NATO Continued from Pane 1 _J Peter DeFazio ed States could balance its budget, improve its economy and prevent war. Olum said He added that even if nuclear weapons were abolished by treaty, they would be reintro duced in the event of war "Any war would become a nuclear war." Olum said. Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E 1 5th 300 7890 We've got your tan when you want it1 SunShower on campus III** U0U** V* *«*<» » * WUNDOHANP * GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHOAYS '0VIOEO I GAMES ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION'I 40 5TH STRUT PU11IC RURMT f UGiNi • 611-1464 r i i 4(K off one Gyros or Falafel “ aMUTlJIT 1219 Alder 343 3062 expires 6/6/89 FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS r O S T E R s AND M Q R E LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 EMU 686-4381 Inhnson. a visiting Universi ty professor of s(« iolog\. (.ailed the NATO fortes a “legacy left there |Western Europe) since World War II " He said it is time for the United Stales to ( hange its outdated NATO policy "The situation has been sta ble in Europe." Johnson said "It's a vastly different situa tion If the Western European countries feel that further pro tection is needed, they should provide it themselves. DeEazio said. "They're getting a free ride." he said. Sen Mark Hatfield, respond ing to ,i request to support NATO force reduction, pro pared a written statement that was read by Olum at the press ( oilfereiK e "We i annot afford morally or financially to allow those opportunities to slip through our fingers simply because we are unable or unwilling to look beyond the worn and tired as sumptions of the past." Hat field's statement read r Explosion Continued from Page t I hi' basement but caused no injuries Lights went out. elevators stopped, computers crashed and Ol'S personnel rat ed to various campus buildings, shutting off fire alarms that were tripped in the initial power surge I’ower was still out in S< i eme II Monday evening, prompting students and stall in the building to pai W perish aide experiments in dry M e KIih trit ians wort1 working Monday night tu restore pmv er to ex|>erimerit refrigeiators .imi other vital amis, Vandermyn Mild Firefighters from the Ku gene Police Department were tailed to put out thi' blaze No i arise for the explosion has yet been found "Hash ally it just heated up until it exploded.'’ Ol’S olfi ret loan Saylor said "We don’t know how it happened, to the Ih*st of m\ knowledge All nr know ts .i transformer blow up Restoring full power to Ihi' building will not bo possible until purls are brought in. vvbi< h might not happen "un til late into next week." Sa\ lor s.ud "It s lust ,i matter now of i leaning up and getting ev erything repaired. " she said Bils Continued from Pjge 1 Mils was charged during the l‘iflfi-H7 st luttil year of pas mg <i legal rescan her to write a law st him I term paper for him loiter umler trial for plagia rism. seconddegree trespass ing and tampering with a wit ness in connection with the case. Mils was found guiltv ex t ept for insanity "I'm not harassing am IkhIv." Mils '«ii<l "I’m only rr sponding In i hargns made against me I’eler Swan. University law professor anil legal i ininsi'l to I’rcsulent i’aul Oluin, said I 'm versitv offi< ials were not al lowed to comment on the case or the charges filed against Mils under the student conduct i ode Swan would neither confirm nor dcnv that Hits was being i barged w ith i tmdui t code \ io buttons Koric said ho would oithor fiio anothor motion in the Mar ion County ( iriuit Court or make an appeal to tho Oregon State Supreme Court, but that any appeal would taka' some time to prepare 1 Mom says the house just isn't the same without me, even though its a lot cleaner. 99 lust Ixrause ymu Mum is iaraw.n, ikxsn l mean \» hi i an i Ik- > lose V hi i an still share the love ami laughter on \I'\T Long I )istame Service. It losts less than yihi think to hear that she likes the pear e ami quiet, hut she misses you So go ahead, give your Mom a call Yi hi can clean your i« h mi later Reach out ami touch someone' AT&T The right choice.