Presentation explores federal judge appointing process By Christopher Blair Emerald Reporter One of the more controversial aspects of today's legal system is nominating, confirming and appointing judges to federal courts. "Politics in this Courts” is the title of a presentation to night at 7:30 in School Room 129 Four members of the legal and judiciary commu nity will be on hand to examine I SECOND NATURE BICYCLES SHOP EXPANSION SALE Everything reduced up to 75% ONE WEEK ONLY! the role played by such groups as the U S Senate and the American Bar Association (ABA) in deciding who will sit on the federal bench Whenever an individual is nominated as a federal judge (on the U S. Supreme Court. Court of Appeals. District Courts and several other federal courts) the ABA goes to the area where the nominee works, said Ken Lobenstein. a second year law student and a coordi nator of the presentation ABA members interview at torneys and judges about the nominee's legal performance, in addition to reviewing the nominee's records. Hasted on this information, the ABA sub mits its evaluation to the U S Senate, which ultimately de OPENING DAY Hlh <• (Jtik mill 5 /3\ 175) fp) [7. InJLf Lf\M ; SHINE f RAIN Oi SATl'1" IT *\.w (lUlll RKET tides whether the nominee will 1m; appointed Morris Arnold will moderate the panel discussion Me is a U.S District lodge for Western Arkansas, whose input will be welcome because he has expe rienced the nominating and confirmation process. Lobenstein said Panel member l.ino Graglia is the Maker Professor of Constitu tional law at the University of Texas Law School and has served as a member of the U S. Civil Rights Commission and the Advisory Board of the Fed eralist Society The Federalist Society is a group that lobenstein said believes in in terpreting the Constitution the wav the founding fathers in tended. and that input from groups such as the AMA should 1h; irrelevant when picking fed eral judges. | David Andrews is another panel participant. Me Is a part ner in the Seattle law firm ol Perkins Cole and a member of the ABA Standing Committee on the Federal iudiciary. the group that conducts the sur veys in the nominee's area Professor lames O'Fallon of the University Law School will discuss the controversy over the Senate's refusal to confirm Supreme Court nominee Robert Bock. "My view is that the Senate did not act improperly." O'Fallon said. “Some of the criticism has been that the Sen ate should only lie concerned with whether the nominee is a drunk or a philanderer, and that it is up to the president to decide the political philosophy of the nominee." After the discussion, the pan el will field questions from the audience, and a reception will follow. Activist to lecture twice \ women's rights activist will let tun: twice at the I 'm versify on Monrt.n about pressing concerns for women ad nnmstrators fa< ttil\ and students Bernice Sandler, executive director of the Project on the Status and Kduration of Women ol the Association of Ameri can Colleges since its founding in 1071 will discuss "Forms of Disi nmmntion Against Women fatuity and Administra tors' at noon in the Cedar Rooms of the FMC. In addition. Sandler will discuss "Date Rape and Peer Harassment" at .1:10 p.m in the Gerlinger lounge. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1.50 OFF any Large or Giant Pizza vain! for delivery • Offer expires (> 0 HO nol valid with any other offer one coupon per pizza 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 FREE DELIVERY (llmttrd area) r ALL PALETTES N I %\\v * miryio W'INSOK NEWTON COTMAN a, orcmbacher ac ademy WATERCOEORS W1NSOR NEWTON PROFESSIONAL WATERCOEORS ami CiOl ACHE W INSOR NEWTON ACRYLICS • NhwSrKIN I • DRAWING • SKETCH DRAWING TABLES 683-2787 • 776 East 13th Ave. Eugene Upttairi in the Smith family Bookstore Building 8:30-7:00 Munday-Friday • 10:00-5:30 Saturday 12:00-5:30 Sunday SAlI LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND*SAl£ fNDS APRIl 10