TheWjrfdfe Still The Greatest Classroom X^OfAlL Appln almns .HP now brunt ai . < pled (ot tho ( mvrrsity of Pittsburgh sponsored Semester at Sea WMEm Ka< h (all or spnng 11*1 day -!vwy WgJ^M aboard die Xmrfi. -mil S' ' • iverw literally otters you the world You can earn 12 lf> transferable units from your choice ot more than 50 lower and p upper division courses, while calling upon W places as culturally diverse a* Japan. Hong Kong. India. Turkey, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Spain It it a learning adventure designed to ^ transform students of every color, race and P creed into true citurens and sc hotars of For full Information. Inrludin* a ratalo* and application. rail I-HOO 8S4-0195 /I 412 948-7490 In PA. Or writ* Srmr»(rr at Sea. lnatltulc for Shipboard Education. ~'r“ I University of Pitta burgh. 2E Forbes Qiuutnuigle, Pittsburgh. IVnnsylvnnin 15260. 5 Then prr|Mrr for the ', learning adventure a I your hie Semester at Sea Video and Information Meeting Wednesday, April 5th • 3pm Cedar Room F, EMU Sports Karate Continued from Past- 11 tournament in Aloha. On* They ended by ranking among the top in in Nationals in the kata and kiimile divi sions. The competition was held in I-as Vegas. Nev. The season's climax takes place when club members host their annual spring tournament April 2‘t at Gerlinger 250. "karate has taught me self discipline so that I may apply it in daily life." Becones said "1 find thill the c lub helps me dr vtdop my own strength physi cally and mentally. It doesn’t come from any other source hut myself. The club helps every student to realize their poten tial." Club members work out Tuesdays and Thursdays ft-H pm at room B50 of the Cerlinger Annex and Saturdays 10 a. m.-noon at Cerlinger 350. SCIENCE 2 BUILDING CLOSURE • TEMPORARY CLASSROOM CHANGES COURSE ROOM t|M MTM M* PHM3 MUM 103 W« 122 PH 533 WR 122 PH 566 PH 50? PM 507 ROOM Ml CM 533 CM 443 CM 457 CM 412 ch 565 CM 507 Cm 463 CM 46.1 Bl 507 CM 463 Bl 50/ CH 507 PM 507 tin 2011 2107 2*9 1560 2106 1562 2H0 2101 2102 1242 1225 1228 i»4 1244 1238 1Z» 1231 1t»7 1229 1186 1230 2103 TIME 830920 800020 8 30 020 9 30 10 20 0 30 10 50 10 30 H 20 11 00 1220 2 30320 4 00 4 50 6 30 020 9 30 10 50 9 30 10 20 10 30 1120 11 30 1220 11 00 1220 12 30 l 50 12 30 i * 12 30 1 2D 12 30 1 3D 1 30220 3304 20 300420 800 PM days Change M MOVED TO UM MOVED TO F MOVEOTO MWf MOVED TO UH MOVED TO MWF MOVED TO UM MOVED TO U MOVED TO U MOVE D TO MWf MOVED TO UH MOVED TO F MOVED TO MWf MOVED TO MWf MOVED TO UH MOVED TO U MOVED TO W MOVED TO H MOVED TO F MOVEOTO MWF MOVED TO H MOVEOTO F MOVED TO W MOVED TO 209 DEA 105 SC 159 STR 202 VIL 243 GU. 101 Gtl 307 VOL 112 ESI 16 SC 127 CHI 105 SC 125 CHI 105 SC 307 VOL 231 GIL 150 GEO 303 GER 334 SC 333 GIL 246 GER 108 Gil 334 SC 30 SC DROP/ADD ACTIVITY The Biology Department is open tor registration drops/adds in 125 Huestis Hall The Chemistry Department is doing registration drops/adds in the Registrar's Office lobby Office ol the Registrar Wiese picks up second award For the second time this sea son, Oregon softball pitcher Ka tie Wiese picks up the Pac-10 Conference player of the week award The decision was annotim od Tuesday Wiese, a freshman, tossed her third no-hitter of the year, striking out a career high seven batters and upping her record to 22*5 during the second game of a doubleheader Sunday against St Mary’s in California Wiese, who has a .42 KRA. pitched five innings and picked up the win in the opener with St. Mary’s. Three Oregon players now have collected four of the eight Par:-10 player of the week awards handed out this season. Kathy Gray and Danny Sen ner each picked up one and Wiese walked off with two. Save $$$ Clip and use Emerald coupons! i VBatIP10* * The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask (or the Special) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! SC95 (Add! Ingredient .70) FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 ' 1809 Franklin Blvd. Z O ' THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SALUTES THE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE 1989 NATIONAL INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT AT A FREE, ALL-CAMPUS RECEPTION THURSDAY, APRIL 6 4:00-5:30 P.M. AT THE FACULTY CLUB. EVERYONE WELCOME! Looking (or a good deal?? Head the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds.