CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. mumii m DANCERS WANTED Eaty c«th, claw to cam pm TheJubdee 375 E 7»h 4447111 EARN UPPER DIVISION CREDITS ESCAPE the classroom by working tn community services or public school* It interested in working with toddlers etdedy handicapped Of (uventie* wi detention ate than our Human Sarvica Division it tor you it you are interested tn being a teacher s attisi m foreign language art tpaciai •ducat<on. musical education science etc . man our Public School Division it for you it doesn t matter what your major it Register at ou' lobby tables in the EMU. or call ua at SM 4351 COORDINATOR POSITIONS Are you interested m gaining baiter communication organisational and management skills'* ESCAPE is looking for coordinator* to facilitate ou' weakly seminar groups Earn upper division credits for attending a weekend training and working t£H2 hrs a week The position is hard work but very rewarding Please stop by our lobby table in the EMU or call us at 6RM3S1__ FACULTY ONLY: House/Pet Sitter May June Rent tree but sitter will pay utilities, home ts on one acre In country. 20 min from campus must love to care for pets and be willing to spend most evenings and weekends with them References required Please call 68B 957? ^1?pm Getting ready to start your career as an RN or LPN? If so join our team The team that treated 49.3*8 emergencies (more than any other hospital tn Oregon) and admitted 18,637 patients in 1988 We re Salem Hospital a 454 bed regional medical center serving 250.000 people We have RN and LPN positions open in medical/surglcal. maternal/child and critical care fields We also offer a criflcal care internship program for new graduates Applications are now being accepted for orientations beginning in June. July and September Starting hourly rate ts S12 14 Shift differentials of five percent are paid for aflernoon and weekend shifts and $2 more per hour is paid tor night shift For more information and an application, call the Salem Hospital Employment Office (collect calls are accepted) at 370-5227 SatemOHospit01 Employment Office 665 Winter St SE Salem OR 97309 3705227 IMMEDIATE APT MANAGER POSI TION tor 28 unit complex next to U of O Experience not required handyman skills desirable Send resume to P OBo* 10861, Eugene OR 97401 INSTRUCTOR * RESIDENT COUNSELOR positions for summer still available DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 7. 1989 Applications at Upward Bound. 1859 E 15th Call 686 3501 Affirmative Action EO Employer_ OFFICE JOBS Wo'h Mudy ■ M assistants needed Apply immediately to the University News Bureau 219 Johnson Hall 686 3134 Part time, customer service . personable w/cash register experience for record store Send resume to Box 3766 Eugene, OR 97401_ PART TIME WORK AVAILABLE to conduct computer assisted telephone interviews with handicapped adolescents and their parents Ten to twenty hours per week between April 15 and June 30 Hours are mostly between 4 00pm and 9 00pm on Sun day through Friday Salary is $7 50 per hour Work-study students and other students preferred For more inform* tton, call Sandt Davis at 686 3585 PART TIME EVENING WORK AVAIL. In corporate office of nationwide tax planning firm Training provided 14 25 per hour plus bonus Call 484 5017 Ext 27 after 12 noon ATTENTION HIRING! Government jobs your area $17.840 169 485 Call t 602-638-8885 EXT R12164 uisbnma Th* OREGON DAILY EMERALO •» accepting application* tor a COMMUNITY REPORTER Jot description and application forms are available at tha Emerald Oft*ca Suit# 300 EMU Application deadlm# it 5pm. April 4 The EirttraW i* an aqua* opportunity #m pioyer Woman minority A disabled students *r* encouraged to apply Th# OREGON Daily EMERALD faking applications tor a jam tonal position ma