computer word processing Theses* Dissertation* Papers Resumes Etc Advise/Edd, Input. Convert and/or PnntOut START TO FINISH ** any where in between Any combination to fit YOUR needs' »BM Compatible Graduate School Approved Cindy 4A4 S4S4 Brandy 4A4A044_ liiliDililiH* Using Word Pvr(«cl 50 word PrOCWfhg Mm* 342 A056 8#m tOpm 0»«J 4ppro»»d__ WANTS WOROPROCtSSma T#<m u*»«0 Word PeHwct Ptt,*W»t*Ons»* Qu«itly *M<Vd*f>»* #•»•» 0ttft||4I45M_____ LABfft WOftO PROCf SSINQ 1ft /•«'* e»t>*r«*nc« f d*!<ng IBM Qrad school appro**# Nw campus Robin WOm__ 344-7231 Catbtyfta G8pccMltie& QUALITY WOW) PnOC£SSI**WYI>t*G • ?!>*»♦» w»* swu ftc • i?5 INSTRUCTION ENGLISH TUTOR AVAILABLE For toroigri student* MW f m BBOOfttt CWl«©n at 344 117S I30J Him. BUY * SELL * TRADE S»4*eo ft PA f guip VC« v TV s STORED WORKSHOP ^ ^2^E ISt* 344 3212 __ DOUBLE FUTON With cover *nd (t*rrie IxctUifll condition S'00 8B9 9524 or (MBWOO »*t 373 _ . 0*1 A Jump On Graduation Buy A Diploma Now) Out unoHtcta* ifttHTWl t»M-»«tha blank diploma lets you award dayea* to yOttfMH or your fiends On sale »n the EMU lobby, from 11 2 on April 18 19 ft 20 Brought to you by PRSSA U ^&Sl?%AS2m YOU, TOO CAN OWN A RAD FILM T-SHIRT FOR ONLY if SO AvalMto il Cultural Forum Film showing* and tha Cultural Forum Office. Suita 2. EMU WHITE 5 PIECE PATIO SET Very new graft* for both outdoor/indoor *50 Call M7 2259 ___ 126 WHITEWATER RAFTS good condition Sealed bid forms and information available from uO Outdoor Program No bids accepted after 8 30am April 25. 1969 State reserves the right to reject any or ail bids or to sell to other governmental units prior to closing date ot saia Cali 666 4385 tor information ill miML'A THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Salt * Trade Musical Instruments Stereos Tools Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W.5th ill PLYMOUTH VOYAQER CUSTOM VAN 360 V 8 engine power steering brakes automatic, >1000 663 3453_ _ SEKAI 1000 Mi condition $150 Celt 342 3458 please leave message 1968 VW CAMPER Pop top. < 1BK miles on completely rebuilt engine. Sole* car b frank 344 4179 usj c GOVERNMENT SEIZED VfNdM "om 1100 Fords Marrada*. OwUm Chavy* Surplus Buyam OuMjf (1) ao$6« 7sooo irt MW ____ 1662 HONDA Pa»*po*t CtcaHan! condition w>w mba* $500 OBO M3 /0M or4N<6« 1665 M©**da Inta rcaptor VW’ Naw K.«rk*r«. Itf#*, WOCkhardt f#»r»ng N«m*l $3500 0B0 M90N fW* 19MN HONDA E lit* SO Good condition $050 wr haimai Call Sarah 6BM7S4__ 74 OATSUN 2602 Automat* mhabta tMtnolSlHWf. $1409 Shawn 484 0504 fa#*a WH§I' ___ Ti iyzimf osisof iron maga saddlebag* tMifflUt, *1t 13.000 m»i«* $000 74 HONDA C6360C New battery Berk rest Nan# $700 Man# 344 06B6_ 7$ SdJWM a fSo i iSwi BlACti Mao Wheel* Kef*## 4 into 1 Barnett dutch $650 345-9m _ •0 YAMAHA SR 250 G'eatgaJ Around town or short road in# $450 Cali 4644009 74 TOYOTA Cat tea ArrvFm~ casset 1 a sunroof. mags great deal' $1250 Can 464 4000 121 MB 3 10 SPEED BIKES 4-sale cheap OH condition GaH 464-0681 iiiCOMPUTtM-IUCfi«r COMPUTER MACINTOSH K#» Dowdt tO«u 0«**u »up««of to APPlE It* BOM*. M* Mac in ttull » W IIM ISM PC 412K 2 <>«*• IBM |*o ptinltf toll ol tints *1200 OBO Compitit Qutftnittd Paul 343-6511 1SL Kijimiu SONY $TR AV256 RECEIVER 1 V warranty *135 Call 345 9163 *»k for B»M S or »eev* massage 17o RESALE MTMliff NEED CASH? (FAST) Men & Women CASH p*wl tor your unwanted clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 11th 663 6501_ Wonderful dothot low prices An unfair advantage? No. a wtta woman chopping at Bing Cherry Palace 62 W 13 aamniEHn BURTON 16S CRUISE Nice' $150 3456631_ SNOWBOARD Sima Switchblade 1968 excellent cond , 1300 Caf» 666 6064 i960 atomic ARC 635 racing »ki». 