Eugene’s Westside neighborhood cafe, featur ing home baked breads and desserts; Mex ican, vegetarian, and meat entrees. Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Fri., Sat., & Sun. Chicken Fajitas, Guacamole Salad. & Spanish Rice $4.75 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m daily Breakfast til 2 p m _University IFC approves over $1 million during EMU budget hearing By Brian Bloch Emerald Reporter During « meeting that lasted almost three hours, the Inci dental Fee Committee on Wed nesday allocated over $1 itiil _IFC Review lion in funds to five EMU pro grams as part of the building's 1989-90 budget. The committee will hear the remaining EMU budget re quests Wednesday. April 12 After continued debate con cerning line item increases for staff development and student wages, the IKC unanimously -UO-Bookstore Got something to say? Run for a position on the UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Experience can make the difference in getting a job. Here's an opportunity to gain valuable experience to help you succeed in today’s tough job market. Be on the Board of Directors for an established corporation — your own University of Oregon Bookstore. Run for a seat on the UO Board of Directors and be a part of guiding an important campus organization for the future. The Board members attend monthly meetings, and receive a $30.00 stipend per month. These 2-year positions are open for full-time students & faculty: • 1 Freshman Position • 2 Sophomore Positions • 1 Graduate Student Position • 1 Teaching Faculty Position Nominations tor Board Members will be taken at the ANNUAL MEETING, THURS., APR. 6, RM 431 GILBERT. The Agenda will include Board reports and a state of the Book store address by Jim Williams, UO Bookstore General Manager. Refreshments and drawings tor free UO BOOKSTORE Gift Certificates for all who atte Kl For more information please contact Lisa Burkhart or Jim Williams, 686-4331. passed a $515,658 budget re quest by the EMU Administra tion The figure represents a 3 percent increase in funds not mandated by required salary raises. The committee tabled a re quest from EMU program ad ministration after confusion arose around specific budget line item figures. Some IFC members also expressed con cern that members of Club Sports, a group heavily affected by the program administration budget, should la- present at the meeting. "I don't feel in good con scious that we can do this with out Club Sports responding,” said IFC member Scott Shoup. "I think they should have some input on this budget request." "I haven't heard from them on this issue and I'd really like to hear their input,” said com mittee member Chad Bennion. However, IK: member Tim Hughes advocated passing the request (rased on personal feed back he received from Club St«>rts members "They said they wanted a more focused, less spread out staff member down there and this (allocation) would do that.” Hushes said The EMU's $540,003 house budget request, which covers utility, janitorial, lighting set up and other costs, received ap proval from the ASUO execu tive and passed unanimously. The EMU Craft Center re ceived a $14,544 allocation for the 1989-90 academic year. The allocation is a $1,000 increase over the ASUO executive rec ommendation. bringing the program up to its current level of IFC funding In addition. University Child Care and Development unani mously received an $83,745 al location Increases over this year's budget were primarily mandated by staff salary raises The quickest decision of the meeting came as a zero percent increase in the EMU Board's $5,864 budget request passed easily. Student groups endorse EMU, ASUO candidates By Frale de Gu/man Emerald Assoc iate Editor Students for a Progressive Agenda on Tuesday announi ed its endorsements for EMU Hoard seats and the Westmore asuo Electi(,ns 89 land Tenants Council joined three other groups in releasing its recommendations for ASUO president and vice president Of the six candidates running for the three two-year EMU Hoard seats open, SPA voted to endorse Hob Holt, justin Mc Kenna and Mariko Shirazi. "These candidates have had experience in student groups and expressed a commitment to increasing student representa tion in the EMU,” said Doug Pyle, SPA spokesman. Holt's organizational experi ence include being director of Men Against Rape and working as a dormitory resident assis tant. He also worked as a vol unteer with the Rape Crisis Network. McKenna, serves as ASUO state affairs assistant coordina tor and is the Legislative Ac tion Alliance co-coordinator Shirazi is a Survival Center volunteer and was past presi dent of the Campbell Club liv ing cooperative. In addition. SPA endorsed Mary Koroloff for the single EMU Board one-year seat. Korloff's student government experiences include chairing the EMU Board Skylight Food Alternatives subcommittee, member of the Cultural Forum film committee and serving as Telecommunications and Film executive officer. In addition, four organiza tions announced their decision to endorse Tim Hughes and Maureen Kirk for the positions of ASUO president and vice president — they are the West moreland Tenants Council. Amazon Community Tenants, Project Saferide and the Stu dent Economic Association. According to a release from the Westmoreland Tenants Council. “the Hughes/Kirk ticket has the experience, knowledge and commitment to student government needed to deal with the many student is sues to be faced in the coming year." OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko’s Copies • Binding • Laser Design 860 E. 13th 344-7894