CLASSIFIEDS Visa and Mastercard gladly accepted. 686-4343 miwih CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICES. 300 EMU DO BOOK STOWE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PAYMENT All arts muH b# paid fOt m m3*me* u«i*»* a Wiling agraamant r**» fcdon •afafeliStMKi For Wiling ar 'aogamanf*. pi#*»a call (M 4M3 Of slop by tha (itMitiid Class* bad oU»e* 300 EMU RATES Thraa Una minimum charga la S2 TO tot lha Bra! inaarflon and f2 40 lor conaacutfva loaarHon* 90 cantu par Una tat Dm Hr*! day and B0 cant* par tint to* contact* ttv« day* m» ad la run a I moot ettarga 9 POINT «*i ttmnai 12 POINT ($1 wyima) 18 POINT (12 70rtmc) 24 POINT iJSOimat BOX BORDER ft S0IDAY GREEK ART ft MVOAY DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE $6 50/INCH FIRST DAY U 40RNCH CONSECUTIVE DAYS DEADLINES LINE AOS 1 PM INI day bafor* publtcilion DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS t PM two days bafor* public*non ERRORS The Ofagon Daily Emerald cannot bo retponaitH* tor mor* than on* day « tnc0»rac» advertising in*** lion Th* ODE a liability Id* typographic#* error* mcomfct tn»#r non*. or omunons in advertising pub liftthan b# timitad solely lo INI cancellation of th*r g«* concormng that portion ot Spaced redacting Id* Errors not lb* fault ol the *dv*rti**r which lasaan |h« vatu* of lb* adver Hft*m*ni Wilt b* adjusted Error* r* nulling from unclear insertion ordor or handwriting will not b* comprnulrd if your ad appears incorrectly call SM 4343 b*tor* i pm tor correction in tn* n*«t day • issue it it tn« advents #r'» responsibility to Chet* an ad tor error# on the days it m scheduled 10 REFUNDS Will BE LIMITED TO CREDITS ONLY NO CASH REFUNDS Pleas# not* cl*arly *11 instruction* on Th* Oregon Daily Emerald i* published Monday Through FrnJay during the ar ademu: y*ar (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday during lh» uum m*r session (June August t_ SELL IT FAST WITH AN ODE CLASSIFIED 1 RECYCLE THIS ,p PAPER ^ -mm: Thasa ara tha classifications available wtvan placing an ad with tha OOf 100 Lonety Hearts 106 Par sonata 110 Loaf A Found 115 Campus Bulletin Board 120 T ypmg Service* 126 Instruction 130 For Sal# Miac 135 Buy or Trad# 140 W* sc For Bam 145 CararC/ciaVScoolar* ISO Bicycle* 155 Compu t ar*/f tact romc • 160 Sound Systems t65tf»*t*um#ot* 1 TO Reset* Cloth mg 1 25 Books i»5 Ski fquipmeni i<90Outdoor Recreation 195 Travel 200 Wm3*s h R*d#rs 205 Weekend Getaway* 210 Opportunities 215 Help Warded 220 Work Study Portion* 225 Apt* /Duple*®* 230 Quad* 235M©yse* 240 Booms 2*5 Rest t state 250 Moving Salas 255 Oorm Contract ?60 Roommates Warned 205 Cnild Cara 2?G Meeimga 2761 vents 280 Arts A Entertainment 265Food A Donfc 290 Health A Fitness 29?* Massage A Body Work 300 Counsel mg 305-Services liiOMlL FftfEH lh0 Oregon OjWIjt Emerald c-f ten Up* FOUND #ds Un two day* Ptac* in parson at 300 fc WU 122. MALE. 13. V.sual Design student seeks lady friend fo» possible romantic relationship I ask only that you possess a reasonable phy*«<,ai attractiveness and a desirercapacdy to give and receive unconditional love in a committed reial»onah*p Cali 4866136 and lean* a message for B J START SOMETHING NEW Grad student male single .X) s age not current income, would like to meet a nice woman A see it we d i«ke to snare nurturing (don't worry I re calved a nurturing gene by mistake? career interest, creating that which we desire, pleasurable limes A the ability to move positively (non cynically* toward a new parson Please write Photo appreciated POBoi 3866 