305 cm wrmarker bindings $300 OBO 667 0675 iwTIUKi STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL <s our best business Wa can handle ALL ua»ei need* PAY TOP $$$ CASH* for Denied Boarding Compensation BUMPS vogchers coupons FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and more’ 663-6166 __ BEEN BUMPE0? MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers mto cash Cali Dabble ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 464 0600 i AIRLINE TICKETS Cinnab June 16 $75 And Portland to Cincinnati Aug 38 $75 Call 663 8070 aflar 8pm_ EAST COAST or FLORIDA Airline ticket for %M» Good until April 35th Can 465 3596.__.. 1 WAY to 0 CT On 5 19 $300 Sachiko 465 4810 _____ SELL IT FAST WITH AN ODE CLASSIFIED STUDENT TRAVEL EXPERTS LOWEST AIRFARES! Eurailpasses' Wort Abroad Study Overseas ’ Budget Tour$ TEACHER DISCOUNTS CouncMfrwd 800-228-2854 * 228 1900 CAU tOB fR£E CATALOG ?io OPPORTUNITIES ADVERTISING / SALES Gam the bast college experience and financial benefits by setting ad space with »b* most respected national collage magazine Campus Connection wants a local sates rep with the energy ft lime to wore A learn about the *d business on your campus during the next two months We provide training ft support You receive large $ commission & power house re sum® t need a driven ft dependable student Cat! Jay Wtikenson ASAP before Spm EAT (201)866 i97t _ HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME)? Jet thei® from Seattle or SFO for no more then 1269 from Minneapolis tor no more than 1229 or from the East Coast for no more than 1160 with AfRMITCHtr), as reported in Consumer Reports NY Times. Let's Go Newsday. Good Housekeeping. and national network morning shows For details, can 212 8644000 or wrile AIRMITCM 2901 BROADWAY. SUITE 100A NY* NY 10025 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM COORDINATOR The Career Development Internship Program is looking tor a responsible person with excellent organisation, communication and problem solving skills to assist with coordination of otf-campua internship program Post tion provides invaluable experience in administration, program planning and promotion A 1500 stipend per term witl be given to begin September 89 Turn in a resume and a cove letter to 244 Hendricks Men by Friday, Aprit28 ROTARY FOUNDATION SCHOLAR SHIPS All expenses one school year abroad For details call Rotary 485 5883 __ SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM. Tuition waiver plus month fy stipend for qualified persons inter ested In awning a master's degree and special education certification For more details write to Sandt Davis 175 Education. University of Oregon____ The EMU Cultural Forum 19th Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival is nearly here' On the weekend ot May 19th 21st the Eugene and Campus Community will converge upon the EMU east lawn to have the time of their lives' If you are interested <n being a pari of history come sign up for a security, tee shirt sales o' mfor mat ion booth position Murry thee® volunteer positions get filled quickly! For more information call Steve at 686 4373 0» Stop by the Cultural Forum Office Suite 2. EMU ns NelP wanted - 1350/DAY PROCESSING Phone orders People call you No e* penance necessary Call (refundable) 1 407 744 3011 Ext 01759 7 Days mMSEMZHZ AfROBIC INSTRUCTORS RMWOnt *,*>IM»» •Hill Eufl*n* Pk»» *na ««c*»»|ion SuftffW! •Cplttwion t>v April 19 AfTiA.'or' Crrmrriunily C*ntei im Hiiy«rd Su**i Cam Miun io> i ntormfion_ CAMP "COUNSEL ORS UNIT LEADERS. WATERFRONT DIRECTOR nwMKl «! BAAuttlul COASIN Gl« Seoul camp Mult be great hurt %tfeie eanng energetic **nq >ovt the outdoors* fc»9?2S $830 $1000 plus room/boerd for summer *865911 DANCERS