VOLVO Owners Spring Maintenance Special Alpine Import / / Servicev^Vp * Offers a FREE Safety Inspection .0 Springfield • 12th & Mam • 726 1808 Call for appointmoni • ALL WORK GUARANTEED C J/u VOLVO, U-O-Bookstore c^aTurPay CElEDr\T|ON5 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE AGES 3 8 • 12 00 IN TMF GENERAL BOOK DEPT APRIL 15 DUCK DAY Drawing a breath So. it isn't the latest spring fashion nr a box with legs. It's University sophomore Shannon Whalen working on her Drawing 291 assignment. Whalen, a leisure studies major, said the outdoor work was helpful in her pursuit of the study of leisure. Photo by James Marks EVEN THE STICK TAKES A LONG TIME TO WAKE. Making (hi’ world's highest grade coffee on I exactly a |ol> for tlirillseckers, il you know what we mean lien ml lee chem has (o he hand pit ked And hand washed And hand dned And hand sorted Anil hand graded Then (he people from Red \X agon buy only (he finesi of your (op-grade lx-ans—so iheir experts ian lake even more sweet lime roasting and blending and whatnot Kind of makes us wonder where the phrase instant coffee ever came from AV</ Ifirgu h Gourmet Coffee Premium rmisled coffees for four generations Chiilt for halj hm t