_Streetwise_ Do you think the Breitenbush forest should be logged? “No, I don’t think they should cut it down because it’s an old forest that should be preserved. There are a lot of other areas that they can log, but this area should be saved. ” Heidi Wollmuth, freshman, psychology “It’s a matter of economics, versus the wildlife. As Iong as enough studies are done and they can hack up their choice of whether to cut. If there are no other alternatives for the spotted owl I'd save the woods." Greg O'Reilly, junior, history “No. I don't think it should ho cut. IVo’ve boon on this Earth for how long? And look at what we’ve done to it so far. The more we take away and the more restriction wo create the more we destroy. There is no whore to go. noth ing to do. wo’ro just destroying it. ” Shelley Halstad, freshman. English 1 “Old growth timber is very necessary for a balanced eco I system. There has been great news coverage of the whole j thing. I love seeing activists being very upfront by burying themselves in rocks, being on the line for Mother Earth. It I we don 7 have the Earth we are all going to die. Pamela Pegg, senior, general science "Oregon lias lost 90 percent of the ancient forest and that's a tragedy. The remaining 10 percent is being cut which means the extinction of a species and locally and globally the extinction of rain forests. " lack Kapuscinski, graduate student, public policy and management Continued from Page 4 I've seen worse but it's just not up to where it should be for a university program." Davis said. "My overall opinion is that this is an equestrian center that has obviously seen hard times." Pruitt tacitly acknowledges that some things could la* im proved. For instance, a door leading into the closed arena needs a few hinges. Still, she won't give visitors a preten tious white-gloved tour To be sure, she's got a couple of sick and old horses Jiminy |oe, an old horse who has had worm problems, stands feebly in its stall The wooden planks lining the far wall are stained, testifying to the laid case of di arrhea old Joe had earlier this year Pruitt is often asked why she didn't have the animal put to sleep. "I don't work that way." she says "I'd rather try and save a horse than kill it Hut m any large population lie it animal or human, not all are going to tie 100 percent healthy That's Pruitt's atti tude. an attitude which may rut) people the wrong way “Sue runs the barn so it doesn’t look like a Sat red Heart operating room there's ( rap on the floor, said Michael Fills. Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Frl. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 head of the University's physi cal eduction department, in de fending Pruitt. "Sue Pruitt manages her horses like a West erner.” Kllis says the University has looked into the way Pruitt runs the place and is satisfied she is doing an accountable job. "We've got a file on Sue Pru itt about a foot thick, and if you count the number of people who say 'excellent' to 'marvel ous'. them are far more of them than anything else,” Kllis said Pruitt’s son, lamin, shrugs his shoulders, tips the brim of his cowboy hat and spits chew - mg tubmen while philosophiz ing why some have criticized his and his mother's operation "There's as r.ianv different opinions about horses as them are horses.” he drawls ''You'll learn more about people work ing with horses than you can working with people '' FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • S0-I00rr enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 33mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people 44 West 10th • 344 3555 I > ALL PALETTES PAINTS l WIYSOK NEWTON C'OTMAN & (.Rl MBACIIEK ACADEMY WATERCOl.ORS WINSOR NEWTON p. PROFESSIONAL W ATER! (HORS iind OOCACHF. • NEWSPRINT • DRAWING • SKETCH • LAYOUT • TRACE • BRISTOL. DRAWING TABLES SPACESAVKR $75°° rcg $17*7 («> OPAL $85°° rc(! M‘Nim -Oregon fyt SuPP'y 683-2787 • 77b East 13th Ave. Eugene Upstairs in the Smith Family Bookstore Building 8:30-7:00 Monday-Friday • 10:00-5:30 Saturday 12:00-5:30 Sunday SALt LIMITID TO STtX K ON HAMD'SALt I NDS APRIl 10