WANTED f«* J'QW*$ Tavern OreQCn * nicest ftf*t Class Club M»gh earning* potenttai Full or part time t0 y*«f *s p*u* Call JH* Of Ut* tor personaI MiliNHH* 2*05 W 1 tftl 3446897 EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER $4/h Apply tft person HOuWf Of Ch«n 1881 Franklin B»vd Between S-ipm IF YOU Rf LOOKING.FOR A JOB Don't feed OO * Were iGOk i«Q tot « rare person who can recognize the cypport u ntty tor a head Matt in on# of the most rewardmg professions A college internship with Northwestern Mutual Ufa couid Off tha break you hi be«" hoping for You H b* you# own boss Gat paid tor you# productivity and gam practical business expenenc* Pota« t<ai fulltime caraar altar graduation If you re an achievement oriented sop ho mar* |unio# senior or grad student call Jett Pawlcwski m Portland at (5031223 7335_ JOURNALISTS AND OTHER ASPIRING WRITERS Mona your craft and get clips by Freelancing tor the Oregon Daily Emerald Story assignment# are available now for community entertainment higher ed student activities, politics, sports and othar beats Call Kelvin Wee at 606 5511 or stop by the Emerald at Suite 300 EMU and Chech out the freelance story board Pay is by the column inch The only requirements are that you are a student at the University, enthusiastic and seif motivated The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer Women minorities and people with disabilities are encouraged to inquire NANNY OPPORTUNITIES * San Diego one girt S2S0/week * ’Atlanta (ravel • *l60/week* ‘Las Vegas toddler $250/week* ‘New York Private apt. 1175/week* ‘Virginia infant 1200/week* Many post lions available One year commitment necessary _Cad 1-AOO-937NANL_ NEW OAY A LESBIAN HELPLINE Needs volunteers* Credit available Meet people, have fun A learn 405 7285 PEACE CORPS Volunteers needed to serve for two years overseas All expenses paid, all government loans deferred. $5000 readjustment upon return, foreign language training, technical training provided 2 months paid vacation monthly stipend professional experience incredible opportunity to become bilingual and b»cuttural Interview April 26 & 27 at Career Planning and Placement Services Room 244 Hendricks Hall No bids necessary first come first serve sign up ALL OEGREES A MAJORS NEEDED* 606-3235 for more information All interview require a completed application.__ The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is now accepting applications for 1989-1990 staff positions A minimum of 20-25 hours a week 19 required The positions offer a monthly stipend plus upper division credits ESCAPE is a student run organization that offers practicum upper division credits for doing services in non profit organize tions and public schools The follow mg positions are available Director. Assistant Director, Registration and Campus Awareness Coordinator. Of ftce Manager, Public School Division Heads. Public Schools GTF, Human Service Oivislon Heeds. ESCAPE is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer__ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU SO MR Beuaus TAKES ME AStPE AHD SAVE. *THIS SIT, MIKE. THIS IS THE ACCOUNT THAT BUMPS YOU ONTO THE FAST TRACK1" / ANP ITS A TOBACCO COMPANY, OF All- THINGS! THEY IAJANT mb -roprzH aaAxerms to THB 'esTTRy-IBVBL" SMOKBKI WHAT ABOUT MY 5BNSG Of- SOCIAL RtSPONSI&UTY* MYSeif-R&f’ecr* J J., WOULD YOU POSUCHATWHG* / .j/t . Y&> \ MCHABL.VOWRB TALKING TV SOMEONE UNO JUST FINISHED PAINTING DONALD TRUMPS BATHROOM zyv'Ty'., - . dr FINE USED BOOKS 40-60% Off List • (Quality Non-Fiction • Modern Fiction A Classics • Children's Books & Gilts • Science Fiction A Fantasy Mon^-Thurv Ac Sal. 104, Frv 104 1247 Villard St. 345-0420 Acrou Franklin Blvd from U of O