E ugena OP 97403 105 Ml AIDS CRITICAL ISSUES & HUMAN RIGHTS WORKSHOPS FRIDAY, APRIL 7 7 10 p.m. SATURDAY. APRIL 8 9-4 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 9 12-4 p.m. Cedar Rooms. EMU Academic credit is available Under graduates and graduates may *eg-ste» at McArthur Court tor HEP 408G TIN 64 78 i credit P/NP only E»en Pyan instructor ot record For more information, call Ellen Ryan Student Health Center 666 44S6 or Roger Morns. Office ot Student Devei opmenf. MAOli_ BRIAN CHENOWETH Obwohi me me Oeutach ist mcht so gut iCh wunsche euch Gluck /um Geburtstag* Und v«eien Dank fur 1 erne gemullich Fredag noch ! einmal Happy Birthday' I.J . . EUGENE PREGNANCY MOTUNI vtd*a Ittm confidential t ffltftng *up port and information Call 3450400 336 £ nth Eugene FRED CHRIS A ANDY •* » >*. • a the great llmti in you' houae you guy* are Take cere A com# »i*»t me plea**' ’' Catherine TREE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN 5 SERVICES CALL SANOV Ml 2202 (COLLECT) GREEKS Last <•. hence lo reorder party picture* Irom Winter l#rm Do ft now the negative* wiU be going »o the pchim *©on( WALLY INTERERATERNITV COUNCIL SPONSORS A DEBATE BETWEEN CANDIDATES FOR ASUO PRESIDENT ON APRIL 6th AT 6:00pm AT ALPHA CHI OMEGA INTERNSHIP A KEY TO YOUR CAREER Find oul you' miernihip option* At en orientation today «t 2 00 pm 237 Hendrick* Mali Sponsored by CPPS IS THE THOUGHT of DOING INTERVIEWS GIVING YOU 5WEATYPAL MS1 Dry your bands and attend INTERVIEWING WORKSHOP Today 2 30 4 00 pm Cali Career Planning and Placement at X3?% or coma by Room 12 Mendncks PLANNED PARENTHOOO tor Pap smear». infection check twrth control A counseling Days A evenings 344 9411 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Fraa Pregnancy Tasting BIRTHRIGHT 667 MSI PROBLEMS? Telephone hofltna for U of O students 5pm |o 6am every mghi and a<* day weekends Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER 666 4466 SIGMA NU Roof Testing Tonight 9:00 See TU's. Burning pool tables, stereos, etc. 763 E.11th 687-1345 EVERYONE WELCOME STA, KIM A KRIS i m!•),■» >ou already"* Every time I rui the beech III think of you. but Cali will be nothing without you three'H Good tuck ihi* term and don I forget to roadlrip down lo see me I love you gvys"1 Catherine noL'fisTITSuiir LAROE REWARD 1 spd Cannondaie rnln bike stolen sentimental value no question* asked 464 9719 667 7dC)4 LOST Gold •. in campus area Reward Great sentimental value Leave message at MS i Kg LOST Keys on a Coca Cola Key Ring m Rm 133 G»»be»l Please can 464 5138 rcinmmrTra JUDO UO C*wb Sport* Jvdo Club Pf*ct»t* W**J A fr, ft 7 30 ESI 17 «m Ail w*Kom« AH i«v«l* HL PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE _ 1SS3 OAR ST J44 XMM PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCE SSING f difingAb** $MKIM 3447040 1 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Af*o w©fd pfOCNpng Fr»# p-cHufy{|«i»v*»v Honda 93S '-ft#? LASER WORD PROCESSING IS y»*n» CdiKng IBM G'*d school approves N##» campM* Robin 344©FSf LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 EMU 686 5511 TYPING UNLIMITED sBM Scftoo* Approved Barbara land 465 0690 BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 49? E 13th No 101 WordStylet A Type Scripts Computer word processing Theses/ Dissertations Piper* R#»umti Etc Advise'Edn input Coftvtil and/or Print Out START TO FINISH -Of Any where in between Any combination to fH TOUR nMKJi1 IBM ConpMRfl f Graduate School Approved Cindy 4*4 *>454 _Brandy-444 6044 _ WORD PRCXTEBSINO 343-0069 SyitM/SortMT* Convcrtlana