potion requites t hour »n morning and 1 hour m evening 5 days par ***** with iom* weafcend cleaning Th# position pays !3SOmr Musi be reliable Application* may 6a picked up at tha ODE business office Suit* 300 EMU Building from 8am to *pm and must 6a returned by 5pm Monday April 3 '969 Th# DOC it an Equal Opportunity Employer Woman A Minorities ara encouraged to apply Th# WOMEN 5 STUDIES PROGRAM at lh# University of Oregon is seeking candidates >nt#r#st#d in teaching th# following summer workshops arm courses Official application forms and complete instructions may ba obtained by writing o# catling the Womans Studies Office U of O Eugene OR 97403, <*031686 SW9 Completed applications must ba filed at the Woman s Studies Office 636 PtC by 4 00pm on Friday April 7 WST 408 Women of Color July 21 22 An elimination of the live# of women of color Will cover economic, political, religious and domestic roles, the effects of oppression, and instances of resistance Salary 8600 WST 408 lesbianism Past end Present July 28 29 An examination of the history of lesbianism in the Wastern world and an analysis of con temporary issues and current feminist theories on lesbianism Salary 8600 WST 410 Contemporary issues in Women's lives June 1 ^August It An examination of changing issues in womens lives work reproduction new families, sexuality aging, race, class. creative expression. the women's movement and the new right Salary $1000 WST 410 Women Writers Workshop June 19-July 14 For women writers at all levels both poets and prose writers, this workshop is designed to increase their discipline, scope, and clarity through short assignments and discussion Salary 81200 The University of Oregon is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer_ _ S3S0/Day Processing Phone orders People call you No e* penence necessary Call (refundable) 1-518 459 8697 Ext K1759 7 Days 220 WORK ST UiYireffil'lK CLERICAL ASSISTANT Typing '«• quired computer experience helpful 84.50-85 per hour Vicki 686 4941 NEED TWO WORK STUDY STUDENTS IMMEDIATELY Answer telephones xeroxing, run errands mailing $4 25/hr Contact Gail Office of Student Development 364 Oregon Hal! 686 3216 __ PART TIME WORK STUDY CLERK needed Clerical experience neces sary. $4 75 per hour approx 20 hrs per week, flexible schedule 886 3189 TEACHER AFTER SCHOOL Re tional Sports, work study 85 8'0/hr Call 345 9076_ WANTED. *..•? t1 psi- h >■ ogy graduate student Hours flexible Call John at X4954 WORK STUDY POSITION < office worker in Recreation and Intramurals See Laurel «n 103 Geriinger or call X4113 WORK STUDY POSITION in Esslmger , Weight Room Fill out application at 103 Geriinger or call X4113 Ml: 225. CEDARW000 QUADS 441 E.17th Ave Contemporary furnished quads unit in wen kept complex Just 4 blocks to U Of O On site laundry, off street park ing, 8206 Call 4654319__ UtC'IUlOt 2 B04IM dahlia UN. MOO NpMi 2 BOBM MU MOO dapdilt 3 BOOM MOO. tWO deposit 2 (Mock* to campM CM JowMii— A C* 1MM8S6 2 bedroom fumtftbod o« Street park ing 2 Wka from compos no pet* i#*** through Aug MAO 750 £ t5th 4 B60 <290 404 9922 AC BOSS rBOM CAMPUS Parkmg laundry fumishe<irunfu»n«ahed balcony Catt 34S9833 o»o ALDERWOOD MANOR accepting application* for two bdrm and three bdrm apt Just »v> Work* to campus Furnished on **t# laundry covered cff ttrtit parting $495 1850 344-5688 ._..... CAMPUS FUPNlSMfO targe oddftwo bedrooms S325/M60. no pelf 4852823 CLEAN A QUIET APT COMPLEX v ;<• dean 2 bdrm apt w< appliances A disposal now available wt or wool furniture close to U O* O $410 Now taking reservations tor *umm»( Sgmm*f Rifl $275 344 1589 CLUB MILL 2 bedroom apt >255 Mitt 5 blocs* to U of O and downtown Furnished, dish washer disposal fridge and »ang® Patio, covered parking laundry in ,t. tias and fra# ceWe T V Heated pool in wall