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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1989)
_WorId View_ International Security alerted STOCKHOLM. Sweden |AP) — Scandinavian airlines were put on a security alert after Arab terrorists threatened to hi jack a jet or attack an airport in the region, an airline official said Wednesday Scandinavian Airlines Sys tem. received the threat Tues day through Swedish security police, said SAS spokeswoman Carina Sandefjord “It's apparently a general threat against planes and air ports in all Scandinavian coun tries." she said. SAS is owned by the govern ments of Sweden. Norway and Denmark, but the threat also could apply to the several do mestic airlines in the region, she said. "The threat was made by an Arab terrorist group.” she said, declining to say which group was involved. Ms. Sandefjord said SAS was not told whether the threat was delivered directly to Swedish police or came from a foreign intelligence service. Three months ago, SAS re ceived bomb threats against planes, subsidiary airlines and hotels that sparked a world wide security alert and delayed schedules for two weeks. Security was stepped up at all Scandinavian international airports after the latest warn ing. Vietnam to withdraw PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) Vietnam said Wednes day it will withdraw from Cam Ixidiu by Sep I 30. nearly IT years after an Invasion that ended the brutal Khmer Rouge regime and started a civil war Vietnam had said previously it would remove its remaining soldiers, estimated at up to 70,000, hv September only if a political settlement was reached but would lx- out by 1990 in any case Wednesday's announcement, issued as a joint statement in i’hnoin i’enh. Hanoi and Vien tiane. capital of laios. did not indicate any conditions were attached. Laos. with its pro-Vietnam esc government, was included because the statement was in tended to show regional unity and solidarity. The statement said an inter national commission including Canada. Poland. Indonesia and India was welcome to supervise the withdrawal, and called for an end to outside military aid. "Vietnam will withdraw from Kampuchea (Cambodia) all of her forces by the end of September 1989." said the statement read to reporters by Hun Sen. premier of the gov ernment Vietnam installed in Phnom Penh after the invasion. Bombs kill 22 BEIRUT, I .('ha non (API Shells blasted street markets and a hospital Wednesday, kill ing at least 22 people in anoth er of the fierce Christian-Mos lent artillery duels that have kept residents in bomb shelters for a month. The Arab League appealed for a cease-fire and the shooting stopped at the appointed hour of midnight, at least temporari ly. although the Christian mili Law School faces threat of state budget crunch Th(> University Law Sc hool dean warned a small group i>1 law students that the school is facing serious cuts in funding Maurice Holland, speaking at an open meeting for stu dents, said the law school faces $11)0.(KM) to SilSD.OOO in pro gram reductions under the proposed education budget Ix-ing i onsidered bv the state Legislature Holland promised not to dismiss any permanent faculty positions if he is required to make budgetary reductions, but did say adjunct professor positions would be eliminated. Moreover, two of the three law clinics offered by the school would be terminated, saving the University $20,00(1 • The people with the decision-making power, some where down the line, have decided not to maintain a law school for much longer in this state." Holland said. Higher education officials have had problems dealing with the Legislature for adequate funds because the new chancellor was forced to take the post while the legislature was in session. Holland said. Holland said the provost's oflice has asked him to make a report next week on where the law school plans to make the cuts. &e<i & fZxexJtfaut Spring Special $10 off one night $30 off two nights Good thru 5/25 "Vtfnih" i» (mated betueen Ncvfwt & Florence near Ptuifu beaut* l >entle pLuc to nrLu after txmntryxule. foreu & tide pool expU/ration \extled tn 'laichtttx j YiUle* of ( uuu Ran^e Siumtex fn*n ( ape Perfxtwi. Vu Lum Cute*. Heteta I Light houxe and entered bridge» Yachats, Oregon 547-3813 ★ DELUXE * FUTONS FRAMES & MORE Handcrafted with a personal