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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1989)
Letters Worked closely I am writing to (indorse Tim Hughes and Maureen Kirk for the ASUO Executive. I have worked closely with Tim Hughes this year in the I Ft', and he has shown time and time again that he is a dedicat ed, effective advocate of stu dent empowerment. Tim has worked hard this year trying to make the fairest decisions in the IPC process, and his dili gence in seeking student input has kept him faithful to his constituency — the entire stu dent body. Never has Tim buckled under to vote-power ful, special-interest groups' wishes as so often is charged by those who don't know, Tim has treated every group before the IFC not ignoring the “cultural and/or physical de velopment” requirements the IFC and funded groups must follow. Tim has been consistent in his stand that every group funded with student money should benefit students, and whenever possible, be run by students. Tim Hughes has already shown that he is an effective, responsive student leader who serves neither special-interest groups nor the University or EMU Administrations, but rath er the student body, and the student body only. Vote Tim Hughes/Maureen Kirk and SPA on April 19 and 20. Jack Maynard IFC vice-chairman In response In response to Michael Cross (ODE, April 14): I noticed you gave many ex amples of individual choice in individual situations. That is exactly what Roe vs. Wade is all about. 1 support Roe vs. Wade. L. Phillips Graduate Live debate I dm writing tn all students at this university who could not make the live public debate be tween the ASl’O presiden tial view-presidential candi dates last Wednesday evening I was undecided before at tending as an observer There was a clear consensus between the Clark Wyckoff ticket and the kaniewski McRae team that the "activism” and "empower ment" advocated by the politi cal action committee “SPA" (and the Hughes Kirk ticket en dorsed by them), is really a conglomerate of elitist radicals and a few vocal, obnoxious special interest groups that last year about this time, claimed a mandate with less than 20 per cent of the student body caring enough to cast their vote .May In’ many of you were express ing your opinion. However, this time we have two fine independent alterna tives to SPA, and it looks like we have the support for a main stream mandate, but we must fight apathy and get the vote out! Please go to the polling place of your choice during the primary and general elections: April 19 and 20 and 20 and 27 respectively. Of the two mainstream candi dates, I was persuaded most by the inclusion politics of the Kaniewski/McRae team. They impressed me as naturally sin cere people who truly respect the individual integrity of all sectors of the student popula tion enough to include every one's vital input in the prorress. So I am urging thousands of students to spurn SPA and elect Kaniewski/McRae and ev eryone wins. Kelly |on l.andis Candidate, Student Senate No. 9 Allegations In response to allegations of elitism in the SPA. I would like _Letters Policy Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SMOKING CESSATION GROUP ARE YOU READY TO QUIT ? Join the "Fresh Start" smoking cessation group. Meetings will take place in the Medical Library of the Student Health Center ! Mondays 7:00 - 8:00 pm April 17 & 24, May 1 & 8 JUST DO IT !!! For more infotMKton. or to register, please contact the Health Education Center 686 4456 Sponsored by: The Health Education Department of the Student Health Center to ask what is elitist about a group of students who care enough to work together to learn the issues of and lx1 able to represent different student groups If SI’A were elitist and ext luded other students and their corn erns. would the an tin’ SPA slate t>e thus far en dorsed by the CTFF. (JALA. Amazon Community Tenants. Westmoreland Tenants Coun cil. Student Campaign for Dis armament. UO’IIES Sister Uni versify Project and Catalyst Films - as the slate has been? In addition, would Tim Hughes and Maureen kirk, the SPA executive candidates, be thus far endorsed by the Asian Pacific American Student Union. MKChA. Black Student Union. Student Economii As sociation and Prop* t Saferide as they have been7 SPA would like to offer our sincere thanks to these groups who have seen that we are a co hesive but not exclusive group, and it is this cohesion that would make us so offer live in office. Any governing body will get nowhere if the mem bers cannot work together as SPA has proven we can by or ganizing one of the most inclu sive and in depth campaigns This is also an indication of our energy and commitment. A vote for the SPA slate is a vote for a government that will work together instead of against each other, and a vote for a govern ment that will work. Mari Shirazi Student Reckless Consider the following: 1) After nibbing a conve nience store at gunpoint, the perpetrator escapes in a Kurd Falcon -') Flatbed trucks are regular ly used to transport weapons grade radioactive material and nuclear weapons. t| llighly-addictive drugs are frequently moved about in the trunks of late model passenger cars. If you agree that the use of a motorized vehicle in any of the above circumstances is improp er. then you must believe that the use of motorized vehicles should be illegal. At least if you use the same twisted logic I saw printed last Friday (ODE. April 14) in an "argument" against Roe vs. VVado. Sure, there are responsible decisions to use abortion, but does that mean we throw a law at it? Spitting would still fat illegal if we based our criminal code on the most rockless individuals among us Dennis Marks Eugene I I Get a 14” 1 item PLUS ONE 32-oz. PEPSI NAME_ ADDRESS 687-8600 • 1432 Orchard ONE COUPON PER PIZZA • Expires 4/17/89 I I __ Oregon Daily- _ Emerald P O H»t MW. I U(tIH. I ’•'4ft » The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co . at the Uni versity of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon The Emerald operated independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald »s private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager Advertising Coordinator Classified Sales Susan Thelen Jean Ownbey Michele Ross Sandra Daller Colynn McMath Advertising Sales Maureen Bernadelli Ten Boring Matt Collins. Kelly Maloney Scott McAvoy Tracy McCwl lough Amy Mittlestaedt Melissa Nelson. Vicki Reed Elise Sharon. Kathy Smith Scott Thorkildson Accounts Receivable. Circulation. 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Scott Maben Wondy Morris Angie Muniz Janet Schober Ted Sbepler Scott Smith, Jenniler Viale Ingrid While. Kelly Williams. Mark Ylon SALE l very <lis( in the store is on sale!! at our GRAND OPENING This s«ile is too big to miss it?? Over 10.000 titles in stoc k and on sale! Your chance to build up your compact disc library & rum K(« k to I u/r Sow Agr to Country llassual to (tlufs ( vcrvthing is on salt* 2100 W. 11th in KZEL Plaza (across lor Ware-mart foods) ) Mon-Sat 10-8 Sun 12-5 683-6902 ( (AIR 10,1)1)0 COMPA( r DISCS IS STOCK • SHOP AT EUGENE'S BEST CD STORE