tit area w/on site manager S*0 application taa. rant S48S deposit $325 taa $78 Avariable April t KEYSTONE BEAL ESTATE KEN 34$ 4322 FURNISHED SMALL t DORM N». Munic Bldg tlX> r.l»(#fK*» Call «*l»f 3p**i Ridgewood Apt MB 5T69 MILL RACE APT 1805 Garden Ave Nice *1/0 loro bdrm Hat *n excellent qu»el cempu* location Appliance onute laundry off street parting pal to on tha Miii Race* $450 $496 Can 342 7000 | New lor Pali 89 Occupancy Student Living Facility We are a private company offering student living units including meal service local ad at the SW comer of E t8ih and Aider Each room ha* it* own bathroom and balcony Some room* nave spiral stair* to loft* and vaulted ceiling* w*th skylight* The nicest available in student Rata* including meals are CUSTOM STUDIO (Single Only) $1850 Fall Term $1B60Wmter Term $1500 Spring Term STUOlOPLEX S.ngi*> $2350 f all Term, 12350-Winter Term H900 Spring T erm STUOlOPLEX (Double) $1600 Fan Term. $l600Winter Term $!200 Spring Term Add $22 monthly for parking mstde the budding I Preference wilt be given to early I applicants Applications at site or call t 8004500885 9 to 5 weekdays RESERVE YOUR ROOM NOW! NICE CLOSE STUDIO ' appliances private driveway 3 block* $220 mo 343 M57_ OPENING FOR 1 0ORM FURNISHEO APT neat to campus cleat' quiet tree parking Visit 800 E t8th No 13 between 56pm _ POOL QUIET SUNNY UNITS east of campus Laundry & parking One bdrm $300 2 bdrm $400 Mgr Mark 486 8983 1PM Co 48S 83S3 QUAD $169 STUDIO $215 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED $305 _Call 343 4109__ QUIET* 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Near campus? Laundry Carport private patio Lease $4lO,$4J9 No pet*» 3428658/ 344 7434_ 1923 GARDEN AVE Very large units designed to accommodate one to three roommate* Furnished dishwash*» onsite laundry, oft street parking Excellent campus location $425 nfWfH .~ GOVERNMENT HOMES I1 00 (U «# pMU '«• «rtin<ju#n! property No-* tolling thi» »**•« C*N (tafundaMai t 40? 744 3220 E«t K ITS# ypr »RH»M GOVERNMENT HOMES' *« > ■.» r pa»r> Fof*fJOiuf** Ui <NM*n<ju*nf propirty Now *M»«ng th*» *r«4' Colt iratu'XiaWat t At#4S#3S46 EXT HUSO ♦or NON SMOKER TO SHARI MOUSE with 3 men I pkx:* to cam pu» fireplace laundry dtfthwathOf ttSCVmo . utilities >nc> 344 420fl «*mm:'zzzz ''ATTENTION GOVERNMENT HOMES from It (u report Delinquent fa« prop •fty R«pt>«*e*»iOn» C«ll t 602 trn turn E*T CiM 121^4 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Please CAti 606 1260 A»fc Ry JuWA Female dorm contract tor sale CM! iodi 344 1604 0 INN OORM CONT FOR SAU (V-poet) sprihfl Tprm ArrytMIAAOTO U Ol O Housing Contract Mutt sell iM or F) Contact ♦#*«* u tm i»2 Call AM or leave message mMEEMMEZ HOUSt.MATE WANTED HHI m«mn h utrtmet, ckP— lo campus 344 3410 NON SMOKING Eco conscious «*ww wonted to shore large houw 1t24vtr>o ' ufHHt— 3447431 STUDENT TO SHAKE QVeaT'Wse University St large room deck. wid 1200 344.3863 Iin«J: BE A BOSTON NANNIE Bostons ItMHnti Nannie placement Agency invite* you to spend « che* longing rewording and profitable yeor With carefully Screened professional families Complete support network awAft* your atmvaI Round trip «r beautiful New England neighborhood* And QOOd benefit* WE CAKE* CM AMERICAN AU PAIR t 600-262 8771 .. -UO-Bookstore Experience can make the difterence Get Some April 6 Eapartanca car maka me dtflafvnca j | m getting a |Ob Mere » an j opportunity to gam valuobi* ! experience to Nftp you succeed »n l tod*y '» tough jot) market Be on the I j Board ot Oirwctors of An established ■ j corporAtion your own University of Oregon Bookstore j Run tor a seat on the UO Bookstore j Board ot Directors and be a part at I guiding an important campus | i organisation tor fh* future Board i members attend monthly meetings | and receive a 130 stipend