APPLt CP/M IBM MACINTOSH MHULsan. «m» uan nifTiiB 255 But 18th I_ 130 FOR SALE Assorted NMTENOO Gaines Ail Original Packaging and Playbookt Priced from $2S$30 Tony 344 9937 after __ A PACKAGE OEAL A new 12 speed bicycle and I9*nch remote control color television All for $500 If interested please call Canos at 345 7031 after 7pm __ BUY * SELL * TRADE Stereo & PA Equip VCR s TV s STEREO WORKSHOP 1621JE 19th 344 3212 DANCER KAYAK a Hydra Tarut both in good shape tor spring pad dlmg Call Dusty 344 5200 or 465 4 723 PANASONIC COLOR PENWRITER / PRINTER COMPUTER HOOKUP Bar pie & line graphs. $200 Call Kelli 344 1404 SELMER Tanor Saaophona good shape, 1600 782 3236 10 SPEED BICYCLE AND DRESSER For Sale Call 3444733 or 344 3612 :iz t rr couch * chairs p«'«q pong 12$ p*nfr Q«fl t t*M 125 r |40 long attention IjkKMm S30 SX> mite . J.'M'li IBM PC 512k lots of extras $1200 obo/compiete guaranteed Paul 3436511 _ Printer tor sale t year old EPSON LX 86 n3 or letter quality call 669 7875 1MI ■mifflig 100 WATT AM/FM STEREO 5-channel equalizer turn fable. CD player dual cassette deck speakers $275 Also older color TV works great $50 667 6074 m naimm ACOUSTIC GUITAR!!!!! Moms 6 string In excellent condition a i45«< Must set! for $150 OBO Call for details afler 6pm at 344-2509_ Guitar keyboard bass lessons 10am through 9pm Man Frt John Sharkey 344 5530 .isnfciAUeWHK" Spring is a realty me new term has begun visit 8>ng Cherry Palace lor Clothes that are fun 62 W 13th iriiPnwiiHJQi Whitewater Rafting! Tuesday April 11, 7:30pm Outdoor Program room mmni STUDENT TRAVEL EXPERTS LOWEST AIRFARES! Eurailpasses * Work Abroad Study Overseas ’ Budget Tours TEACHER DISCOUNTS Coundlltravd 800*228*2854 • 228*1900 CALL FOR FREE CATALOG •FREE* Europe on a budget workshop presented by Ray A Karen Gilden April 10th A 12th 6 30pm 9 00pm How to register Call Adventure in Travel 741 7412 _Workshop limit to first 26 STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL is our best business We can handle ALL travel needs PAY TOP *** CASHf for Denied Boarding Compensation BUMPS vouchers, coupons. FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and more' 683 8186 BEEN BUMPED0 MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash Call Debbie ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 484 0600 AIRLINE TICKETS FOR SALE Portland Chicago round trip Travel agent cost *328. my price *275 Call 344 9104 Gwen _ GOING TO EAST COAST9 S .«*'.! use my United R T ticket Call 485 35981Debt) MM-liiriHiK NEED RIDER(S) to help w gas to Minneapolis. Mn Leave April 7th-8th Call Richard 344 9041 2io OPPORTUNITIES NEEDED: Poll Workers for ASUO Election April 19,20 and 26.27 Earn *50 a day tor your organization Apply on or before April 10 at ASUO Office Suite 4 EMU 686 3724 EARN MONEY Reading books' *30 OOOfyr income potential Details (1*05 687 6000 E*I Y9642 GOVERNMENT JOBS' N,-a area' *10.213 to *75 473 immediate openings' Call (refundable) t 315 733 6062 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU hows HB j DOING* ueu. HIS WRITS ARB 6000. BUT you MIGHT Be A uTTiB SHOCJCBP BY HIS APPBARANCS MBS PRcTTYEMAOAIBP r OKAY VISITOR, THANKS MR FOR THE IIPPIN (OARN cun' JOMIB! Af/55^ /Vf/SS? / YOU 5TIU- MUi, !MK£ m iOOAVM. SOUOON, 5URt. A KIP1 LOTOUQOO? 1 THATPOeS / f Selected New Guitars '/2 Price Sorry. no tracks accepted on this idler Case must be purchased vs ith guitar at regular price coupon expires .Mas 5. lWU music city t 4'.1 4 ■ • l r ,.-M ®/40S open evenings 'till ft Limited to stock fjH’ulft mint'd for O xears J