Continued from Pjge 1 Peer mentors will partir ipate in sessions, helping to develop themselves more and to meet returning students' needs They will also do one-on-one work with a new returning stu dent to get acquainted, answer questions and show her around. The YWCA is encouraging further development of the re entry program into different branches and specific areas that women students mav need "We want to keep building and building so eventually there will Ire a core of those women who are experts on where to go." Lewis said. For example. 1 .owis met a graduate student who pav ing $4011.1 month for .i baby sit ter until the student discoverer! .i less expensive child i are pro gram at the University. The YWCA program is designed to let women know about options at the University before a lot of money and time is spent. Lewis said. The largest problem iaiwis said she sees with the program is locating the returning wom en students and getting them to partic ipate "The\ don't have to come to all the sessions It's a dual thing They can come and get information for them solves or they t an come, got in formation and pass it on to a group of peers." she said. Kven if the open house has a low turn out. Lewis said the program sessions will still take place. Ians is said the YWCA pro gram is not in competition with any other programs, but is an extension of mon* opportuni ties for women Currently. lame Community College has a l)ix placed Homemaker and Return ing Student Program and some University women's organiza tions have support groups for women students that may help with re-entry. ASUO Constitution Court meets tonight MEETINGS ASIJO Constitution (flurt meets tonight >it r> in the EMU Walnut Room to approve the _Et als_ wording of ballot measures for the spring student government elections. Students interested in pro testing at the Nevada nuclear test site with the Desert Ducks Affinity Group must attend a meeting today at 3:30 in tin* KMU Forum Room MISCKU.ANKOUS International Coffee Hour lic gins today at 4 p m in the KMU International Umnge Coffee is free Bela Theta Pi: Ski trip will be canceled if it rains today. Deadline for submitting El als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite lt)0. is noon the dav before publication Et als are UP TO *20000 OFF BRAND NEW, OLD MODEL BIKES 88 Bridgestone MB4 & MBS.*80®® OFF 87 Muddy Fox Trailblazer.$100 OFF 86 Miyata Ridge Runner.*200 OFF Lots & lots of items 1A to Vi off Minoura Mag Turbo trainers Rhode Gear Computers Scott Mathauser Super Brakes All 36 Hole Tubular Rims Assorted Clothing & Helmets Paul's Bike Shop • 2480 Alder THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L "Yes, yes ... now don't fuss ... I have something for you all." run the il.iv of the event unless the event occurs before noon Events with a donation or ad mission charge will not he con sidennl h’vents ixxuring near est the publication date and campus events will la' given priority The Emerald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style £i|0£^|QJ‘|§ Continued from Page 1_ the students." Ochs said Instead of complaining about campus problems, students can run for office and make a difference. Ochs said "It'd he nice for more people to run." he said. "People aren't aware of the degree to which they can influence by holding a position in student government." Students for a Progressive Agenda member Doug Pyle said that SPA is also encouraging people to run for office. "Traditionally, not enough people file," he said. "They don't realize how many seats are open." r 1 Nadine Hayes Lyle Parker AUTO BODY & FRAME Repamng and Painting QUALITY SERVICE Within Waling distance ol Uof O 411 E. 8th Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 342-5501 How to get tough college with money to spare: 1. Buy a Macintosh. J 2. Adda peripheral. 3. Get a nice, fat check. W ihrmiRh Mant M. when you hu\ selected MacintosIfSE or Macintosh II computers. you'll get a rebate lor up to hall the suited retail price of the Apple* penplierals vou aikl on - so you II save up to SHOO Ask lor details today wliere computers are sold on campus A Apple Pays Half Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Hours M F Ham Spm, 686 4402 C iffdr <. mf*drr /*i i<*»u&tr iV»b u <#w ** Vf* J,ui itUk "»■* •*" *\****t yvdrmjrto -4iff* (cmfnt/r lm Uftmi *a#*ttatu appf\ AU *6*km aJtfnl k> m/u'UA'u ,yAr vr«" rt»w ■'<•< irw* I’mirtima *tak4tkf*jm war i>AfT:a< wrihr (&r timl aim b\ km