per munth | These 2 year position* are open tor {fulltime students faculty and staff ! *t Freshman Position ’2 Sophomore Position* * 1 Graduate Student Position 41 Teaching Faculty Position Nominations lor Board members will be taken at the ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, April 6 3:30 pm Rm 341 Gilbert Hall i The AnnuAi Meeting :»g«ndd will | ] include reports from Board Officer* j and a State or The Bookstore I | address by the Bookstore General j Manager For more information about the UO Bookstore Board of Directors or the j Annual Meeting please contact Jim j -- ClMb Sport* CYCLING CLUB MEETING Tues 4-4 9:00pm Cedar F EMU IMPORTANT Need to attend For season info BE HEARD with the help of on Oregon Dotty ImerMd PERSONAL mm..1 — CALLING ALL SINGLE PARENT STUDENT WOMEN The YWCA of UO Reentry Program *t beginning *ith you »n mind Como lo the Opon House and hoot about It Monday. April 10 H002 00 at iho YWCA 841 E t»h For moro information call 686 4439 Don’t Miss The Run, Rally, Rock Against Racism Day on Sat., April 8th i Register tot th« run today in front of the Bookstore, or come to th# SAA j | .tosh in Suite t EMU Feet are S9 mu 1 4 shirt $5 * out Join Students Against Apartheid for this day of solidarity INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL ‘89 Monday Europe Day Tuesday Americas Day Wednesday Middle East/Afnca Day Thursday Asia Day Friday World Forum Saturday Run Rally Rock Sunday INTERNATIONAL NIGHT Tickets lor International Night are available al the EMU Main Desk International Week CHRLA and LASC present CUBA The Uncompromising Revolution A 1988 Film by Saul Landau Wed. Apr 5 7:30pm 150 GEO $1 Student/S2 G.A. Enmfiiaiatma EMU Cultural Forum proaanU HUNTER DAVIS Tues., April 4th, 8pm Gertlnger Lounge TickoU EMU Mam Daafc. Belize*. Muilc and Mothar KaU • Bootetota ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-2450 EcmcouMT tnoara tKi i%> u u- ** i> vj V '.L ft aj* ' " ^ Women on theVorge of] a N©rvoti» Breakdown a* apartea am eiubeae*|CJ nMaiaoara rrw »>m*?oo aoo 'l na Rowland# atara In Woody Allan a] [ANOTHER WOMAN i mrivAv 0* AUMManou A Isasoasasn 16anar on fay acnaan <#% a/ nauiaeara raunwoioo I 'HE FLYU. „ nMAiaoarv rvuTMinio JAMI» *000» MOM AT OOWWIV JA [TRUE BELIEVER , TMf KA«r 4C.MWMU NQTfl. Lovtitfintuihi Co«cuucncr*tt>Wlo*. TEO DANSON ISABELLA ROSSELINI Funny wonderfully romantic come dy (hat anil leave you laughing ell way Ikioh* Show* Fri Set MS A » JO Sunday 4 30 A 7 00 Mon thru Thu»» 7 30 only Student* w>1 D S I 7ft Sun Bargain M.n nm; A Mon Bargain All seal* All ages S3 00 TRIVIA TONIGHT AT /^NOLD§ 100 COUNSELING Under 2t year* old-* GAY LESBIAN or think you might be? Call GAIA at 6116 3360 about a Gay A Lesbian Personal Growth Group -U<xte* 21 year* old? GAY LESBIAN or think you mighl be Call OAt A a» 6B6 3360 about a Ga» and lesbian Personal Growth Group 305 SERVICES " Beaultfully Sculptured Nail* by Shauna I tMjrgias* Nail* Only Ju*l S?H until Mother * Day Please call for an appointment 6A9 29 77 JIM S ELECTRONICS STEREO. VCH A TV REPAIR 1457 W 6th J43 76B3 Open Saturday FINE USED B(X)KS 40-60% Off List • Quality Non Fiction • Modern Fiction A Classics • Children s Books A Cults • Science Fiction A Fantasy Mon/-Thun At Sm 104, Frt 104 1247 Villard Si. 345-0420 Acrou Franklin Blwd. from U of O WE WANT TO BE YOUR VITAMIN STORE Campon QUALITY & RESULTS (.ri ii I .if 111 \ U »mm> ‘fi |1 Wi '.I IJn».i«1vk iv On lIn I >*»wiiinvkii M.ill ir> •>/**» BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed /( ) v mo asm IPAmtiW( w mv xjfTxt'O* / ?&tfv*yr *a .#(* / JL,' ^ W Ltifk '{- “ >f j* I tuny * wmfy i jvr of prrrfu aw>.m * wry \ The hant* O (MKKlfi 4P&XVHX5 w ^ N x ) .1 , ( *■*>' r n ) \ >T OKHY neytt * mi mine ns • pm ■ m& k * com S , < IM A-<£ertt )MVteV \C/Ps/