touch at home operated prices Futons from 579 00 Three way folding frames from $75 00 PHONE 689-8435 1851 River Rd Free Delivery /Vow also featuring pillow furniture Chairs. Loveseats. The Beanbaq of the Future. THE HEW "COHE CHAIR" tarv commander had not agreed to the truce. However, a Christian radio reported six shells falling in different locations in the Chris tian area in the first hour after midnight, and a pro-Syrian Moslem radio reported one shell hit the Moslem area Police gave the death toll and said 70 people were wounded It was the fifth dav Moslem and Christian residential areas have been bombarded without let up. At least 159 people have been killed and 570 wounded since the battle began March H lietween Cen Michel Aram's Christian army units and .in alliance of Druse militiamen and Syrian troops. Nearly all the casualties have been civilians It is the worst fighting since 1985 in leUi noil's 14 year ..ul i ivil Sheik Sabah Ahmed Sabah. Kuwait's foreign minister and head of an Arab league media lion team, called for the truce after meeting in Uamasi us. Syr ia. with Lebanese Moslem lead ers National Man with AIDS jailed STILLWATER. Minn (AIM Immigration officials refused Wednesday to free from prison .1 Dutch visitor who says in1 Inis AIDS, saving that allowing him to attend a forum on the disease might endanger the health of others. "Parole is an extreme item that would he used only m ex I re me circumstances." said Tom Schiltgen, district director of the Immigration and Natural ization Service, explaining Ins rejei tion of the reipiest from Hans Paul Verhoef However. Schiltgen said a decision is likely Thursday on Yerhoef's request for a waiver from immigration laws denying United States entry to individu als w ith dangerous contagious disease. Schiltgen said that to grant a waiver, the INS must verify that Yerhoef's disease does not pose a health threat and that BEST IMPORT SELECTION Hefe-Weizen 1.55 + Pacifico .95 + Tusker 1.15 + and lots more! MARKtT i/ Df LI 24lh and Agate 345 4431 Help Wanted Looking for •mploymont? Check out the ODE Classifieds. the U S government would not incur expenses for Verhoef’s care Yerhoef wants to attend a conference on AIDS in San Francisco. Verhoef was taken into c usto il\ at Minneapolis St Paul In ternational Airport Sunday In Custom* officials who discov ered the AIDS drug A/.T m Ins Itaggage and then questioned him about the disease Verhoef. .11. of Rotterdam an AIDS pre vention worker in Ins countrv. told immigration officials he has acquired immune deficien cy syndrome and was en route to the AIDS conference. "You can’t get AIDS from seeing me or giving me a hand or something." Verhoef saui "You have to do other things wide h I'm not intending to do. So I don’t think there's any danger of me spreading the dis ease " Ills detention prompted tie mint lalions from AIDS attiv ists Mot immigration otlu ials said they were just following the law THE PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON *♦ lo Zag and Thena! ... Come on in and act uncivilized!" Highest performance in its class. The new Apple* Mai mn «h*SF It has ill the features tlut nuke N j NLk mitr»h and 4 few that nukr it ama/mg T**r instance it uno the- powerful new hND30 mitrnptoi ev*«f 4fkl nutfi v i>pn* exv it nuking it the fastest Mai int< idi ever uuu»ni|u*t design \X ith (Ik- lapulxltfy to Jn a xiim* xlaie J to 8 mcgaf>yics irf RAM, tt«- Mai mtosh SK V) has thr i apai «v to lundle the rigors <*l an honest <la\ 'work You II lusr thr power to work with large sfxradslircis massive ilatafusrs ami ads armed word processing viftwarr Thr Maiintmh SK also comes with the new l 4 megabyte \|>plr H>HI>' disk dmr M ilh this dme and the Apple File fcxclunge v>hw are (im.iudrd with the Mat mtosh system v>fiware i u« un read If uni write to and fomut Mai mtosh Ms l X >s (A J and Prol)OS#ih\ks Ofeoursr you un still read ilata from 4"<'h and HOOK Vbi mtosh disks vi you tan ukc lull advantage of the more than ' '»*> vrftwarr appikatmns avatlaf4e today for Mai mtosh .And fxsausc tl»e Mai mtosh Sh V) is so compact, it s easy to transport and vet up anywhere See how far Mai mtosh has come In witnessing tlie high prrfumum e and power of tlie new Mai mtosh SL fc) (t*mc in today for a demonstration Microcomputer Support Lab Kuuni 202 Computing Center M-F la in-5 pm 6H6-4402